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United Kingdom / London / British Library / Royal

Cote:8 E XVII

(Ms. non numérisé)


  1. (f. 1) De confessione, quomodo se habebit confessor et penitens
    Incipit:Cum venerit penitens ad sacerdotem proiciat se…
    Explicit:… iniungat ei penitentiam.
  2. (f. 2v) Commonplaces, including:-(a) De Recidiuis, beg. 'Si queratur an propter recidiuum'. Praepositinus, Chancellor of Paris (1206-1209), is quoted. f. 2 b;-(b) 'Hec sunt merita visionis corporis Christi et auditus misse'. f. 2 b;-(c) Nine verses on the Mass, some. times ascribed to Hildebert of Le Mans (cf. 6 E. II, art. 6 a, b). Beg. 'Sit ratio quod pars'. f. 2 b;-(d) Anatomical and other verses. f. 3;-(e) Twenty-five gnomic verses, beg. Grandtbus et stultis parcat pater utpote multis'. f. 3 b. Between (d) and (e) is the table of contents to the volume.
    Incipit:Cum venerit penitens ad sacerdotem proiciat se…
    Explicit:… iniungat ei penitentiam.
  3. (f. 4) Liber Martini episcopi Dumensis de Gallicia Hyspanie ad Mironem regem de formula vite honeste
    Gloriosissimo atque tranquilissimo regi… Non ignoro…
    Quatuor virtutum species…
  4. (f. 7) Liber mag. Hugonis de S. Victore de institucione nouiciorum
    Quia largiente domino de vana conuersatione…
    Primum scire debetis quod hanc…
  5. (f. 1)
  6. (f. 1)
  7. (f. 1)
  8. (f. 1) 24. Extracts from the Sententiae of Petrus Lombardus, lib. iv, distt. xix, xx, xvi, the Gemma Animae (here called Gemma Ecclesiae) of Honorius of Autun (cf 6 A. XI, art. 1, &c.), lib. ii, cap. 63, &c., and other sources. Beg. 'Maledicam benedictionibus , &c.: Premisse vero sententie'. f. 95.
  9. (f. 1) 25. 'Ici comence prouerbe de bon enseignement': a collection in French verse (mostly quatrains) of about 130 proverbs of Biblical origin or from Seneca' and a few other authors. The original Latin is given in a parallel column and the author!? names in the margin. Attributed by M. Paul Meyer in Romania , xiii, p. 539, to Nicholas Bozon, on the authority of an Qxford MS. (Selden, supra 74), which gives the name in the form Bown. Three other copies in Arundel MS. 567, f. 95, Harley MS. 957, f. 28, Add. MS. 22283, f. 118 b (all imperfect), and the text printed from the Vernon MS. by Dr. Furnivall, Minor Poems of the Vernon MS ., vol. ii, E. E. Text Soc., 1901, p. 522, all represent a different recension of the text. Preface (14 lines) beg. 'Cher ami, receuez de moy / vh bel present ke vus enuoy'; text,. 'Li sage dist en son liure / ke commencement de benviure'. f. 99. An appendix ('Ici comence la derreine partie des prouerbes'), containing seven proverbs, is placed after artt. 26, 27, f. 109. In the margin are a few English proverbs, viz. 'Er þu do eny þing þenk one þe ending', f. 107; 'Betere his red pan, res', f. 107; 'Riche and pouere zong and eld / þere whiles þou hauest þi wil a weld / Sek þi sowle bote / Ofte wan man weneþ best / Lif and hale þo and rest / Deþ is at his 'fate', f. 109.
  10. (f. 107v) La pleinte Nostre Dame poem on the sorrows of the Virgin, in French verse, 42 x 4 lines, printed from Cotton MS. Julius A. V, f. 174 b, by T. Wright in Pierre de Langtoft (Rolls Series), ii, p. 438 (cf. i, p. xv), and partly printed from Phillipps MS. 8336 by P. Meyer in Romania, xiii, p 520. Beg. ''. f. 107 b.
    Incipit:Ici comence la pleinte nostre dame.
    Reine de gloire, flur de parays…
    Explicit:… de haute chose enprendre me sui entremis.
