The pilgrimage of the Soule
Auteur: | Attribué à tort par certains à John Lydgate |
Titre: | |
Date: | 1413 |
Commanditaire: | Une dame non identifiée, selon le ms. de New York |
Langue: | Anglais |
Genre: | |
Forme: | Vers et prose |
Contenu: | Traduction du Pelerinage de l'ame de Guillaume de Digulleville. |
Incipit: | Incipit liber primus. Here begynneth the book of the Pylgremage of the Sowle, late translated oute of frensshe in to englysshe. Fyrste, how the Sowle departyth fro the body, and how the fowle fend assayleth the Sowle. Capitulo primo. As I laye in a seynt Laurence nyght1, slepynge in my bedde, me bifelle a full merueylous dreme, whiche I shal reherce. Me thought that I had longe tyme trauayled to ward the Holy Cyte of Ierusalem, and that I had made an ende and fully fynysshed my flesshely pylgremage, so that I myght no further… |
Explicit: | … that he wolde anone fulfille hit with his creatures, for hit is wel syttynge to eueryche that may doo wel, that he sholde doo hit, wherof he may nought faile that may doo what he wylle. Wherfore when thou herest speken of worldes infynyte, ne be thou nought abasshed, for sith hym seluen is infynyte, his werkes must of reson be endeles, for he maye nought be voyde ne ydell for to werken thynges that ben profitable belongynge to his Worship. |
- Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College Library, 124/61
- Cambridge, University Library, Kk.1.7, f. 1v-124v
- Hatfield, Hatfield House, Cecil Papers, 270, f. 1r-72v
- London, British Library, Egerton, 615, f. 1r-106r
- London, British Library, Harley, 7333, f. 148v [⇛ Description]
- London, British Library, Additional, 34193, f. 4r-97v
- London, British Library, Additional, 37049, f. 69v-77r
- Melbourne, State Library of Victoria, *096/G94, f. 96r-215c
- New York, Public Library, Spencer, 19 (anc. Petworth 2), f. 1r-133v
- Oxford, Bodleian Library, 770 (2552), f. 1r-99v
- Oxford, Corpus Christi College Library, 237
- Oxford, University College Library, 181, f. 1r-153v
- San Marino (USA), Huntington Library, HM 111, f. 3r-7v
Éditions anciennes
- This book is intytled the pylgremage of the sowle translated oute of Frensshe in to Englysshe
[Westminster], [William Caxton], [1483]
- This book is intytled the pylgremage of the sowle translated oute of Frensshe in to Englysshe
Westminster, William Caxton, 6 juin 1483
Éditions modernes
- Barry, D., The Pilgrimage of the Soul: A Fifteenth Century English Prose Version of Le Pelerinage de l'Ame, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Toronto, 1931.
- Flynn, James Stanley, Pilgrimage of the Soul: An Edition of the Caxton Imprint, Ph. D. dissertation, Auburn University, Auburn (AL), 1973, vii + 400 p. [PQ]
- The Pilgrimage of the Soul: a critical edition of the Middle English dream vision by Rosemarie Potz McGerr, New York, Garland (Garland Medieval Texts), 1990.
- The Pylgremage of the Soule: a Middle English translation of Guillaume de Deguileville's Pèlerinage de l'Âme edited by Fred van Vorsselen. [www]
Traductions modernes
- McGerr, Rosemarie Potz, « Pageants, scaffolds, and judgment scenes in the Pilgrimage of the Soul and the iconography of medieval religious drama », Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature, 45-46, 1997-1998, p. 3-35.
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