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Middle English Secretum


Forme:906 vers
Contenu:Traduction du Secretum de Pétrarque.
Incipit:Assit principio Sancta maria meo ffranciscus Petrarcha.
I am soore astoned whan I remembre me
how I entred thys lyff and how I schal oute agayne.
What ys thys world but wrecchedness and aduersyte?
O þe lyff of man! O vanyte and all veyne!…
Explicit:… that thou haue grace thy wre'c'chednesse to defye,
and at thy departynge þou mayst com to þat syght
where ioye ys euerlastynge. Now hens late vs hye;
with the lycens of my lorde, we wyll noo more tonyght.
  1. London, British Library, Additional, 60577, f. 8r-22r [⇛ Description]
Éditions anciennes
Éditions modernes
  • A Middle English Translation from Petrarch's "Secretum", edited by Edward Wilson, completed with an introduction by Daniel Wakelin, Oxford, Oxford University Press for The Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 351), 2018, lxviii + 97 p. ISBN: 9780198828334
    Compte rendu: Nicholas Mann, dans Translation and Literature, 28, 2019, p. 102-107. DOI: 10.3366/tal.2019.0372
Traductions modernes
Répertoires bibliographiques
Permalien: https://arlima.net/no/10242

Voir aussi:
> Wikidata: Q122154926
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 31 août 2023

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