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This book was compyled [and] made atte requeste of kyng Phelyp of Fraunce [...] whyche book is callyd in frensshe. le liure royal· that is to say the ryal book. or a book for a kyng. [...]

Identifiant ARLIMA: EA2732

Auteur: Laurent d'Orléans

Traducteur: William Caxton

Lieu: Westminster — Imprimeur: William Caxton — Date: [vers 1485-1486]


  1. (f. 1)


Titre complet: This book was compyled [and] made atte requeste of kyng Phelyp of Fraunce [...] whyche book is callyd in frensshe. le liure royal· that is to say the ryal book. or a book for a kyng. [...]


Langue: anglais

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Répertoires d'imprimés anciens

GW: M17250

ISTC: il00091000

USTC: S109148

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