Littérature norroise du Moyen Âge
Répertoires bibliographiques courants
Répertoires bibliographiques thématiques
- Kalinke, Marianne E., et P. M. Mitchell, Bibliography of Old Norse-Icelandic Romances, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1985.
- Stories for All Time: The Icelandic Fornaldarsögur, éd. Matthew J. Driscoll et Silvia Hufnagel, University of Copenhagen. [www]
- Akujärvi, Johanna, et Lars Boje Mortensen, Oldtidens og middelalderens litteratur – i skandinaviske oversættelser, Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab. [www]
- The Skaldic Project: An international project to edit the corpus of medieval Norse-Icelandic skaldic poetry
- Sæmundur Bjarnason et al., Netútgáfan, Snerpa.is, depuis 1998. [www]
- Sveinbjörn Þórðarson, The Icelandic Saga Database, depuis 2007. [www]
- Heimskringla. [www]
Recueils et anthologies
Recueils et anthologies en traduction
- en allemand:
- Nordische Heldensagen. Aus dem Altisländischen übersetzt und bearbeitet von Carl Küchler, Bremen, Verlag und Druck von M. Heinsius Nachfolger, 1892, [iii] + 264 p. [GB] [IA]
- Vier Skaldengeschichten. Übertragen von Felix Niedner, Jena, Diederichs (Thule, 9), 1914, [iv] + 266 p. [HT] [IA]
Édition antérieure:- Vier Skaldengeschichten. Übertragen von Felix Niedner, Jena, Diederichs (Thule, 9), 1914, [iv] + 266 p. [HT] [IA]
Réimpression:- Düsseldorf, Diederichs, 1964
- Isländische Heldenromane, übertragen von Paul Herrmann. Neuausgabe mit Nachwort von S. Gutenbrunner, Düsseldorf, Diederichs, 1966, 319 p.
- Skalden Sagas, aus dem Altisländischen übertragen, eingeleitet und erläutert von Franz Seewald, Frankfurt am Main, Insel Verlag (Insel Taschenbuch, 576), 1981, 249 p.
- Asmundarsaga kappabana: die Saga von Ásmund, die Geschichte von Brandkrossi, die Geschichte von Þorleif dem Jarlskalden, die Geschichte von Auðun, Leverkusen, Norden, 1988, 128 p.
- Isländersagas, herausgegeben von Klaus Böldl et al., Frankfurt am Main, Fischer, 2011, 5 t.
- en anglais:
- Summer travelling in Iceland; being the narrative of two journeys across the island by unfrequented routes. With a historical introduction, and some hints as to the expenses and necessary preparations for a tour in Iceland, by John Coles. With a chapter on Askja, by E. Delmar Morgan. Containing also a literal translation of three sagas, London, Murray, 1882, [11] + x + 270 p. + [10] f. de pl. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
- Three Northern Love Stories and Other Tales. Translated from the Icelandic by Eiríkr Magnússon and William Morris. New edition, London, New York et Bombay, Longmans, Green and Co., 1901, xi + 278 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
Édition antérieure:- Three Northern Love Stories, and Other Tales. Translated from the Icelandic by Eiríkr Magnússon and William Morris, London, Ellis and White, 1875, xi + 256 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
- The Volsunga Saga translated from the Icelandic by Eiríkr Magnússon and William M. Morris with introduction by H. Halliday Sparling, supplemented with legends of the Wagner trilogy by Jessie L. Weston, and Old Norse sagas kindred to the Volsung and Niblung Tale, London, Norrœna Society (Norrœna: Anglo-Saxon Classics), 1907, vi + 340 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
Édition antérieure:- The Volsunga Saga translated from the Icelandic by Eiríkr Magnússon and William M. Morris with introduction by H. Halliday Sparling, supplemented with legends of the Wagner trilogy by Jessie L. Weston, and Old Norse sagas kindred to the Volsung and Niblung Tale. Viking edition, London, Norrœna Society (Norrœna: The History and Romance of Northern Europe), 1906, vi + 340 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
- The Northmen Talk: A Choice of Tales from Iceland, translated and with introd. by Jacqueline Simpson, London, Phoenix House; Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1965, 290 p.
- Gautrek's Saga and Other Medieval Tales, translated with an introduction by Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards, New York, New York University Press; London, University of London Press, 1968, 156 p. [IA]
- Hrafnkel's Saga and Other Icelandic Stories, translated with an introduction by Hermann Pálsson, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books (The Penguin Books), 1971, 137 p. [IA]
- Forty Old Icelandic Tales, translated with an introduction by W. Bryant Bachman, Lanham, New York et London, University press of America, 1992, xxi + 301 p.