  11. (f. 108v-109r) La geste des dames, extrait du Char d'Orgueil de Nicole Bozon
    Incipit:Ici comence la geste des dames.
    Quei diroms des dames kaunt vienent a festes.
    Les unes des autres avisent les testes…
  12. (f. 109v) Proverbia in versibus, proverbes en latin (230 vers)
    Incipit:Si paribus uel disparibus constent elementis…
  13. (f. 110) Medicina in romanis, traité de diététique en latin (116 vers)
    Incipit:Edere decreui tractatum crimine leui…
    Explicit:… Hac ratione quod est laudabile fine locamus.
  14. (f. 111r-120v) Liber Reimundi de penitenciis et remissionibus, incomplet de la fin
    Incipit:Post abissum et laqueos Babilonis…
    Explicit:… prolixior debet esse penitencia [la fin manque]
  15. (f. 121) De morte Ade pdmi patris nostri
    Incipit:Post peccatum Ade expulso eodem…
  16. (f. 122v) Vision sancti Pauli
    Incipit:Dies dominicut dies [.]letus in quo gaudent…
  17. (f. 123) Evangelium Nichodemi
    Incipit:In diebus imperii Tiberii Cesaris sub Poncio Pilato…
    Explicit:… ne propter iniquitatem Pilati mergantur.
    Explicit sermo vindicacionis Christi.
  18. (f. 125) De origine et de pena Pilati, correspondant à une partie de la lectio sur la Passion de Jésus-Christ
    Incipit:In quadam hystoria licet apocripha sic legitur. Fuit quidam rex nomine Atus…
    Explicit:… propria se manu peremit.
  19. (f. 126) De ortu et origine Iude traditoris, correspondant à une partie de la lectio pour saint Matthias
    Incipit:Legitur enim in quadam hystoria licet apocripha quod fuit quidam uir in Ierusalem nomine Ruben…
    Explicit:… cum demonibus sociaretur.
  20. (f. 127) De sancto Cristoforo, correspondant à une partie de la lectio pour saint Christophe
    Incipit:Christoforus genere Chananeus procerissime stature…
    Explicit:… continuo gladio optiniretur.
    Inter chi (X) cima (C) ro (P) scribas XPC habetur.
    Inter iota (l) ceta (C) fac heta (H) IHC perhibetur.
  21. (f. 128v) De sancto Brandano
    Incipit:Sanctus Brendanus filius Finlotha nepotis Alti…
    Explicit:… gloriose migrauit ad Dominum.
From the table of contents (f. 3 b) it seems that the volume did not originally include artt. 31-37, and did contain Grosseteste's Templum Domini and other tracts now missing. Entries in another hand mention art. 31-end, together with the Testamenta Patriarcharum and other articles now lost. - 5. 'Ista inquirenda sunt in confessione': the confessional formulary sometimes attributed to Robert Grossete.ste. The texts differ considerably (cf. 8 A. XV, art. 2). Beg. 'Si scienter deum offenderit, quod est magne superbie'; ends 'si clericus contraxerit'. f. 17' 6. Theological commonplaces, including:-(a) 'Tot uicia tot uirtutes', a note beg. 'Humilitas expellit superbiam'. f. 18 b.-(b) 'De illusione sompnii', beg. 'Queritur an post illusionem'. f. 19. 7. 'Quod sint octo que obseruantes monachi non nimis esse segnes sui ordinis a quoquam facile sunt iudicandi': the same tract as in 7 A. III, art. 2. f. 19. 8. 'Auctoritates collecte de diuersis auctoribus' (so table of contents): extracts of a gnomic character. The sources include Ecclesiasticus and Proverbs and the works of Seneca, S. Augustine, S. Isidore, S. Bernard, and Gilbert [de la Porrée ?] &c. (cf. artt. 10, I4 below). Beg. 'Multis indigent qui multa possident'. f. 21. 