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The myrour of recluses


Titre:The mirrowr of recluses (ms. Heywood Bright, inc.); Speculum inclusorum (ms. Heywood Bright, expl.); The myrour of recluses (éd. Jones 1996)
Date:Deuxième quart du XVe siècle
Contenu:Traduction du Speculum inclusorum.
Incipit:Here bygynneth the boke that is callid in Englysch the Mirrowr of recluses.
Forasmoche as by olde clerkis lawes and bi theyr wise scriptures of hy auctorite conceyved…
Beholdith and seeth yowre callynge ye honorable recluses that as wele ye by yowre workyng as I be my translatyng of the same booke…
Explicit:… for to seen his glorie withouten end. Amen.
Explicit Speculum inclusorum.
  1. London, British Library, Harley, 2372, f. 1r-37v [⇛ Description]
  2. localisation actuelle inconnue (collection particulière): ms. ayant appartenu à Allen Heywood Bright, héritier d'Henry Yates Thompson; vendu chez Christie's le 16 juillet 2014, lot 12, puis chez Dreweatts le 2 juillet 2019, lot 75
Éditions anciennes
Éditions modernes
  • The Myrour of Recluses: a Middle English translation of Speculum inclusorum, edited by Marta Powell Harley, Cranbury et London, Associated University Press, 1996, xxxiii + 90 p.
    Compte rendu: G. R. Keiser, dans Speculum, 73:1, 1998, p. 183-184.
  • Speculum Inclusorum = A Mirror for Recluses: a late-medieval guide for Anchorites and its Middle English translation edited and translated by E. A. Jones, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press (Exeter Medieval Texts and Studies), 2013, 157 p.
Traductions modernes
  • en anglais:
    • Jones 2013 (voir sous Éditions modernes)
  • Jones, E. A., « A mirror for recluses: a new manuscript, new information and some new hypotheses », The Library, 7e s., 15:4, 2014, p. 424-431. DOI: 10.1093/library/15.4.424
  • Rogers, Alan, « The ownership of The Myrour of Recluses (British Library, MS Harley 2372) in the late fifteenth century », The Library, 7, 15:2, 2014, p. 187-192. DOI: 10.1093/library/15.2.187
Répertoires bibliographiques
Permalien: https://arlima.net/no/7569

Voir aussi:
> Wikidata: Q115246828
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Compléments: Max Schmitz
Dernière mise à jour: 5 juin 2019

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