- Six Old Icelandic Sagas, translated with an introduction by W. Bryant Bachman and Guðmundur Erlingsson, with a foreword by Jams E. Anderson, Lanham, University Press of America, 1993, xxv + 107 p.
- The Complete Sagas of Icelanders Including 49 Tales, éd. Viðar Hreinsson, Reykjavík, Leifur Eiríksson Publishing, 1997.
- Eirik the Red and other Icelandic Sagas, translated with an introduction by Gwyn Jones, London, New York et Toronto, Oxford University Press (Oxford World's Classics, 562), 1999, xviii + 318 p. [IA]
Éditions antérieures:- Eirik the Red and other Icelandic Sagas, selected and translated with an introduction by Gwyn Jones, London, New York et Toronto, Oxford University Press (The World's Classics, 562), 1961, xix + 318 p. [IA]
- Eirik the Red and other Icelandic Sagas, translated with an introduction by Gwyn Jones, Oxford, New York, Toronto et Melbourne, Oxford University Press (The World's Classics, 562), 1980, xviii + 318 p. [IA]
- Three Icelandic Outlaw Sagas. The Saga of Gisli, translated by George Johnston; The Saga of Grettir; The Saga of Hord, translated by Anthony Faulkes; edited and introduced by Anthony Faulkes, London, Dent (The Everyman Library), 2001, xlv + 401 p. [IA]
- The Sagas of Icelanders: a Selection. Preface by Jane Smiley. Introduction by Robert Kellogg, New York, Penguin, 2001, 782 p.
- Icelandic Histories and Romances, translated and introduced by Ralph O'Connor, Stroud, Tempus, 2002, 192 p.
- Sagas of Warrior-Poets with an introduction and notes by Diana Whaley, London, Penguin (Penguin Classics), 2002, 345 p.
- Sagas of Giants and Heroes, translated by Ben Waggoner, New Haven, Troth, 2010, 258 p. ISBN: 9780578059334
- Six Sagas of Adventure, translated by Ben Waggoner, New Haven, Troth Publications, 2014, xxx + 323 p.
- en danois:
- Nordiske kæmpe-historier efter islandske haandskrifter fordanskede ved Carl Christian Rafn, Kjöbenhavn, Paa forfatterens forlag, 1821-1824, 3 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
- en espagnol:
- Saga de Sturlaug el laborioso; Saga de Ragnar calzas peludas; Relato de los hijos de Ragnar; el trasfondo histórico de la Saga de Ragnar y de la Saga de Sturlaug, edición y traducción de Santiago Ibañez Lluch, Madrid, Miraguano Editiones (Libros de los malos tiempos), 2014, xxxi + 270 p.
- en français:
- Les sagas miniatures (þættir), trad. fr. Régis Boyer, Paris, Les Belles Lettres (Vérité des mythes, 19), 1999, 448 p.
- en norvégien:
- Islandske småsoger. Þættir. Omsette av Johan Hovstad, Oslo, Det norske samlaget (Norrøne bokverk, 34), 1939, 155 p.
- Utvalgte þættir fra Morkinskinna, utgitt av Tor Ulset, Oslo, Dreyer (Nordisk filologi), 1978, xi + 86 p.
- Snegle-Halle og andre småsoger. Omsett av Sveinbjørn Aursland, Oslo, Samlaget (Norrøne bokverk, 34), 1980.
- Islendingesagaene. Samtlige sagaer og førtini tætter. Redaksjon Jon Gunnar Jørgensen og Jon Ragnar Hagland, Reykjavík, Saga forlag, 2014, 5 t. [baekur.is] ISBN: 9789935919861, 9789935919878, 9789935919885, 9789935919892, 9789935919908, 9789935919915
- en roumain:
- Trei saga islandeze, traduse din limba islandeza de Valeriu Munteanu, București, Eminescu, 1980, 214 p.
