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The seafarer


Titre:Aucun titre dans le ms.; The seafarer (titre dans l'éd. Thorpe)
Date:Xe siècle
Forme:124 vers
Incipit:Mæg ic be me sylfum    soðgied wrecan,
siþas secgan,    hu ic geswincdagum
earfoðhwile    oft þrowade,
bitre breostceare    gebiden hæbbe…
Explicit:… þær is lif gelong    in lufan Dryhtnes,
hyht in heofonum.    Þæs sy þam Halgan þonc
þæt he usic geweorþade,    wuldres Ealdor
ece Dryhten,    in ealle tid. Amen.
  1. Exeter, Cathedral Library, 3501, f. 81v-83r [⇛ Description]
Éditions anciennes
Éditions modernes
  • Codex Exoniensis. A Collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, from a Manuscript in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, with an English translation, notes and indexes, by Benjamin Thorpe, London, Pickering for The Society of Antiquaries of London, 1842, xvi + 546 p. (ici p. 306-313) [GB] [IA]
  • Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie begründet von C. W. M. Grein. Neu bearbeitet, vermehrt und nach eignen Lesungen der Handschriften herausgegeben von Richard Paul Wülcker, Kassel, Wigand, 1883-1898, 5 t. (ici t. 1, p. 290-295) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    Éditions antérieures:
    • Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie in kritisch bearbeiteten Texten und mit vollständigem Glossar herausgegeben von C. W. M. Grein, Göttingen, Wigand, 1857-1864, 4 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4]
    • Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie begründet von C. W. M. Grein. Neu bearbeitet, vermehrt und nach eignen Lesungen der Handschriften herausgegeben von Richard Paul Wülcker. I. Band — 1. Hälfte, Kassel, Wigand, 1881, vii + 422 p. + [4] p. de pl. [GB] [IA]
    • Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie begründet von C. W. M. Grein. Neu bearbeitet, vermehrt und nach eignen Lesungen der Handschriften herausgegeben von Richard Paul Wülcker. II. Band — 1. Hälfte, Kassel, Wigand, 1888, vi + 210 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie begründet von C. W. M. Grein. Neu bearbeitet, vermehrt und nach eignen Lesungen der Handschriften herausgegeben von Richard Paul Wülcker. III. Band — 1. Hälfte, Kassel, Wigand, 1897, [vii] + 248 p. [GB] [IA]
  • Kleines angelsächsisches Dichterbuch. Lyrik und Heldenepos. Texte und Textproben mit kurzen Einleitungen und ausführlichem Wörterbuch von Levin L. Schücking. Wörterbuch und Mitwirkung von Clara Schwarze, Cöthen, Schulze, 1919, viii + 192 p. (ici p. 6-12) [GB] [HT] [IA]
  • The Exeter Book Part Two, London, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Original Series), 1933.
  • The Exeter Book, éd. George Philip Krapp et Elliot Van Kirk Dobbie, New York, Columbia University Press (The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records, 3), 1936.
  • Seven Old English Poems. Cædmon's Hymn, The Battle of Brunanburh, The Dream of the Rood, The Battle of Maldon, The Wanderer, The Seafarer, Deor. Edited, with commentary and glossary by John C. Pope, Indianapolis et New York, Bobbs-Merrill (The Library of Literature), 1966, xiii + 213 p. [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    • New York, Norton (A Norton paperback), 1981, x + 227 p.
  • The Seafarer, éd. Ida Gordon, Exeter, University of Exeter, 1996.
  • The Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry: An Edition of Exeter Dean and Chapter MS 3501 by Bernard J. Muir, 2e éd., Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 2000.
  • Old and Middle English c. 890-c. 1400: An Anthology, éd. Elaine Treharne, Malden, Blackwell, 2004, p. 48-53.
Traductions modernes
  • en anglais:
    • Thorpe 1842 (voir sous Éditions modernes)
    • Select Translations from Old English Poetry, edited by Albert S. Cook and Chauncey B. Tinker. Revised edition, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1935, xi + 195 p. (ici p. 44-49) [HT] [IA]
      Éditions antérieures:
      • Select Translations from Old English Poetry, edited with prefatory notes and indexes by Albert S. Cook and Chauncey B. Tinker, Boston, Ginn, 1902, xi + 195 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
      • Select Translations from Old English Poetry, edited by Albert S. Cook and Chauncey B. Tinker. Revised edition, Boston, Ginn, 1926, xi + 195 p. [GB] [IA]
      Traduction partielle.
