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Gildas de Ruis


Saint et historien anglais des Ve et VIe siècles.

Versions médiévales de sa vie


  1. De excidio et conquestu Britanniae

    Titre:De excidio Britanniae (éd. Stevenson)
    Incipit:In hoc libro quicquid deflendo potius quam declamando, vili licet stylo, tamen benigno, fuero prosecutus, ne quis me, affectu cunctos spernentis omnibusve melioris, quippe qui commune bonorum dispendium malorumque cumulum lacrimosis querelis defleam, sed condolentis patriae incommoditatibus miseriisque eius, ac remediis condelectantis, edicturum putet…
    Explicit:… et municipes faciat, subacto communi hoste, civitatis Hierusalem coelestis, hoc est, sanctorum omnium congregationis, Pater, et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus, cui sit honor, et gloria in secula seculorum. Amen. Explicit liber s. Gildae abbatis et historiographi Anglorum, et cetera.
    Voir aussi: 
    1. Cambridge, University Library, Dd.1.17 (B)
    2. Cambridge, University Library, Ff.1.27 (A)
    Éditions anciennes
    1. Opus novum. Gildas Britannus monachus, cui Sapientis cognomentum est inditum, de calamitate, excidio, et conquestu Britanniae, quam Angliam nunc vocant, auctor vetustus a multis diu desideratus, et nuper in gratiam D. Cuthberti Tonstalli, Londinensis episcopi, formulis excusus, éd. Polydorus Vergilius, London, 1525.
    2. Gildae, cui cognomentum est Sapientis, de excidio et conquestu Britanniae et flebili castigatione, in reges, principes et sacerdotes Epistola, vetustissimorum exemplariorum auxilio non solum a mendis plurimis vindicata, sed etiam accessione eorum, quae in prima editione a Polydoro Vergilio resecta erant, multipliciter aucta, éd. John Josseline, London, Daius, 1568.
    3. Historiae Britannicae, Saxonicae, Anglo-Danicae, scriptores XV. ex vetustis codd. mss. editi opera Thomae Gale Th. Pr. Praefatio ostendit ordinem. Accessit rerum et verborum index locupletissimus
      Oxoniae, e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1691
      ARLIMA: EA3816
      Exemplaires en ligne: [GB] [IA]
    4. Bertram, København, 1757.
    Éditions modernes
    • Gildas, De excidio Britanniae. Ad fidem codicum manuscriptorum recensuit Josephus Stevenson, London, English Historical Society, 1838, xliii + 122 p. [GB] [IA]
      • Vaduz, Kraus Reprint, 1964
    • Nennius und Gildas. Herausgegeben von San-Marte (A. Schulz), Berlin, Röse, 1844, xxiii + 176 p. [GB] [IA]
      Reprise et traduction de l'éd. Stevenson.
    • Monumenta Historica Britannica or Materials for the History of Britain, from the Earliest Period to the End of the Reign of King Henry VII. Volume I. (Extending to the Norman Conquest.) Prepared and illustrated with notes by the late Henry Petrie, assisted by the Rev. John Sharpe, [éd. Thomas Duffus Hardy], [s. l.], Published by command of Her Majesty, 1848, [ix] + 147 + clxxiii + 1035 p. + xxvii pl. (ici p. 1-46) [GB] [IA]
    • Chronica minora saec. IV. V. VI. VII, éd. Theodorus Mommsen. Vol. III: Gildae Sapientis de excidio et conquesta Britanniae. Historia Brittonum cum additamentis Nennii. Bedae chronica maiora ad a. 725, ad a. 703. Laterculi consullum urbis Romae. Laterculi imperatorum Romanorum. Laterculus regum Vandalorum et Alanorum. Laterculus regum Visigothorum. Ed. nova lucis ope expressa, Berlin, Weidmann (Monumenta Germaniae historica. Auctores antiquissimi, 13), 1961, viii + 728 p.
    • Gildae De excidio Britanniae, fragmenta, Liber de paenitentia, accedit et Lorica Gildae. = Gildas: The Ruin of Britain, Fragments from Lost Letters, The Penitential, Together With the Lorica of Gildas. Edited by Hugh Williams, London, Nutt (Cymmrodorion Record Series, 3), 1899, viii + 420 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Gildas, The Ruin of Britain, and Other Works, Edited and Translated by Michael Winterbottom, London, Phillimore, 1978, [vi] + 162 p.
