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Le Morte Arthur


  • Medieval English Romances, edited by A. V. C. Schmidt and Nicolas Jacobs, New York, Holmes and Meier, 1980, 2 t.
  • King Arthur's Death: The Middle English Stanzaic Morte Arthur and Alliterative Morte Arthure, edited by Larry D. Benson, Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill (The Library of Literature, 29), 1974, 257 p. — 2nd ed., Exeter, University of Exeter Press (Exeter Medieval English Texts and Studies), 1986, xxxvi + 257 p. — Réimpr.: 1995.
  • King Arthur's Death: The Middle English "Stanzaic Morte Arthur" and "Alliterative Morte Arthure", edited by Larry D. Benson; revised by Edward E. Foster, Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University (Middle English Texts), 1994, xii + 292 p. [IA] [TEAMS]
  • Barron, W. R. J., English Medieval Romance, London et New York, Longman (Longman Literature in English Series), 1987, xiv + 288 p. [IA]
  • Bruce, J. Douglas, « The development of the Mort Arthur theme in mediaeval romance », The Romanic Review, 4, 1913, p. 403-471. [Gallica] [GB] [HT] [IA]
  • Mehl, Dieter, Die mittelenglischen Romanzen des 13. und 14. Jahrhunderts, Heidelberg, Winter (Anglistische Forschungen, 93), 1967, 229 p.
    • Mehl, Dieter, The middle English Romances of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1968, 300 p.
  • Nicholson, Roger, « Translating treason: shameful death in French and English romances of Arthur's last days », Medieval Romances Across European Borders, éd. Miriam Edlich-Muth, Turnhout, Brepols (Medieval Narratives in Transmission, 1), 2018, p. 155-176.
  • Whetter, K. S., Understanding Genre and Medieval Romance, Aldershot et Burlington, Ashgate, 2008, xii + 205 p. [IA]
    Compte rendu: Yin Liu, dans The Medieval Review, 09.11.11. [www]
  1. Version en strophes (ang. stanzaic)

    Titre:Stanzaic Morte Arthur
    Date:Vers 1350
    Forme:Huitains de vers octosyllabiques rimant abababab
    Contenu:Adaptation anglaise du roman anonyme en prose La mort le roi Artu.
    Voir aussi:Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur
    1. London, British Library, Harley, 2252, f. 86r-133v [⇛ Description]
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • Le Morte Arthur. The Adventures of Sir Launcelot du Lake, edited by Thomas Ponton, London, Bulmer for the Roxburghe Club, 1819. [GB] [IA]
    • Le Morte Arthur. Edited from the Harleian MS. 2252 in the British Museum by F. J. Furnivall. With a prefatory essay on Arthur by the late Herbert Coleridge, London et Cambridge, MacMillan, 1864, lvi + 191 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Le Morte Arthur, a romance in stanzas of eight lines, re-edited from MS. Harley 2252, in the British Museum, with introduction, notes, glossary and index of names by J. Douglas Bruce, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Extra Series, 88), 1903, xxx + 148 p. [GB] [IA]
      • Millwood, Kraus, 1973
    • Le Morte Arthur, a Middle English metrical romance edited by Samuel B. Hemingway, Boston, New York et Chicago, Houghton Mifflin; Cambridge, Riverside Press (The Riverside Literature Series), 1912, ix + 166 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Le Morte Arthur: a critical edition by P. F. Hissiger, The Hague et Paris, Mouton (Studies in English Literature, 96), 1975, 184 p.
    • Medieval English Romances, edited by A. V. C. Schmidt and Nicolas Jacobs, New York, Holmes and Meier, 1980, t. 2, p. 135-184.
    • King Arthur's Death: The Middle English Stanzaic Morte Arthur and Alliterative Morte Arthure, edited by Larry D. Benson, Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill (The Library of Literature, 29), 1974, 257 p. — 2nd ed., Exeter, University of Exeter Press (Exeter Medieval English Texts and Studies), 1986, xxxvi + 257 p. — Réimpr.: 1995.