    • Anglo-Saxon Poetry, selected and translated by Professor R. K. Gordon. Revised edition, London, Dent; New York, Dutton (Everyman's Library, 794), 1954, xiv + 334 p. (ici p. 76-78)
      Éditions antérieures:
      • Anglo-Saxon Poetry, selected and translated by Professor R. K. Gordon, London et Toronto, Dent; New York, Dutton (Everyman's Library, 794; Poetry and Drama), 1926, xvi + 367 p. [HT] [IA]
      • Anglo-Saxon Poetry, selected and translated by Professor R. K. Gordon, London et Toronto, Dent; New York, Dutton (Everyman's Library, 794; Poetry and Drama), 1930, xvi + 367 p. [IA]
      • 1934
      • Anglo-Saxon Poetry, selected and translated by Professor R. K. Gordon, London et Toronto, Dent; New York, Dutton (Everyman's Library, 794; Poetry and Drama), 1937, xvi + 367 p. [IA]
      • 1950
      • Anglo-Saxon Poetry, selected and translated by Professor R. K. Gordon. Revised edition, London, Dent; New York, Dutton (Everyman's Library, 794), 1957, xiv + 334 p. [IA]
      • Anglo-Saxon Poetry, selected and translated by Professor R. K. Gordon. Revised edition, London, Dent; New York, Dutton (Everyman's Library, 794), 1962, xiv + 334 p. [IA]
      • 1964
      • Anglo-Saxon Poetry, selected and translated by Professor R. K. Gordon. Revised edition, London, Dent; New York, Dutton (Everyman's Library, 794), 1967, xiv + 334 p. [IA]
      • 1970
      • Anglo-Saxon Poetry, selected and translated by Professor R. K. Gordon. Revised edition, London, Melbourne et Toronto, Dent; New York, Dutton (Everyman's Library, 794), 1977, xiv + 334 p. [IA]
    • Early English Poetry, translated by Charles W. Kennedy, New York, Oxford University Press, 1961.
    • Anglo-Saxon Poetry: An Anthology of Old English Poems in Prose Translation, with introduction and headnotes by S. A. J. Bradley, London, Dent (Everyman's Library, 1794), 1982, xxvi + 559 p. — Réimpr.: 1995; 2000.
    • Beowulf and Other Old English Poems, edited and translated by Craig Williamson; with a foreword by Tom Shippey, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press (The Middle Ages Series), 2011, xxxi + 256 p. (ici p. 150-154) ISBN: 9780812243451
  • en espagnol:
    • Breve antología anglosajona, trad. Jorge Luis Borges y María Kodama, Santiago de Chile, Ediciones La ciudad, 1978, 46 p.
  • en norvégien:
    • Vers fra vest. Gammelengelsk dikt i utvalg, trad. Arthur Sandved, Oslo, Thorleif Dahls Kulturbibliotek, 1987.
  • Anderson, O. S., The Seafarer: An Interpretation, Lund, Gleerups, 1937.
  • Boer, R. C., « Wanderer und Seefahrer », Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie, 35, 1903, p. 1-28. [GB] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2, ex. 3]
  • Brown, Phyllis R., « The Seafarer », Medieval England: An Encyclopedia, éd. Paul E. Szarmach, M. Teresa Tavormina et Joel T. Roesenthal, New York, Garland, 1998.
  • Calder, Daniel G., « Setting and mode in The Seafarer and The Wanderer », Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 72, 1971, p. 264-275.
  • Cherniss, Michael D., « The meaning of The Seafarer, lines 97-102 », Modern Philology, 66:2, 1968-1969, p. 146-149. [jstor.org]
  • Clemoes, Peter, « Mens absentia cognitans in The Seafarer and The Wanderer », Medieval Literature and Civilization: Studies in Memory of G. N. Garmonsway, éd. D. A. Pearsall et R. A. Waldron. London, Athlone Press, 1969, p. 62-77.
  • Conde Silvestre, Juan C., « The Wanderer and The Seafarer: a bibliography 1971-1991 », SELIM: Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature, 2, 1992, p. 170-186.
  • Gardner, John, The Construction of Christian Poetry in Old English, Carbondale et Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University Press; London et Amsterdam, Feffer and Simons (Literary Structures), 1975, xii + 147 p.
  • Goldsmith, Margaret E., « The Seafarer and the birds », The Review of English Studies, n. s., 5:19, 1954, p. 225-235.
  • Gordon, Ida L., « Traditional themes in The Wanderer and The Seafarer », Review of English Studies, n. s., 5:17, 1954, p. 1-13.
  • Green, Martin, « Man, time, and apocalypse in The Wanderer, The Seafarer, and Beowulf », Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 74, 1974, p. 502-518.
  • Greenfield, Stanley B., « Attitudes and values in The Seafarer », Studies in Philology, 51, 1954, p. 15-20.
  • Greenfield, Stanley B., « The formulaic expression of the theme of "exile" in Anglo-Saxon poetry », Speculum, 30, 1955, p. 200-206.