9. Seneca ad Lucilium per alphabetum' (so table of contents): the collection knowm as Proverbia Senecae (so in colophon), consisting of part (A-N) of the Sententiae of Publilius Syrus completed by a selection of prose aphorisms (N-Z). from Pseudo-Seneca de Moribus (CL 7 A. iii, art. 7). In the present MS. the collection is further augmented by (a) Aphorisms, chiefly in prose (cf. Harley MS.2659, ff. 3-4 b). Beg. 'Auida est periculi uirtus et quo tendit, non quid passura sit, cogitat'.-(b) An alphabetical collection (A-C only) of the Proverbs of Solomon. Beg. 'Astutus omnia agit cum consilio'. The whole collection beg. 'Alienum est [omitting 'omne'] quicquid optando euenit'; ends 'non habet vnde cadat. Expliciunt prouerbia Senece'. f. 26. 10. 'Auctoritates autorum' (so table of contents, an insertion) : a continuation of the excerpts as in art. 8, chiefly extracts from Proverbs and Ecclesiasticus and from the Apophthegmata Patrum (cf art. 11). Beg. 'Nunquam sine dolore amittitur nisi quod sine amore possidetur'. f. 34. 11. 'In nomine domini nostri Iesu Christi incipiunt adhortationes sanctorum patrum perfectionesque monachorum': the Apophthegmata Patrum or Verba Seniorum printed by Rosweyd as De Vitis Patrum Liber V (Migne, lxxiii. 855; cf. 8 C. vi, art. 1). Incomplete, including libelli i-iv, and v, capp. 1-8, 12, 13. With the latter part is interpolated later matter, extracts from S. Bernard, &c. For a further selection from the same work see art. 21. Beg. 'Interrogauit quidam abbatem Antonium dicens Quid custodiens'. f. 40. 12. 'In phylosophia monachortim': extracts from books ii and iii of a work bearing that title, including a long extract from S. Anselm (meditatio ii, ib. clviii. 722). Beg. 'Dicis cito nimis renuntiaui'. f. 51. 13. 'Ici comence vn bon prouerbe': French gnomic verse, viz.:-(a) Ten lines assigned to 'philosophus', beg. 'Ky ben e mal a vn pris prent'.-(b) Six lines assigned to Merlin, beg. 'Bone est force, engin plus vaut'. f. 62b. 14. Extracts like those in artt. 8, 10. Beg. 'Credenti totus mundus diuiciarum plenus est'. f. 62b. 15. 'Tractatus in Romanis de s. Iuliano episcopo et clerico suo' (so table of contents): a theological dialogue in French verse (about 1970 lines) based on the Prognostica Futuri Saeculi (ib. xcvi. 453) of S. Julian, Bishop of Toledo (680-690). Some extracts are printed by P. Meyer, Romania, xxix, p. 21. Rubric, 'Ici commence vn estoire / de scin Julien la memoire'. Beg. 'Si cum ie ai en liure apris / vn arceueske fu iadis'; ends 'ou reen ni a de obscurte. amen'. f. 64 b. 16. 'Tractatus in Romanis de Antichristo' (so table of contents): the version in French verse [by Henri d'Arci, cf. P. Meyer, in Notices el Exrtaits, XXXV, p. 151] of the Liber de Antichristo of Adso, Abbot of Montieren-Der (cf. 8 F. VIII, art. 9). About 31O lines. Rubric, 'Ici commence vn estoyre / de Antecrist la memoyre'. Beg. 'Si de Antecrist veus oyr la memoire, / ici vus dirai la verite del estayre'; ends with the same quatrain as art. 15. f. 80 b. 17. French proverbs, &c., viz..-(a) Rubric, 'Si tu veus estre ame, / moustrez teimeimes amiable'.-(b) Latin distich version of the same, beg. 'Si sociare uelis';-(c) Rubric, 'Si tu ueus estre amiable, / retien ces treis moz sanz fable';-(d) Eight lines beg. 'Fay ce cum te dit';-(e) Six lines beg. 'Tant cum poez aleyne treire'; repeated below in art. 2.5;-(f) Six lines beg. 'Chescun fet grant folye / ke se deserite en sa uie'. f. 83;-(g) Four more lines on the same subject, referring to a tale in John Bromyard's Summa Predicantiurn (cf. 7 F. IV, f. 45 b), beg. 'De vn tiel mael seit il feru'. Tale and verses are printed in T. Wright's Latin Stories (Percy Soc. 1842), pp. 28, 22i. f. 83 b. 18. A version in English verse of the quatrain above, art. I7 (g). Beg. 