    • Le Morte Arthur (British library MS Harley 2252), edited by Shunichi Noguchi, Tokyo, Centre for Mediaeval English Studies, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo (Medieval English Text Series, 1), 1990, 10 + 83 f.
    • King Arthur's Death: The Middle English "Stanzaic Morte Arthur" and "Alliterative Morte Arthure", edited by Larry D. Benson; revised by Edward E. Foster, Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University (Middle English Texts), 1994, xii + 292 p. [IA] [TEAMS]
    Traductions modernes
    • en anglais:
      • Ellis, George, Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, Chiefly Written During the Early Part of the Fourteenth Century; to which is Prefixed an Historical Introduction, Intended to Illustrate the Rise and Progress of Romantic Composition in France and England. A new edition, revised by J. O. Halliwell, London, Bohn (Bohn's Antiquarian Library), 1848, viii + 600 p. (ici p. 143-187) [GB] [IA]
        Éditions antérieures:
        • Ellis, George, Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, Chiefly Written During the Early Part of the Fourteenth Century; to which is Prefixed an Historical Introduction, Intended to Illustrate the Rise and Progress of Romantic Composition in France and England, London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme; Edinburgh, Constable, 1805, 3 t., vii + 387, [iv] + 404, [iv] + 419 p. [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
        • Ellis, George, Specimens of Early English Metrical Romances, Chiefly Written During the Early Part of the Fourteenth Century; to which is Prefixed an Historical Introduction, Intended to Illustrate the Rise and Progress of Romantic Composition in France and England, London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, 1811, 3 t., vii + 408, [iv] + 419, [iv] + 432 p. [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    • en français:
      • Les Mort d'Arthur moyen-anglaises en vers, éd. Colette Stévanovitch et Anne Mathieu, Turnhout, Brepols (Textes vernaculaires du Moyen Âge, 17), 2017, 567 p. ISBN: 9782503569291
        Compte rendu: Marie-Françoise Alamichel, dans Le Moyen Âge, 124:1, 2018, p. 145-147. DOI: 10.3917/rma.241.0145
    • Bruce, J. Douglas, « The Middle English metrical romance Le Morte Arthur (Harleian MS. 2252): its sources and its relation to Sir Thomas Malory's Morte Darthur », Anglia, 23, 1901, p. 67-100. [GB] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2, ex. 3]
    • Bruce, J. Douglas, « A reply to Dr. Sommer concerning the relations of Malory's Morte D'Arthur and the Middle English romance, Le Morte Arthur, preserved in the Harleian MS. 2252 », Anglia, 30, 1907, p. 209-216. [GB] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    • Donaldson, E. Talbot, « Malory and the stanzaic Le Morte Arthur », Studies in Philology, 47:3, 1950, p. 460-472. [jstor.org]
    • Sommer, H. Oskar, « On Dr. Douglas Bruce's article: "The Middle English romance Le Morte Arthur, Harl. MS. 2252." etc. », Anglia, 29, 1906, p. 529-538. [GB: ex. 1, ex. 2] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    • Wilson, Robert H., « Malory, the stanzaic Morte Arthur, and the Mort Artu », Modern Philology, 37:2, 1939-1940, p. 125-138. [jstor.org]
  2. Version en vers allitératifs

    Titre:Alliterative Morte Arthure
    Date:Vers 1400
    Forme:4346 vers
    Contenu:Adaptation anglaise du roman anonyme en prose La mort le roi Artu.
    Incipit:Here begynnes Morte Arthure.
    Now grett glorious godd | thurghe grace of hym seluene,
    and the precyous prayere | of hys prys modyr…
    Explicit:Here endes Morte Arthure, writene by Robert of Thorthone.
    (d'une main plus récente:) R. Thornton dictus, qui scripsit sit benedictus. Amen.
