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John Walton

John Capellanus


Actif vers 1410

Chanoine augustin de l'abbaye d'Osney et traducteur anglais


  1. Boethius

    Commanditaire:Elizabeth Berkeley
    Contenu:Traduction du De consolatione Philosophiae de Boèce puisant largement dans la version de Geoffrey Chaucer.
    1. Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, McClean, 184
    2. Cambridge, Saint John's College Library, 196 (G. 29)
    3. Cambridge, University Library, Gg. IV. 18
    4. Cambridge, University Library, Additional, 3573
      Anc. Phillipps 9472.
    5. Chicago, Newberry Library, f36
    6. Durham, Cathedral Library, Cosin V.II.15
    7. København, Kongelige biblioteket, Thott 304 2°
    8. Lincoln, Cathedral Library, 103 (I. 53)
    9. London, British Library, Harley, 43
    10. London, British Library, Harley, 44
    11. London, British Library, Royal, 18. A. XIII
    12. London, British Library, Sloane, 554
    13. London, Society of Antiquaries of London, 134
    14. New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library, Osborn fa43
      Anc. Schøyen 615.
    15. Oxford, Balliol College Library, 316A
    16. Oxford, Balliol College Library, 316B
    17. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Douce, 100
    18. Oxford, Bodleian Library, e Musæo, 53
    19. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Rawlinson poet. 151
    20. Oxford, Christ Church College Library, 151
    21. Oxford, New College Library, 319
    22. Oxford, Trinity College Library, 75
    23. Philadelphia, Rosenbach Museum and Library, 1083/30
      Anc. Phillipps 1099.
    24. San Marino (USA), Huntington Library, EL 26 A 13, f. III [⇛ Description]
    Éditions anciennes
    1. The boke of comfort called in laten Boetius de Consolatione philosophie. Translated in to englesse tonge.
      Tavestock, « Thomas Rychard monke [of Tavestock for] esquyer Mayster Robert Langdon », 1525
      ARLIMA: EA3267   USTC: 517815   ESTC: S113387
    Éditions modernes
    • Boethius, De Consolatione Philosophiae, translated by John Walton, canon of Oseney; edition with introduction, notes and glossary by Mark Science, London, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 170), 1927, xvii + 379 p.
    Traductions modernes
    • Copeland, Rita, Rhetoric, Hermeneutics, and Translation in the Middle Ages: Academic Traditions and Vernacular Texts, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature), 1991, xiv + 295 p. [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
      • 1995
    • Donaghey, Brian, Irma Taavitsainen et Erik Miller, « Walton's Boethius: from manuscript to print », English Studies, 80:5, 1999, p. 398-407.
    • Dwyer, R. A., « The Newberry's unknown revision of Walton's Boethius », Manuscripta, 17, 1972, p. 27-30.
    • Edwards, A. S. G., « Reading John Walton's Boethius in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries », Spaces for Reading in Later Medieval England, éd. Mary C. Flannery et Carrie Griffin, Basingstoke et New York, Palgrave Macmillan (The New Middle Ages), 2016, p. 35-49.
    • Fehlauer, Friedrich, Die englischen Übersetzungen von Boethius' "De Consolatione Philosophiae". I. Die alt- und mittelenglischen Übersetzungen, Königsberg i. Pr., Hartungsche Buchdruckerei, 1908, 63 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Johnson, I., « New evidence for the authorship of Walton's Boethius », Notes and Queries, 43:1, 1996, p. 19-21.
    • Peverley, S., « Chronicling the fortune of kings: John Hardyng's use of Walton's Boethius, Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde and Lydgate's King Henry VI's Triumphal Entry into London », Medieval Chronicle VII, éd. J. Dresvina et N. Sparks, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 2011, p. 167-203.
    • Schümmer, K., John Waltons metrische Übersetzung der Consolatio Philosophiae. Untersuchung des Handschriftenverhältnisses und Probe eines kritischen Textes, Bonn, Hanstein (Bonner Studien zur englischen Philologie, 6), 1914, lxxi + 149 p.
Répertoires bibliographiques
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> Wikidata: Q17015548
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 13 mai 2023

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