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United Kingdom / Oxford / Bodleian Library / Digby



  • I.
    1. (f. 1) Galileo Galilei, Discorso del flusso e reflusso del mare (« Scritta in Roma dal Giardine de Medici, li 8 di Gennaio, 1616 »)
  • II.
    1. (f. 22) Ps.-Roger Bacon, Radix mundi, traduction anglaise par Robert Freelove (1550)
      Incipit:The bodies of all things being, as well perfect as imperfect, from the begining of the Creation, are compondid of the 4 elements…
      Explicit:… finished and translated out of Lattin by Robert Freelove, of London, mercer, the 16 of Februarii, a° 1550.
  • III.
    1. (f. 37) The Conversion of St. Paul, mystère anglais faisant partie des Digby Mystery Plays
      Incipit:Rex glorie, Kynge omnipotent,
      Redemer of ye world by the power diuine…
    2. (f. 45-47) Dialogue entre Bélial et Mercure (peut-être de la main de « Myles Blomefylde », qui a signé au f. 37)
  • IV.
    1. (f. 51) De theorica trium superiorum planetarum, traité d'astronomie en anglais et en latin
    2. (f. 53) De epiciclo lunae, traité d'astronomie en latin
      Incipit:Circulus lunae debet dividi in 12 signa…
    3. (f. 57) De capite et cauda draconis, traité d'astronomie en latin
  • V.
    1. (f. 61) Trattato dell' arte geomantica, en italien; incomplet de la fin; s'interrompt dans le chapitre « Per sapere in quale case le figure sono bone ouer cative »
      Incipit:Geomantia e una scientia breve da conosere per virtu destrologia quelli' cose de la persona uuole operare
  • VI.
    1. (f. 95r-145r) Mary Magdalene, mystère anglais faisant partie des Digby Mystery Plays

      I command sylyns in ye peyn of forfete
      To all myne audyeans present general…
      Explicit:Explycit oreginale de sancta Maria Magdalena.
    2. (f. 145v) [Deux portées musicale avec le texte suivant:]
      Texte complet:Sollffa thes ij. pleynsonges, and ye xall soollffa eny of ye viij. townys.
    3. (f. 146) Killing of the Children, mystère anglais faisant partie des Digby Mystery Plays
      Incipit:Candelmes day and the kyllynge of ye children of Israell, a° Doi, 1512. The vii. booke.
      This solenne Fest to be had in remembraunce of blissed seynt Anne modere to oure Lady…
      Explicit:… Jhon Parfre ded wry te thys booke.
    4. (f. 158r-169v) Wisdom

Description matérielle

Lieu:I. Italie; II-IV. Angleterre; V. Italie; VI. Angleterre
Date:I. XVIIe siècle; II. XVIe siècle; III. Début du XVIe siècle; IV-V. XVIe siècle; VI. Seconde moitié du XVe ou début du XVIe siècle
Nombre de feuillets:169
Support:I-VI. Papier
Mise en page: 


  • « Myles Blomefylde » (f. 37); initiales « M. B. »
  • Kenelm Digby (1603–1665), qui en fait don à la Bodleian Library de son vivant


  • Ancient Mysteries from the Digby Manuscripts. Preserved in the Bodleian Library, Oxford. [Edited by Thomas Sharp], Edinburgh, Edinburgh Printing Company for The Abbotsford Club, 1835, [vii] + xlvii + 200 + viii p. [GB] [IA]
  • The Digby Mysteries. 1. The Killing of the Children. 2. The Conversion of St Paul. 3. Mary Magdalene. 4. Christ's Burial and Resurrection, With an Incomplete Morality of Wisdom, Who Is Christ (Part of One of the "Macro Moralities). Edited from the Mss. by F. J. Furnivall, London, Trübner for The New Shakspere Society (New Shakspere Society. Series VII), 1882, xxxii + 239 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    • The Digby Plays With an Incomplete "Morality" of Wisdom, Who Is Christ (Part of One of the "Macro Moralities"). Re-issued from the plates of the text edited by F. J. Furnivall for The New Shakspere Society in 1882, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. for The Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Extra Series, 70), 1896, xxxii + 239 p. [GB] [IA]
    • 1930
    • The Digby Plays With an Incomplete "Morality" of Wisdom, Who Is Christ (Part of One of the "Macro Moralities"). Re-issued from the plates of the text edited by F. J. Furnivall for The New Shakspere Society in 1882, London, New York et Toronto, Oxford University Press for The Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Extra Series, 70), 1967, xxxii + 239 p. [IA]
  • Macray, Gulielmus D., Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae pars nona, codices a viro clarissimo Kenelm Digby, Eq. Aur., anno 1634 donatos, complectens; adiecto indice nomine et rerum, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1883, 287 col. (ici col. 19-20, no 23) [GB] [IA]
  • The Digby Plays: Facsimiles of the Plays in Bodley MSS Digby 133 and e Museo 160. With an Introduction by Donald C. Baker and J. L. Murphy, Leeds, University of Leeds, School of English (Leeds Texts and Monographs, New Series, 7; Medieval Drama Facsimiles, 3), 1976, xix + [248] p.
  • The Late Medieval Religious Plays of Bodleian Mss Digby 133 and E. Museo 160, edited by Donald C. Baker, John L. Murphy and Louis B. Hall, Jr., Oxford, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society, 283), 1982, cviii + 284 p. + [3] p. de pl.
  • Catalogue en ligne de la bibliothèque
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Voir aussi:
> Biblissima: Q210857
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 3 juin 2024

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