    Voir aussi:Thomas Malory, Morte Darthur
    1. Lincoln, Cathedral Library, 91 (A. I. 17), f. 53r-98v [⇛ Description]
      « Thornton manuscript ».
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • Morte Arthure. The alliterative romance of the death of king Arthur. Now first printed from a manuscript in Lincoln Cathedral. Edited by James Orchard Halliwell, Brixton Hill, « for private circulation only », 1847, xxiii + 368 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Morte Arthure, or The Death of Arthur. Edited from Robert Thornton's MS. in the library of Lincoln Cathedral by Edmund Brock. A new edition, London, Trübner for the Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 8), 1871, xix + 208 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
      Édition antérieure:
      • Morte Arthure. Edited from Robert Thornton's MS. (ab. 1440 A. D.) in the library of Lincoln Cathedral, by George G. Perry, London, Trübner for the Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 8), 1865, xx + 144 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
      • 1898
      • 1904
      • Morte Arthure, or The Death of Arthur. Edited from Robert Thornton's MS. in the library of Lincoln Cathedral by Edmund Brock. A new edition, London, Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press for the Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 8), 1937, xix + 208 p. [GB] [IA]
      • Morte Arthure, or The Death of Arthur. Edited from Robert Thornton's MS. in the library of Lincoln Cathedral by Edmund Brock. A new edition, London, Trübner for the Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 8), 1937, xix + 208 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Morte Arthure. An alliterative poem of the 14th century from the Lincoln MS. written by Robert Thornton. Edited, with introduction, notes, and glossary, by Mary Macleod Banks, New York et Bombay, Longmans, Green and Co., 1900, 206 p. [GB] [IA]
      • New York, AMS Press, 1974
    • Morte Arthure, mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und Glossar herausgegeben von Erik Björkman, Heidelberg, Winter; New York, Stechert (Alt- und mittelenglische Texte, 9), 1915, xxviii + 263 p. [GB] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    • Morte Arthure, éd. John Finlayson, London, Edward Arnold (York Medieval Texts), 1967, viii + 163 p.
    • Middle English Literature, edited by Charles W. Dunn and Edward T. Byrnes, New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973, xi + 564 p. — Réimpr.: New York et London, Garland (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1330), 1990, xi + 568 p.
    • The Alliterative Morte Arthure: a critical edition edited, with an introduction, notes, and glossary, by Valerie Krishna. Preface by Rossell Hope Robbins, New York, Burt Franklin, 1976, xv + 361 p. [IA]
    • Medieval English Romances, edited by A. V. C. Schmidt and Nicolas Jacobs, New York, Holmes and Meier, 1980, t. 2, p. 185-195.
    • Morte Arthure: a critical edition [by] Mary Hamel, New York et London, Garland (Garland Medieval Texts, 9), 1984, xi + 546 p.
    • King Arthur's Death: The Middle English "Stanzaic Morte Arthur" and "Alliterative Morte Arthure", edited by Larry D. Benson; revised by Edward E. Foster, Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University (Middle English Texts), 1994, xii + 292 p. [IA] [TEAMS]
    Traductions modernes
    • en anglais:
      • The Alliterative Morte Arthure; The Owl and the Nightingale, and Five Other Middle English Poems in a modernized version with comments on the poems and notes, by John Gardner, Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press; London, Feffer and Simons (Arcturus Books), 1971, xi + 298 p.
      • The Alliterative Morte Arthure: a new verse translation by Valerie Krishna, Lanham et London, University Press of America, 1983, xxx + 113 p. [IA]
      • The Death of King Arthur, translated by Simon Armitage, London, Faber and Faber, 2012, xvii + 163 p.