- en suédois:
- Skandinaviska fornålderns hjeltesagor; till läsning för Sveriges ungdom, efter isländska handskrifter utgifne med historiska upplysningar af Joh. G. Liljegren, Stockholm, Haeggström, 1818-1819, 2 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2] [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
- Fornnordiska sagor i svensk bearbetning af A. U. Bååth, Stockholm, Lamms förlag, 1886, 196 p. [GB] [IA]
- Edda Sämund den vises. Skaldeverk af fornnordiska myt- och hjältesånger om de götiska eller germaniska folkens gamla gudatro, sagominnen och vandringar. Öfversättning från isländskan af Fredrik Sander, Stockholm, Norstedt, 1893, [vi] + 472 p. [GB] [IA]
- Isländska sagor, översatta från fornisländskan och utgivna av Hjalmar Alving, Stockholm, Bonnier, 1935-1945, 5 t.
- De isländska sagorna i tolkning, med skaldevers och kommentar av Åke Ohlmarks, Stockholm, Steinsvik, 1962-1964, 5 t.
- Gunnlaug Ormstungas saga och andra isländska kortsagor, [översättning av Hjalmar Alving], Stockholm, Aldus/Bonnier (Delfinserien, 224), 1966, 173 p.
Histoires de la littérature
- Einarsson, Stefan, A History of Icelandic Literature, New York, The Johns Hopkins Press for the American-Scandinavian Foundation, 1957.
- Fernández Álvarez, M. P., Antiguo islandés, historia y lengua, Madrid, Ediciones clásicas, 1999.
- Finnur Jónsson, Den islandske litteraturs historie tilligemed den oldnorske, København, Gad, 1907, [vii] + 453 p. [GB] [IA]
- Finnur Jónsson, Den oldnorske og oldislandske litteraturs historie. Anden udgave, København, Gads forlag, 1920-1924, 3 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
Édition antérieure:- Finnur Jónsson, Den oldnorske og oldislandske litteraturs historie, København, Gad, 1894-1902, 4 t. en 3 vol. [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [IA: t. 1, t. 2:1, t. 2:2, t. 3]
- Schlauch, Margaret, Romance in Iceland, London, Allen and Unwin, 1934.
- Vries, Jan de, Altnordische Literaturgeschichte, Berlin, de Gruyter, 1964-1967.
- Abram, Christopher, Evergreen Ash: Ecology and Catastrophe in Old Norse Myth and Literature, Charlottesville et London, University of Virginia Press, 2019, xi + 240 p. ISBN: 9780813942278
Compte rendu: Adam Oberlin, dans The Medieval Review, 21.10.26, 2021. [www]
- Almazan, Vincent, « Translations at the Castilian and Norwegian courts in the thirteenth century: parallels and patterns », Scandinavian Studies, 12, 1988, p. 213-232.
- Almqvist, Bo, Norrön Niddiktning, Uppsala, Almqvist and Wiksell, 1967, 2 t.
- Ampère, Jean-Jacques, Littérature, voyages et poésies. Nouvelle édition, Paris, Didier, 1858, 2 t. (ici t. 1) [GB: t. 1, t. 2] [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
Éditions antérieures:- Ampère, Jean-Jacques, Littérature, voyages et poésies, Paris, Didier, 1850, 2 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2] [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
- Ampère, Jean-Jacques, Littérature, voyages et poésies. Nouvelle édition, Paris, Didier, 1853, 2 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2] [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
- Andersen, Kasper H., Jeppe Büchert Netterstrøm, Lisbeth M. Imer, Bjøorn Poulsen et Rikke Steenholt Olesen, éd., Urban Literacy in the Nordic Middle Ages, Turnhout, Brepols (Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, 53), 2021, xiv + 465 p. ISBN: 9782503596747
Compte rendu: Stefka G. Eriksen, dans The Medieval Review, 23.05.15, 2023. [www]
- Anderson, Sarah M., et Karen Swenson, éd., Cold Counsel: Women in Old Norse Literature and Mythology: A Collection of Essays, New York, Routledge, 2002, 304 p.
- Andersson, Theodore M., The Problem of Icelandic Saga Origins: a Historical Survey, New Haven et London, Yale University Press (Yale Germanic Studies, 1), 1964, vi + 190 p.
- Andersson, Theodore M., The Icelandic Family Saga: an Analytic Reading, Cambridge, Harvard University Press (Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature, 28), 1967, x + 315 p.
- Andersson, Theodore M., The Growth of the Medieval Icelandic Sagas (1180-1280), Ithaca et London, Cornell University Press, 2006, x + 237 p. ISBN: 9780801444081, 9780801477829
- Antonsson, Haki, Damnation and Salvation in Old Norse Literature, Cambridge, Brewer (Studies in Old Norse Literature, [3]), 2018, xiii + 257 p. ISBN: 9781843845072
Compte rendu: Ásdís Egilsdóttir, dans The Medieval Review, 19.04.05, 2019. [www]
- Ármann Jakobsson, « The life and death of the medieval Icelandic short story », Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 112, 2013, p. 257-291.