    Traductions modernes
    • en anglais:
      • The Works of Gildas and Nennius. Translated from the Latin, and with the former translations carefully compared and corrected by J. A. Giles, London, James Bohn (The Monkish Historians), 1841, viii + 103, xlii + 43 p. [GB]
      • Six Old English Chronicles, of Which Two Are Now First Translated from the Monkish Latin Originals. Ethelwerd’s Chronicle. Asser’s Life of Alfred. Geoffrey of Monmouth’s British History. Gildas. Nennius. And Richard of Cirencester. Edited, with illustrative notes, by J. A. Giles, London, Bell and Sons, 1900, xx + 512 p. [IA]
        Éditions antérieures:
        • Six Old English Chronicles, of Which Two Are Now First Translated from the Monkish Latin Originals. Ethelwerd’s Chronicle. Asser’s Life of Alfred. Geoffrey of Monmouth’s British History. Gildas. Nennius. And Richard of Cirencester. Edited, with illustrative notes, by J. A. Giles, London, Bohn, 1848, xx + 512 p. [GB] [IA]
        • Six Old English Chronicles, of Which Two Are Now First Translated from the Monkish Latin Originals. Ethelwerd’s Chronicle. Asser’s Life of Alfred. Geoffrey of Monmouth’s British History. Gildas. Nennius. And Richard of Cirencester. Edited, with illustrative notes, by J. A. Giles, London, Bell and Daldy, 1872, xx + 512 p. [IA]
        • Six Old English Chronicles, of Which Two Are Now First Translated from the Monkish Latin Originals. Ethelwerd’s Chronicle. Asser’s Life of Alfred. Geoffrey of Monmouth’s British History. Gildas. Nennius. And Richard of Cirencester. Edited, with illustrative notes, by J. A. Giles, London, Bell and Sons, 1891, xx + 512 p. [IA]
        • Six Old English Chronicles, of Which Two Are Now First Translated from the Monkish Latin Originals. Ethelwerd’s Chronicle. Asser’s Life of Alfred. Geoffrey of Monmouth’s British History. Gildas. Nennius. And Richard of Cirencester. Edited, with illustrative notes, by J. A. Giles, London, Bell and Sons, 1896, xx + 512 p. [IA]
      • Old English Chronicles, Including Ethelwerd’s Chronicle. Asser’s Life of Alfred. Geoffrey of Monmouth’s British History. Gildas. Nennius. Together With the Spurious Chronicle of Richard of Cirencester. Edited, With Illustrative Notes, by J. A. Giles, London, Bell and Sons, 1906 [IA]
        Édition antérieure:
        • Old English Chronicles, Including Ethelwerd’s Chronicle. Asser’s Life of Alfred. Geoffrey of Monmouth’s British History. Gildas. Nennius. Together With the Spurious Chronicle of Richard of Cirencester. Edited, With Illustrative Notes, by J. A. Giles [IA]
      • Winterbottom 1978 (voir sous Éditions modernes)
    • en français:
      • Saint Gildas, De excidio Britanniae = Décadence de la Bretagne, trad. par Christiane M. J. Kerboul-Vilhon; notes par Christian Y. M. Kerboul, Sautron, Éditions du Pontig, 1996, 181 p.
    • Burkitt, F. C., « The Bible of Gildas », Revue bénédictine, 46, 1934, p. 206-215.
    • Chambers, E. K., Arthur of Britain, London, Sidgwick and Jackson, 1927, [v] + 299 p. [IA]
      • Chambers, E. K., Arthur of Britain, Cambridge, Speculum Historiale; New York, Barnes and Noble, 1964, [v] + 299 p. [IA]
    • Field, P. J. C., « Gildas and the City of the Legions », The Heroic Age, 1, 1999.
    • Fletcher, Robert Huntington, The Arthurian Material in the Chronicles Especially Those of Great Britain and France, Boston, Ginn; Cambridge, Harvard University (Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature, 10), 1906, ix + 313 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Fonssagrives, J., Saint Gildas de Ruis et la société bretonne au VIe siècle (493-570), Paris, Poussielgue, 1908, [viii] + 420 p. [GB] [IA]