    • en français:
      • Les Mort d'Arthur moyen-anglaises en vers, éd. Colette Stévanovitch et Anne Mathieu, Turnhout, Brepols (Textes vernaculaires du Moyen Âge, 17), 2017, 567 p. ISBN: 9782503569291
        Compte rendu: Marie-Françoise Alamichel, dans Le Moyen Âge, 124:1, 2018, p. 145-147. DOI: 10.3917/rma.241.0145
    • Benson, Larry D., « The alliterative Morte Arthure and medieval tragedy », Tennessee Studies in Literature, 11, 1966, p. 75-87.
    • Benson, Larry D., « The date of the alliterative Morte Arthure », Mediaeval Studies in Honor of Lillian Herlands Hornstein, éd. J. B. Bessinger, Jr., et Robert R. Raymo, New York, New York University Press, 1976, p. 20-29. — Réimpr. dans Contradictions: from Beowulf to Chaucer. Selected Studies of Larry D. Benson, éd. Theodore M. Andersson et Stephen A. Barney Aldershot, Scholar Press, 1995, p. 155-174.
    • Bradley, ??, Athenaeum, December 1900; January and February 1901.
    • Branscheid, P., « Über die Quellen des Morte Arthure », Anglia, 7 (Anzeiger), 1885, p. 285.
    • Canuteson, John Allen, Conflict between the Body and the Soul as a Metaphor of the Moral Struggle in the Middle Ages, with Special Reference to Middle English Literature, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Florida, 1975, vi + 250 p. [IA]
    • Eadie, J., « The alliterative Morte Arthure: structure and meaning », English Studies, 63, 1982, p. 1-12.
    • Finlayson, John, « Two minor sources for the alliterative Morte Arthure », Notes and Queries, 207, 1962, p. 132-133.
    • Finlayson, John, « Morte Arthure: the date and a source for the contemporary references », Speculum, 42:4, 1967, p. 624-638. DOI: 10.2307/2851094
    • Finlayson, John, « The concept of the hero in Morte Arthure », Chaucer und seine Zeit: Symposion für Walter F. Schirmer, éd. Arno Esch, Tübingen, Niemeyer (Buchreihe der Anglia, Zeitschrift für Englische Philologie, 14), 1968, p. 249-274.
    • Fuwa, Yuri, « A “just war”? A further reassessment of the Alliterative Morte Arthure », War and Peace: Critical Issues in European Societies and Literature 800-1800, éd. Albrecht Classen et Nadia Margolis, Berlin, de Gruyter (Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, 8), 2011, p. 349-376.
    • Fuwa, Yuri, « Curtana, "Montjoie" to Clarente? Notes on the sword of Mordred in the alliterative Morte Arthure », "Si est tens a fester". Hommage à Philippe Walter, éd. Kôji Watanabe, Tokyo, CEMT Editions, 2022, p. 90-103.
    • Göller, Karl Heinz, éd., The Alliterative Morte Arthure: A Reassessment of the Poem, Cambridge, Brewer, 1981.
    • Hamel, Mary, « The dream of a king: the alliterative Morte Arthure and Dante », The Chaucer Review, 14, 1980, p. 298-312.
    • Inman, A. H., « Morte Arthure and Huchown », Athenaeum, September 1916.
    • Inman, A. H., « Morte Arthure », Athenaeum, December 1916.
    • Kaeuper, Richard W., Holy Warriors: the Religious Ideology of Chivalry, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press (The Middle Ages Series), 2009, xi + 331 p. [IA]
      Compte rendu: Steven Muhlberger, dans The Medieval Review, 09.12.16, 2009. [www]
      • 2012
      • 2014
    • Keiser, George R., « Edward III and the Alliterative Morte Arthure », Speculum, 48, 1973, p. 37-51.
    • Keiser, George R., « Narrative structure in the alliterative Morte Arthure, 26-720 », The Chaucer Review, 9, 1974, p. 130-144.
    • Kelly, H. A., « The non-tragedy of Arthur », Medieval English Religious and Ethical Literature: Essays in Honor of G. H. Russell, éd. Gregory Kratzmann et James Simpson, Cambridge et Dover, Brewer, 1986, p. 92-114.