- Ármann Jakobsson et Miriam Mayburd, éd., Paranormal Encounters in Iceland 1150-1400, Boston et Berlin, de Gruyter; Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications (The Northern Medieval World), 2020, vii + 438 p. ISBN: 9781580443296
Compte rendu: Craig R. Davis, dans The Medieval Review, 21.09.18, 2021. [www]
- Arthur, Susanne, « The importance of marital and maternal ties in the distribution of Icelandic manuscripts from the Middle Ages to the seventeenth century », Gripla, 23, 2012, p. 201-233.
- Ásdís R. Magnúsdóttir et Hélène Tétrel, « Introduction. La matière arthurienne en Scandinavie médiévale », La matière arthurienne tardive en Europe, 1270-1530 = Late Arthurian Tradition in Europe, éd. Christine Ferlampin-Acher, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2020, p. 727-732.
- Aðalheiður Guðmundsdóttir, « Arthurian legend in rímur and ballads », La matière arthurienne tardive en Europe, 1270-1530 = Late Arthurian Tradition in Europe, éd. Christine Ferlampin-Acher, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2020, p. 763-772.
- Bååth, A. U., Studier öfver kompositionen i några isländska ättsagor, Lund, Berling, 1885, [vi] + 160 p. [GB] [IA]
- Barnes, Geraldine, « The Riddarasögur: a medieval exercise in translation », Saga Book, 19, 1974-1977, p. 403-441.
- Barnes, Geraldine, « The Riddarasögur and medieval European literature », Mediaeval Scandinavia, 8, 1975, p. 140-158.
- Barnes, Geraldine, « Arthurian chivalry in Old Norse », Arthurian Literature VII, éd. Richard Barber, Cambridge, Brewer, 1987, p. 50-102.
- Barnes, Geraldine, « Some current issues in riddarasögur research », Arkiv för nordisk filologi, 104, 1989, p. 73-88.
- Barnes, Geraldine, « The Lion–Legend in Old Norse romance », Die Romane von dem Ritter mit dem Löwen, éd. Xenja von Ertzdorff, Amsterdam et Atlanta, Rodopi, 1994.
- Barnes, Geraldine, « Romance in Iceland », Old Icelandic Literature and Society, éd. Margaret Clunies Ross, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000, p. 266-286.
- Barnes, Geraldine, « Travel and translatio studii in the Icelandic riddarasögur », Übersetzen im skandinavischen Mittelalter, éd. Vera Johanterwage et Stephanie Würth, Wien, Fassbaender (Studia medievalia septentrionalia, 14), 2007, p. 123-139.
- Barnes, Geraldine, « Scandinavian versions of Arthurian romance », A Companion to Arthurian literature, éd. Helen Fulton, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell (Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, 58), 2009, p. 189-201.
- Beck, Heinrich, et Else Ebel, Studien zur Isländersaga: Festschrift für Rolf Heller, Berlin et New York, de Gruyter (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der germanischen Altertumskunde, 24), 2000, 327 p.
- Bergdís Þrastardóttir, The Medieval Matter: Þættir in the Medieval Manuscripts Morkinskinna and Flateyjarbók, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Aarhus, 2014.
- Birkett, Thomas, Reading the Runes in Old English and Old Norse Poetry, London et New York, Routledge, 2017, viii + 214 p. ISBN: 9781472446268
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- Bjarnason, L. L., « Character delineation of women in the Old Icelandic sagas », Scandinavian Studies, 28, 1956, p. 142-153.
- Boberg, Inger M., Motif-Index of Early Icelandic Literature, København, Munksgaard (Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana, 27), 1966.
- Bouman, A. C., Patterns in Old English and Old Icelandic Literature, Leiden, Universitaire Pers Leiden (Leidse germanistische en anglistische reeks van de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, 1), 1962, 159 p.
- Boyer, Régis, « Fate as a "Deus otiosus" in the Íslendingasögur: a romantic view? », Sagnaskemmtun. Studies in Honour of Hermann Pálsson, Wien, Köln et Graz, 1984, p. 61-77.
- Boyer, Régis, éd., Les sagas de chevaliers (riddarasögur). Actes de la Ve Conférence internationale sur les sagas (Toulon, juillet 1982), Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne (Civilisations, 10), 1985.
