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United States of America / San Marino / Huntington Library

Cote:HM 114


  1. (f. 1-130v) William Langland, Piers Plowman, rédaction B avec portions importantes de la rédaction A
    Incipit:In a somer sesoun whan softe was þe sonne/ I schope me in a schrowde as I a schepe were…
    Explicit:… And send me hap & hele tyl y have found piers plowman/ And sethyn y cryed after grace tyl y began to awake.
    Explicit Pers Ploughman.
  2. (f. 131-184) Mandeville's travels, version lacunaire
    Incipit:For as myche as men coueyte to here of diuers longis & of diuers nacions þat bene beȝende þe grekyssh see…
    Explicit:… holy goost þat lyvith & regnith lord god withouten ende. Amen.
    Here endith þe book of maundevile.
  3. (f. 184v-190v) Þe storye of Susanne and Danyell [= The pistel of swete Susan]
    Incipit:Ther was in babyloyn a biern in þat burgh riche/ þat was a Jewe Ientil & Ioachym he hight…
    Explicit:… þe pistil witnessiþ it well/ Of þe prophete.
    Here endith þe storye of Susanne and Danyell.
  4. (f. 190v-192v) John of Hildesheim, The legend of the three kings
    Incipit:Aftir tyme þe Ioseph was warnyd of þe aungell in Bedlem in his slepe þat he sholde take Ihesu his sone…
    Explicit:… and cause þat our lady dwellid þere vii þeer with her childe. Amen.
  5. (f. 193r-318v) Geoffrey Chaucer, Troylus
    Incipit:The dowble sorowe of Troyllus to tellyn/ þat he was kyng Priamus sone of Troye…
    Explicit:… So make vs Ihesu for thy mercy digne/ For love of þat maydyn modir thyn benigne. Amen.
    Explicit Troylus.
  6. (f. 319r-325v) Epistola Luciferi ad cleros, en anglais
    Incipit:Lvcifer lord & prince of þe depe donioun of derkenes. Rewlour of þe regne of þe Infernall empyre…
    Explicit:… & witnessyng of þe will & effect of þe present lettres pryntyd & empressid. The lettre of þe Infernall emperour lucifer prince of þe postestates of þe gehennall regyoun Duke of Derkenes sent to his dere leef & entirely bylovid speciall childryn & frendis þe forlost childryn of þe modern cherche.

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  • Huchown's Pistel of swete Susan. Kritische Ausgabe von Dr. Hans Köster, Straßburg, Trübner (Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der germanischen Völker, 76), 1895, [viii] + 98 p. (ici p. 1) (P) [GB] [IA]
    Édition antérieure:
    • Köster, Hans, Huchown's Pistel of swete Susan. Kritische Ausgabe: 1. Teil, Straßburg, Trübner, 1895, [vii] + 63 p. [GB] [IA]
  • Digital Scriptorium
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Voir aussi:
> Biblissima: Q248860
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 5 juin 2020

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