    • George, Karen, Gildas's "De excidio Britonum" and the Early British Church, Woodbridge, Boydell Press (Studies in Celtic History, 26), 2009, 199 p.
    • Gildow, Jason R., Origin and Adaptation of the Medieval Theban Narrative from Gildas to Shakespeare, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, 2004, 153 p. [PQ]
    • Giles, J. A., History of the Ancient Britons, from the Earliest Period to the Invasion of the Saxons. Compiled from the Original Authorities, London, Bell, 1847, [iii] + viii + 416 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Gransden, Antonia, Historical Writing in England, London, Routledge et Kegan Paul, 2 t., 1974-1982.
    • Haigh, Daniel H., The Conquest of Britain by the Saxons; A Harmony of the "Historia Britonum," the Writings of Gildas, the "Brut," and the Saxon Chronicle, With Reference to the Events of the Fifth and Sixth Centuries, London, John Russell Smith, 1861, xvi + 367 p. [IA]
    • Higham, Nick, The English Conquest: Gildas and Britain in the Fifth Century, Manchester et New York, Manchester University Press, 1994, viii + 220 p.
    • Howe, Nicholas, « Anglo-Saxon England and the postcolonial void », Postcolonial Approaches to the European Middle Ages: Translating Cultures, éd. Ananya Jahanara Kabir et Deanne Williams, Cambridge et London, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 54), 2005, p. 25-47.
    • Kerlouégan, François, Les destinées de la culture latine dans la Bretagne du VIe siècle. Recherches sur le "De excidio Britanniae" de Gildas, thèse de doctorat, Université de Paris IV, 1976, xxxi + 538, 714 p.
    • Kerlouégan, François, Le "De excidio Britanniae" de Gildas: les destinées de la culture latine dans l'île de Bretagne au VIe siècle, Paris, Publications de la Sorbonne (Histoire ancienne et médiévale), 1987, lxviii + 603 + 225 p.
    • Ladd, Marcus, « Recovering the historical Arthur », Conversation/Conversion, The Comparative Humanities Review, 1, 2007, p. 13-32. [www]
    • Lapidge, Michael, et David Dumville, éd., Gildas: New Approaches, Woodbridge, Boydell (Studies in Celtic History, 5), 1984, xi + 244 p.
    • Lloyd, James Edward, A History of Wales from the Earliest Times to the Edwardian Conquest, London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1911, 2 t., xxiv + 356, vii + 357-816 p. [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
    • Lloyd, James Edward, A History of Wales from the Earliest Times to the Edwardian Conquest. Second Edition, London, Longmans, Green and Co., 1912, 2 t., xxiv + 356, vii + 357-816 p. [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
    • O'Sullivan, Thomas D., The "De excidio" of Gildas: Its Authenticity and Date, Leiden, Brill (Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, 7), 1978, 200 p.
    • Sobecki, Sebastian I., The Sea and Medieval English Literature, Cambridge, Brewer (Studies in Medieval Romance), 2008, xii + 205 p.
    • Stevens, C. E., « Gildas and the Civitates of Britain », English Historical Review, 52, 1937, p. 193-203.
    • Wright, Neil, « Geoffrey of Monmouth and Gildas », Arthurian Literature, 2, 1982, p. 1-33.
    • Wright, Neil, History and Literature in Late Antiquity and the Early Medieval West: Studies in Intertextuality, Aldershot, Variorum (Collected Studies Series, 495), 1995, xiv + 301 p.
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Dernière mise à jour: 31 mars 2023

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