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The Book of Saint Albans


Auteur:Selon la première édition imprimée, l'auteur serait Juliana Berners.
Titre:The boke of Saint Albans; The book of Saint Albans
Genre:Traité de chasse
Éditions anciennes
  1. Saint Albans, [« Scolemayster of St Albon »], 1486
  2. Wynken de Worde, 1496
  3. Wynken de Worde, 149[?]
  4. Wynken de Worde, [vers 1503]
  5. W. Powell, [XVIe s.]
  6. W. Coplande (« in Flete Strete at ye sygne of ye Sonne »), [XVIe s.]
  7. W. Coplande (« in Flete Strete at the sygne of George »), [XVIe s.]
  8. W. Coplande (« in Flete Strete at the sygne of the Rose Garlande »), [XVIe s.]
  9. W. Coplande (« in Lothebury »), [XVIe s.]
  10. W. Coplande (« in Saynt Martyns parish in the Vinetre upon the three Crane Wharfe »), [XVIe s.]
  11. W. Coplande (« in the Vyentre uppon the thre Craned Wharfe »), [1548?]
  12. W. Powell (« in Lothebury »), 1550
  13. Abraham Vele, 1551?
  14. Henry Tab (« in Paul's Chyrch yarde »), [XVIe s.]
  15. I. Waly (« in Foster Laen »), [XVIe s.]
  16. Wylliam Coplande, 1561
  17. E. Alde, 1586
  18. John Wolfe, 1590
  19. Humfrey Lownes, 1595
  20. Wolffe, 1596
  21. Adam Islip, 1596
  22. Edward Alde, 1596
  23. Wolffe, 1600
  24. Wolffe, 1606
  25. A Jewell for Gentrie, by S. T., Helme, 1614
  26. The Book of Cote Armour, reprinted by J. Dallaway, 1793.
Éditions modernes
  • Hazelwood, 1810 (réimpression de l'éd. de 1496)
  • The Boke of Saint Albans of Dame Juliana Berners containing treatises on hawking, hunting, and cote armour: printed at Saint Albans by the schoolmaster-printer in 1486, reproduced in facsimile with an introduction by William Blades, London, Stock, 1881. [GB] [IA]
    • The Boke of Saint Albans of Dame Juliana Berners containing treatises on hawking, hunting, and cote armour: printed at Saint Albans by the schoolmaster-printer in 1486, reproduced in facsimile with an introduction by William Blades, London, Stock, 1899. [GB] [IA]
    • The Boke of Saint Albans of Dame Juliana Berners containing treatises on hawking, hunting, and cote armour: printed at Saint Albans by the schoolmaster-printer in 1486, reproduced in facsimile with an introduction by William Blades, London, Stock, 1901. [GB] [IA]
    • The Boke of Saint Albans of Dame Juliana Berners containing treatises on hawking, hunting, and cote armour: printed at Saint Albans by the schoolmaster-printer in 1486, reproduced in facsimile with an introduction by William Blades, London, Stock, 1905. [GB] [IA]
    Réimpression de la première édition.
Traductions modernes
  • Binns, A. L., « A manuscript source of the Book of St. Albans », Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, 33:1, 1950-1951, p. 15-24. DOI: 10.7227/bjrl.33.1.2
  • Zettersten, Arne, « The Lambeth manuscript of the Boke of Huntyng », Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 70:1, 1969, p. 106-121. [jstor.org]
Répertoires bibliographiques
  • The Master of Game by Edward, second duke of York, the oldest English book on hunting, edited by Wm. A. and F. Baillie-Grohman, with a foreword by Theodore Roosevelt, with 52 facsimile photogravure plates and monotint reproductions, London, Ballantyne, Hanson, and Co., 1904, liii + 286 p. + lii pl. (ici p. 243-245) [HT] [IA]
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> Wikidata: Q2057626
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 3 septembre 2022

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