    • Kennedy, Edward Donald, « Generic intertextuality in the English Alliterative Morte Arthure: the Italian connection », Text and Intertext in Medieval Arthurian Literature, éd. Norris J. Lacy, New York et London, Garland (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 1997), 1996, p. 41-56.
      • New York et Abingdon, Routledge, 2012
    • Krishna, Valerie, « Parataxis, formulaic density, and thrift in the Alliterative Morte Arthure », Speculum, 57, 1982, p. 63-83.
    • Lumiansky, Robert M., « The alliterative Morte Arthure, the concept of medieval tragedy, and the cardinal virtue fortitude », Medieval and Renaissance Studies: Proceedings of the Southeastern Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Duke University. 3. Summer 1967, éd. John M. Headley, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1968, p. 95-118.
    • Matthews, William, The Tragedy of Arthur: A Study of the Alliterative "Morte Arthure", Berkeley, University of California Press, 1960.
    • McIntosh, Angus, « The textual transmission of the alliterative Morte Arthure », English and Medieval Studies Presented to J. R. R. Tolkien, éd. Norman Davis et C. L. Wrenn, London, Allen and Unwin, 1962, p. 231-240.
    • Miles, Brent, « "Lyouns full lothely": dream interpretation and Boethian denaturing in the alliterative Morte Arthure », Arthuriana, 18:1, 2008, p. 41-62. [jstor.org]
    • Moll, Richard J., Before Malory: Reading Arthur in Later Medieval England, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2003, ix + 368 p. ISBN: 9780802037220
    • Neilson, Geo., « Three footnotes », An English Miscellany Presented to Dr. Furnivall in Honour of his Seventy-Fifth Birthday, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1901, p. 382-385. [GB] [IA]
    • Neilson, G., « The Viscount of Rome in Morte Arthure », Athenaeum, November 1902.
    • O'Loughlin, J. L. N., « The Middle English alliterative Morte Arthure », Medium Ævum, 4, 1935, p. 167.
    • O'Sharkey, Eithne M., « King Arthur's prophetic dreams and the role of Modred in Layamon's Brut and the alliterative Morte Arthure », Romania, 99, 1978, p. 347-362. [JSTOR] [Persée] DOI: 10.3406/roma.1978.1932
    • Porter, Elizabeth, « Chaucer's knight, the alliterative Morte Arthure and medieval laws of war: a reconsideration », Nottingham Medieval Studies, 27, 1983, p. 56-78.
    • Reicke, Curt, Untersuchungen über den Stil der mittelenglischen alliterierenden Gedichte: Morte Arthure, The Destruction of Troy, The Wars of Alexander, The Siege of Jerusalem, Sir Gawayn and the Greek Knight. Ein Beitrag zur Lösung der Huchown-Frage, Königsberg i. Pr., Hartungsche Buchdruckerei, 1906, [iii] + 87 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Schray, Kateryna A. Rudnytzky, « The plot in miniature: Arthur's battle on Mont St. Michel in the alliterative Morte Arthure », Studies in Philology, 101, 2004, p. 1-19.
    • Vale, Juliet, « Law and diplomacy in the alliterative Morte Arthure », Nottingham Medieval Studies, 23, 1979, p. 31-46.
    • Westover, Jeff, « Arthur's end: the king's emasculation in the alliterative Morte Arthure », The Chaucer Review, 32, 1998, p. 310-324.
Répertoires bibliographiques
  • Bossuat, Robert, Manuel bibliographique de la littérature française du Moyen Âge, Melun, Librairie d'Argences (Bibliothèque elzévirienne. Nouvelle série. Études et documents), 1951, xxxiv + 638 p. (ici p. 188, nos 2017 et 2019-2020)
    Dictionnaires: DEAF Boss
  • Database of Middle English Romance (Stanzaic Morte Arthur)
  • Database of Middle English Romance (Alliterative Morte Arthur)
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