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Roger of Wendover


Mort le 6 mai 1236

Moine bénédictin et chroniqueur à l'abbaye de Saint-Alban


  • Galbraith, V. H., Roger Wendover and Matthew Paris, being the eleventh lecture on the David Murray foundation in the University of Glasgow delivered on March 9th, 1944, Glasgow, Jackson (Glasgow University Publications, 61), 1944, 48 p. — Réimpr.: 1970.
  • Krümmel, Achim, « Roger von Wendover († 1236) », Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, t. 8, col. 551.
  • Karl Schnith, « Roger Wendover, OSB († 1236) », Lexikon des Mittelalters, München, LexMA-Verlag, t. 7, 1995, col. 944.
  1. Flores historiarum

    Date:D'environ 1204 à 1235
    Contenu:Chronique universelle de la Création jusqu'en 1234.
    Continuations:Matthew Paris, Chronica maiora
    1. London, British Library, Cotton, Otho B. V
    2. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce, 207
    Éditions anciennes
    Traductions anciennes
    • en français:
      • Recueil de divers voyages curieux, faits en Tartarie, en Perse et ailleurs. Enrichi de cartes géographiques et de figures en taille douce. On a mis au devant, le Traité de la navigation, et des voiages de découverte et conquête modernes. Divisez en deux tomes
        Leide, Pierre Vander Aa, 1729 (ici t. 2)
        ARLIMA: EA4169
        Exemplaires en ligne: [E-Rara] [IA]
        Traduction d'extraits.
    Éditions modernes
    • Rogeri de Wendover Chronica, sive flores historiarum, nunc primum edidit Henricus O. Coxe, London, Bentley for the English Historical Society, 1841-1844, 5 t. [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4, App.]
    • Rogeri de Wendover Liber qui dicitur flores historiarum ab anno domini MCLIV. annoque Henrici Anglorum regis secundi primo = The Flowers of History by Roger of Wendover: from the year of Our Lord 1154, and the first year of Henry the Second, king of the English. Edited from the original manuscripts by Henry G. Hewlett, London, Longman and Trübner (Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi scriptores, or Chronicles and Memorials of Great Britain and Ireland during the Middle Ages, 84), 1886-1889, 3 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    Traductions modernes
    • en anglais:
      • Roger of Wendover's Flowers of History, Comprising the History of England from the Descent of the Saxons to A. D. 1235. Formerly ascribed to Matthew Paris. Translated from the Latin by J. A. Giles, London, Henry G. Bohn (Bohn's Antiquarian Library), 1849, 2 t., viii + 568, 614 p. [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
      • The Crusade of Richard I. 1189-92. Extracts from the Itinerarium Ricardi, Bohâdin, Ernoul, Roger of Howden, Richard of Devizes, Rigord, Ibn Alathîr, Li Livres Eracles, etc. Selected and arranged by T. A. Archer, London, Nutt (English History by Contemporary Writers), 1888, xi + 395 p. [GB] [IA]
        • The Crusade of Richard I. 1189-92 Selected and arranged by T. A. Archer, New York et London, Putnam's Sons (English History by Contemporary Writers), 1889, xi + 395 p. [GB] [IA]
        • The Crusade of Richard I. 1189-92. Extracts from the Itinerarium Ricardi, Bohâdin, Ernoul, Roger of Howden, Richard of Devizes, Rigord, Ibn Alathîr, Li Livres Eracles, etc. Selected and arranged by T. A. Archer, London, Nutt (English History by Contemporary Writers), 1900, xi + 395 p. [GB] [IA]
        • The Crusade of Richard I. 1189-92. Extracts from the Itinerarium Ricardi, Bohâdin, Ernoul, Roger of Howden, Richard of Devizes, Rigord, Ibn Alathîr, Li Livres Eracles, etc. Selected and arranged by T. A. Archer, London, Nutt (English History by Contemporary Writers), 1912, xi + 395 p. [IA]
        • New York, AMS Press, 1978
        Traduction d'extraits.
      • Corolla Sancti Eadmundi = The Garland of Saint Edmund, King and Martyr, edited, with a preface, by Lord Francis Hervey, London, Murray, 1907, lxiii + 672 p. (ici p. 168-199) [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
        Reprise du texte de l'éd. Coxe et traduction anglaise des passages concernant saint Edmond le roi.
    • Allen, Elizabeth, Uncertain Refuge: Sanctuary in the Literature of Medieval England, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press (The Middle Ages Series), 2021, xi + 311 p. ISBN: 9780812253443
    • Kay, Richard, « Wendover's last annal », The English Historical Review, 84, 1969, p. 779-785.
    • McGlynn, Sean, « Roger of Wendover and the wars of Henry III, 1216-1234 », England and Europe in the Reign of Henry III, éd. K. Björn et U. Weiler, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2002, p. 183-206.
    • Quaglia, Armando, « La regola francescana in Ruggero di Wendover e Matteo di Parigi », Miscellanea francescana, 80, 1980, p. 167-178.
    • Schnith, Karl, England in einer sich wandelnden Welt (1189–1259). Studien zu Roger Wendover und Matthäus Paris, Stuttgart, Hiersemann, 1974.
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