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United States of America / New Haven / Yale University / Beinecke Library / Beinecke



  1. (f. 1r-3v) Computus Iudaicus
    Incipit:Me pudet Iudeum audire talia scire,
    deberet clericus noscere que pocius…
    Explicit:… et sic patet concordia intuenti. Et sic finitus est conputus Iudaicus.
    Explicit hoc totum, infunde, etc.
  2. (f. 3v-10v) Algorismus, par Johannes de Sacrobosco
    Incipit:Omnia que a primeva rerum origine processerunt ratione numerorum formata sunt…
    Explicit:… Et hoc de radicum [extractione] dicta sufficiant tam in numeris quadratis quam in cubitis.
    Explicit algorismus etc.
  3. (f. 10v-15r) Traduction allemande de l'Algorismus de Johannes de Sacrobosco; incomplet de la fin; le f. 15r est la fin d'une autre traduction du même texte
    Incipit:Ein maister waz Boecius genant, der spricht also: Alles daz von angeng der welt geschaffen ist, daz ist alles mit dem zal geordent und gemacht…
    Explicit:Explicit algarismus tecimicalis [?] per manus.
  4. (f. 15v) Court traité sur les nombres comprenant une note en allemand sur les racines
    Incipit:Unum, duo, tres, quatuor, quinque…
Paraphrase of the Creed, by Antonio Beccari, known as Credo di Dante, as well as rules for the Confraternita della Morte on how to accompany and comfort the condemned to death; Laudi to comfort those condemned to death, and moral and biblical quotations related to death. Antonio da Ferrara (Antonio Beccari, 1315- c. 1373), paraphrase in verse of the Creed, dealing also with the sacraments, the Ten Commandments, the mortal sins, the Lord's Prayer and the Hail Mary, known as Credo di Dante, and often attributed to Dante Alighieri. The manuscript also contains rules for the members of the Confraternita della Morte in the Ospedale di Santa Maria della Morte in Bologna, on how to accompany and comfort the condemned to death, as well as Laudi to comfort those condemned to death, moral quotations related to death, and quotations from the Bible and the Church Fathers, in Latin on the verso pages, in Italian translation on the facing rectos.

Description matérielle

Date:XVe siècle
Nombre de feuillets:99
Pagination:[i-ii] + 1-95 + [i-ii]
Format:225 × 160 mm
Reliure:Cuir brun (XIXe siècle)
Mise en page:1 colonne


  • Acheté par la Beinecke chez Bernard M. Rosenthal en juillet 2004


Permalien: https://arlima.net/no/11162

Voir aussi:
> Biblissima: Q274073
> IRHT: ARCA: md20ft84ch0h
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Cette page est mise à disposition en vertu d'un contrat Creative Commons.
Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 12 mai 2023

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