- Boyer, Régis, « Du "kolbítr" au héros: enfances romanesques dans les sagas islandaises », PRIS-MA, 12, n° 23, 1996, p. 1-16.
- Brandsma, Frank, « Where are the emotions in Scandinavian Arthuriana? Or: How cool is Arthur of the North? », Scandinavian Studies, 87:1, 2015, p. 95-106.
- Brink, Stefan, et Lisa Collinson, éd., Theorizing Old Norse Myth, Turnhout, Brepols (Acta Scandinavica, 7), 2017, viii + 264 p. ISBN: 9782503553030
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- Budal, Ingvil Brügger, « A wave of reading women: the purpose and function of the translated French courtly literature in thirteenth-century Norway », Riddarasǫgur: The Translation of European Court Culture in Medieval Scandinavia, éd. Karl G. Johansson et Else Mundal, Oslo, Novus forlag, 2014, p. 129-154.
- Byock, Jesse, « Saga form, oral prehistory, and the Icelandic social context », New Literary History, 16, 1984, p. 153-173.
- Byock, Jesse, Feud in the Icelandic Saga, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1993.
- Caprini, Rita, et Caterina Saracco, « Donne e violenza nella letteratura islandese antica », Dira mulier. La violenza delle donne nelle letterature del Medioevo, éd. Francesco Mosetti Casaretto, Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso (Ricerche intermedievali), 2022, p. 219-239.
- Chestnutt, Michael, « An unsolved problem in Old Norse-Icelandic literary history », Mediaeval Scandinavia, 1, 1968, p. 122-134.
- Chesnutt, Michael, « On the structure, format, and preservation of Möðruvallabók », Gripla, 21, 2010, p. 147-167.
- Clark, David, et Carl Phelpstead, éd., Old Norse Made New: Essays on the Post-Medieval Reception of Old Norse Literature and Culture, London, Viking Society for Northern Research, University College London, 2007, vii + 151 p.
- Clover, Carol J., The Medieval Saga, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1982, 219 p. [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
- Clover, Carol, « The long prose form », Arkiv för nordisk filologi, 101, 1986, p. 10–39.
- Clover, Carol J., et John Lindow, éd., Old Norse-Icelandic Literature: A Critical Guide, Ithaca, Cornell University Press (Islandica, 45), 1985, 387 p. [IA]
Réimpression:- Clover, Carol J., et John Lindow, éd., Old Norse-Icelandic Literature: A Critical Guide, Toronto, University of Toronto Press (Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching, 42), 2005, xiii + 387 p.
- Cormack, Margaret J., « Saints and sinners: reflections on death in some Icelandic sagas », Gripla, 8, 1993, p. 187-218.
- Damsholt, Nanna, « The role of Icelandic women in the saga and in the production of homespun cloth », Scandinavian Journal of History, 9, 1984, p. 75-90.
- Davidson, H. R. Ellis, The Road to Hel: A Study in the Conception of the Dead in Old Norse Literature, New York, Greenwood Press, 1968.
- De Vries, Jan, Altnordische Literaturgeschichte, Berlin, de Gruyter (Grundriss der germanischen Philologie, 15-16), 1941-1942, 2 t.; 2. Auflage, 1964-1967; mit einem Vorwort von Stefanie Würth, 1999, xlv + 577 p.
- Drachmann, A. G., De navngivne Svaerd i Saga, Sagn og Folkevise, København, Gad (Studier fra sprog- og oldtidsforskning, 264), 1967, 75 p.
- Drechsler, Stefan, Illuminated Manuscript Production in Medieval Iceland: Literary and Artistic Activities of the Monastery at Helgafell in the Fourteenth Century, Turnhout, Brepols (Manuscripta Publications in Manuscript Research), 2021, 275 p. ISBN: 9782503589022
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- Driscoll, Matthew J., « Postcards from the edge: an overview of marginalia in Icelandic manuscripts », Reading Notes. Variants, 2-3, 2004, p. 21–36.
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- Driscoll, Matthew, Silvia Hufnagel, Philip Lavender et Becke Stedmann, éd., The Legendary Legacy: Transmission and Reception of the Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda, København, University Press of Southern Denmark, 2018.
- Dronke, Ursula, The Poetic Edda: The Heroic Poems, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1969.
- Dronke, Ursula, « Eddic poetry as a source for the history of Germanic religion », Germanische Religionsgeschichte: Quellen und Quellenprobleme, éd. Heinrich Beck et al., Berlin, de Gruyter, 1992, p. 656-684.
