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The tale of John the Reeve


Titre:The tale of John the Reeve
Date:Fin du XIVe siècle
Forme:911 vers
Incipit:God! through thy might and thy mercy,
all that loueth game and glee,
their soules to heauen bringe.
Best is mirth of all solace…
Explicit:   … to heauen their soules bring
that haue heard this litle story,
that liued sometimes in the south-west countrye
   in long Edwards dayes our King.
  1. London, British Library, Additional, 27879, p. 357-368 [⇛ Description]
Éditions anciennes
Éditions modernes
  • Bishop Percy's Folio Manuscript. Ballades and Romances. Edited by John W. Hales and Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Trübner and Co., 1867-1868, 3 t. (ici t. 2, p. 550-594) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 2:2, t. 3] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
  • Select Remains of the Ancient Popular and Romance Poetry of Scotland, collected and edited by David Laing. Re-edited, with memorial-introduction and additions by John Small, Edinburgh et London, Blackwood, 1885, xxxviii + 411 p. (ici p. 41-79) [GB] [IA]
    Édition antérieure:
    • Select Remains of the Ancient Popular Poetry of Scotland, [éd. David Laing], Edinburgh, Balfour and Clarke, 1822. [GB] [IA]
  • Early Popular Poetry of Scotland and the Northern Border, edited by David Laing LL. D. in 1822 and 1826, re-arranged and revised with additions and a glossary by W. Carew Hazlitt, London, Reeves and Turner (Library of Old Authors), 1895, 2 t. (ici t. 1, p. 250-283) [GB: t. 1, t. 2] [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
  • Ten Fifteenth-Century Comic Poems, éd. Melissa M. Furrow, New York, Garland, 1985, p. 177-234.
  • Ten Bourdes, edited by Melissa M. Furrow, Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications (Middle English Texts), 2013, vii + 275 p. [lib.rochester.edu]
Traductions modernes
Répertoires bibliographiques
Permalien: https://arlima.net/no/8234

Voir aussi:
> Wikidata: Q120500635
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Cette notice est mise à disposition en vertu d'un contrat Creative Commons.
Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 11 décembre 2019

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