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The Pepysian Gospel Harmony


Date:Vers 1400
Contenu:Récit formé par la synthèse des quatre évangiles en une seule trame narrative simple et facile à comprendre par un public non érudit. Les passages jugés inutiles, difficiles ou contradictoires, s'ils ne sont pas omis, font l'objet d'explications ou de simplification. L'ouvrage s'inspire d'une version anglo-normande, L'estoire de l'Evangile.
Incipit:Of þe godhede of oure lorde suete Jesu Crist God almiȝth[y].
Oure suete lord Jhesu Christ vpe his godhede he was tofore all creatures, for whi he made alle creatures þorouȝ his owen suete miȝth. For the is strongeful and miȝtheful þorouȝ God þe fader. And he withouten any chaungyinge þorouȝ his godhede bicom soþfast man…
Explicit:… þo wenten hij vehon his waye ouer al þe werlde, and precheden to paienes and to Jewes. And þe Holy Gost hem wissed, & tauȝtte, and confermed her sarmoun þorouȝ miracles þat Jesus dude for hem.
Here enden þe gospels an hundreþ and sex, outenomen þe passioun of Jesu Crist. Do so þat God be þi frende.
  1. Cambridge, Magdalene College, Old Library, Pepys, 2498, p. 1a-43a [⇛ Description]
Éditions anciennes
Éditions modernes
  • The Pepysian Gospel Harmony, Edited by Margery Goates, London, Milford (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 157), 1922, li + 146 p. [IA]
Traductions modernes
  • en anglais:
    • Kuchinsky, Yuri, The Magdalene Gospel: A Journey Behind the New Testament, Toronto, Roots Publishing, 2002, 490 p.
    • The Magdalene Gospel, anonymous gospel in MS 2498, the Pepys Collection, at the Magdalene College, Cambridge, translated by Yuri Kuchinsky (from the 1922 Oxford edition; Margery Goates, editor). [www]
  • The Middle-English Harrowing of Hell and Gospel of Nicodemus, now first edited from all the known manuscripts, with introduction and glossary by William Henry Hulme, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Extra Series, 100), 1907, lxx + 150 p. (ici p. xxxiv-xxxvi) [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
  • Paues, A. C., « A XIVth century version of the Ancren Riwle », Englische Studien, 30, 1902, p. 344-346. [GB] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
  • A Fourteenth Century English Biblical Version Consisting of a Prologue and Parts of the New Testament edited from the manuscripts together with some introductory chapters on Middle English Biblical versions (prose-translations) by A. C. Paues, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1902, lxxvi + 208 p. (ici p. lxv-lxix) [IA]
  • Plooij D., « The Pepysian Harmony », Bulletin of the Bezan Club, 2, 1926, p. 14-16.
Répertoires bibliographiques
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> Wikidata: Q124483493
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 12 juillet 2015

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