- Ebel, Uwe, Beiträge zur nordischen Philologie, Frankfurt am Main, Haag und Herchen, 1982.
- Egeler, Mattias, Islands in the West: Classical Myth and the Medieval Norse and Irish Geographical Imagination, Turnhout, Brepols (Medieval Voyaging, 4), 2017, xii + 355 p. ISBN: 9782503569383
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- Einar Ól. Sveinsson, « The value of the Icelandic sagas », Saga-Book of the Viking Society, 15, 1957-1961, p. 9.
- Etchingham, Colmán, Jón Viðar Sigurðsson, Máire Ní Mhaonaigh et Elizabeth Ashman Rowe, éd., Norse-Gaelic Contacts in a Viking World, Turnhout, Brepols (Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, 29), 2019, xii + 435 p. ISBN: 9782503579023
Compte rendu: Larissa Tracy, dans The Medieval Review, 20.09.07, 2020. [www]
- Eriksen, Stefka Georgieva, et Karl G. Johansson, « Francia et Germania – translations and the Europeanisation of Old Norse narratives », Francia et Germania, éd. Karl G. Johansson And Rune Flaten, Oslo, Novus Forlag, 2012, p. 9-52.
- Eriksen, Stefka Georgieva, et Síf Ríkharðsdóttir, « État présent: Arthurian literature in the North », Journal of the International Arthurian Society, 1:1, 2013, p. 3-28.
- Eriksen, Stefka Georgieva, « Arthurian ethics in thirteenth-century Old Norse literature and society », Bibliotheca Nordica 7: Riddarasǫgur. The Translation of European Court Culture in Medieval Scandinavia, éd. Karl G. Johanson et Else Mundal, Oslo, Novus Forlag, 2014, p. 273-292.
- Eriksen, Stefka Georgieva, « Courtly Literature », The Routledge Companion to the Medieval Icelandic Sagas, éd. Ármann Jakobsson et Sverrir Jakobsson, London and New York, Routledge, 2017, p. 59-73.
- Fidjestøl, Bjarne, « Romantic reading at the court of Håkon Håkonsson », Bjarne Fidjestøl: Selected Papers, éd. Odd Einar Haugen et Else Mundal, Odense, Odense University Press, 1997, p. 351-365.
- Fjalldal, Magnús, Anglo-Saxon England in Icelandic Medieval Texts, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2005.
- Frank, Roberta, Old Norse Court Poetry: The Dróttkvætt Stanza, Ithaca et London, Cornell University Press (Islandica, 42), 1978, 223 p.
- Freche, Katharina, Von zweier vrouwen bâgen wart vil manic helt verlorn: Untersuchungen zur Geschlechterkonstruktion in der mittelalterlichen Nibelungendichtung, Trier, WVT (Literatur, Imagination, Realität, 21, 1999, 236 p.
- Gade, Kari Ellen, « Homosexuality and rape of males in Old Norse law and literature », Scandinavian Studies, 58, 1986, p. 124-141.
- Gade, Kari Ellen, The Structure of Old Norse dróttkvætt Poetry, Ithaca, Cornell University Press (Islandica, 49), 1995.
- Gísli Sigurðsson, The Medieval Icelandic Saga and Oral Tradition: A Discourse on Method, translated by Nicholas Jones, Cambridge et London, Harvard University (Publications of the Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature, 2), 2004, xxiv + 392 p.
- Glauser, Jürg, « Erzähler – Ritter – Zuhörer. Das Beispiel der Riddarasögur. Erzählkommunikation und Hörergemeinscahft im Mittlalterlichen Island », Les sagas de chevaliers (Riddarasögur). Actes de la Ve Conférence internationale sur les sagas, Toulon, juillet 1982, éd. Régis Boyer, Paris, Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Civilisations, 10), 1985, p. 93-119.
- Glauser, Jürg, Pernille Hermann et Stephen A. Mitchell, éd., Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Berlin, De Gruyter (De Gruyter Reference), 2019, 2 t., xxiv + 1163 p. ISBN: 9783110431360
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- Gould, Mary Anne, Women's Roles in Anglo-Saxon and Eddic Poetry, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Oregon, 1974.
- Grønlie, Siân E., The Saint and the Saga Hero: Hagiography and Early Icelandic Literature, Cambridge, Brewer, 2017, xii + 306 p. ISBN: 9781843844815
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Rédaction: Mahdî Brecq et Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 27 mai 2024