'Wyht suylc a betel be he smyten' (pr. Wright, l. c.). f. 83 b. 19. 'Sermo beati Bede presbiteri de dominica xvi': a brief extract from the spurious homily no. xv of lib. iii in Migne, xciv. 299. Beg. 'Qui enim seminat'. f. 83 b. 20. Another proverb in French verse (five lines). Beg. Ne creez pas kanke tu orras'. f. 83 b. 21. 'In uitas patrum. De negatione dei et baptismi': further extracts from the Apophthegmata Patrum (cf, art. 11), including libelli v. capp. 38, 39, ix. capp. 8-12, x. capp. 1-3. Beg. 'Frater quidam impugnabatur'. f. 83 b. 22. 'Tractatus dom. Roberti Grosteste Lincoln. episc. de confessione' : the tract on confession (also called sermon xvii) as in 7 A. IX, art. 26. Beg. 'Quoniam cogitatio hominis, &c. [Ps. lxxv. ii]: Confitendum est quia interioris'. f. 86. 23. Four sermons, attributed as follows:-(a) 'Sermo b. Maximi episc. super omeliam dominice prime quadragesime Ductus est Iesus in desertum': the latter portion of hom. xxxvii of S. Maximus, Bishop of Turin circ. 415-466 (Migne, lvii. 307). Beg. 'Fratres mei karissimi, quia ieiunatis'. f. 92 b;-(b) 'Sermo b. Iohannis Crisostomi super omeliam dominice secunde quadragesime Egressus dominus Iesus secessit' , &c.; not printed under 'that title in Patr. Graeca. Beg. 'Confitemini domino , &c.: Spiritus sanctus medelam purgandi facinoris'. f. 93;-(c) 'Sermo Leonis Pape secunda quadragesime vnde supra': only in part corresponds with the sermon of Leo the Great in Migne, liv. 263. Beg. 'Hebreorum quondam populus et omnes Israelitice tribus'. f. 93 b;- (d) 'Sermo Leonis pape vnde supra': apparently not included in Migne. Beg. 'Moyses quadraginta diebus et quadraginta noctibus'. f. 94.

Description matérielle

Lieu:Canterbury, Sud-Est de l'Angleterre
Date:Fin du XIIIe-début du XIVe siècle
Nombre de feuillets:138
Format:229 × 171 mm
Mise en page:2 colonnes
Décoration:Initiales rouges et bleues



  • Casley, David, A Catalogue of the Manuscripts of the King's Library: An Appendix to the Catalogue of the Cottonian Library; Together with an Account of Books Burnt or Damaged by a Late Fire; One Hundred and Fifty Specimens of the Manner of Writing in Different Ages, from the Third to the Fifteenth Century, in Copper-Plates; and some Observations upon MSS, in a Preface, London, chez l'auteur, 1734, xxiv + 360 p. + xvi pl. + [23] p. (ici p. 127) [GB] [IA]
  • Ward, H. L. D., Catalogue of Romances in the Departement of Manuscripts in the British Museum, London, British Museum, t. 1, 1883, xx + 955 p.; t. 2, 1893, xii + 748 p. (ici t. 2, p. 397 et 533) [GB: t. 1, t. 2] [HT] [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
    Compte rendu: Paul Meyer, dans Romania, 23, 1894, p. 315. [JSTOR] [Persée] [Gallica] [GB: ex. 1, ex. 2] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
  • Deux poèmes de Nicholas Bozon: Le char d'Orgueil, La lettre de l'empereur Orgueil, publiés par Johan Vising, Göteborg, Elanders boktryckeri, 1919, xxii + 82 p. (ici p. xviii-xix) (sigle: L) [HT] [IA]
  • Warner, George F., et Julius P. Gilson, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Old Royal and King's Collections, London, British Museum, 1921, 4 t. (ici t. 1, p. 177) [HT: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4]
    • München, Saur, 1997
  • Catalogue en ligne de la bibliothèque
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Voir aussi:
> Biblissima: Q272427
> IRHT: ARCA: md77fq978956
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