  • Greenfield, Stanley B., « Sylf, seasons, structure and genre in The Seafarer », Old English Shorter Poems: Basic Readings, éd. Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe, New York, Garland, 1994, p. 251-279.
  • Holton, Frederick S., « Old English sea imagery and the interpretation of The Seafarer », Yearbook of English Studies, 12, 1982, p. 208-217.
  • Horgan, A. D., « The structure of The Seafarer », The Review of English Studies, n. s., 30, 117, ??, p. 41-49.
  • Howlett, David R., « The structures of The Wanderer and The Seafarer », Studia neophilologica, 47:2, 1975, p. 313-317.
  • Imelmann, Rudolf, Wanderer und Seefahrer im Rahmen der altenglischen Odoaker-Dichtung, Berlin, Springer, 1908, 93 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
  • Klein, W. F., « Purpose and "poetics" of The Wanderer and The Seafarer », Anglo-Saxon Poetry: Essays in Appreciation for John C. McGalliard, éd. Lewis E. Nicholson et Dolores Warwick Frese, Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 1975, p. 208-223.
  • Klinck, Anne L., « Resignation: exile's lament or penitent's prayer? », Neophilologus, 71:3, 1987, p. 423-430. DOI: 10.1007/bf00211129
  • Klinck, Anne L., « Seafarer », The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England, éd. Michael Lapidge, Oxford, Blackwell, 1991, p. 413.
  • Lawrence, W. W., « The Wanderer and The Seafarer », The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 4, 1902, p. 460-480.
  • Matto, Michael, « True confessions: The Seafarer and technologies of the Sylf », The Journal of English and Germanic Philology, 103, 2004, p. 156-179.
  • Mitchell, Bruce, « The syntax of The Seafarer, lines 50-52 », The Review of English Studies, n. s., 36, 144, 1985, p. 535-537.
  • Orton, P., « The form and structure of The Seafarer », Studia neophilologica, 63, 1991, p. 37-55.
  • Pope, John C., « Dramatic voices in The Wanderer and The Seafarer », Franciplegius: Medieval and Linguistic Studies in Honor of Francis Peabody Magoun, Jr., éd. Jess B. Bessinger, Jr. et Robert P. Creed, New York, New York University Press, 1965, p. 164-193.
  • Pope, John C., « Second thoughts on the interpretation of The Seafarer », Anglo-Saxon England, 3, 1974, p. 75-86.
  • Pope, John C., « Second thoughts on the interpretation of The Seafarer », Old English Shorter Poems: Basic Readings, éd. Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe, New York, Garland, 1994, p. 213-229.
  • Prins, A. A., « The Wanderer (and The Seafarer) », Neophilologus, 48, 1964, p. 237-251.
  • Rumble, Alexander R., « Exeter Book », Medieval England: An Encyclopedia, éd. Paul E. Szarmach, M. Teresa Tavormina et Joel T. Roesenthal, New York, Garland, 1998, p. 285-286.
  • Schipper, J., « Zum Codex Exoniensis », Germania, 19, 1874, p. 327-338. [GB] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2, ex. 3]
  • Shippey, Thomas A., « The Wanderer and The Seafarer as wisdom poetry », Companion to Old English Poetry, éd. Henk Aertsen et Rolf H. Bremmer, Jr., Amsterdam, Vrije University Press, 1994, p. 145-158.
  • Sisam, Kenneth, « Seafarer, lines 97-102 », The Review of English Studies, 21, 84, 1945, p. 316-317.
  • Smithers, G. V., « The meaning of The Seafarer and The Wanderer », Medium Ævum, 26:3, 1957, p. 137-153. DOI: 10.2307/43626692
  • Smithers, G. V., « The meaning of The Seafarer and The Wanderer (continued) », Medium Ævum, 28:1, 1959, p. 1-22. DOI: 10.2307/43626769
  • Smithers, G. V., « The meaning of The Seafarer and The Wanderer: appendix », Medium Ævum, 28:2, 1959, p. 99-104. DOI: 10.2307/43631136
  • Sobecki, Sebastian, « The interpretation of The Seafarer: a re-examination of the pilgrimage theory », Neophilologus, 92:1, 2008, p. 127-139.
  • Stanley, E. G., « Old English poetic diction and the interpretation of The Wanderer, The Seafarer and The Penitent's Prayer », Anglia, 73:4, 1955, p. 413-466. DOI: 10.1515/angl.1955.73.4.413
  • Timmer, B. J., « The elegiac mood in Old English poetry », English Studies, 24, 1942, p. 33-44.
  • Vickery, John F., « Some hypotheses concerning The Seafarer », Old English Shorter Poems: Basic Readings, éd. Katherine O'Brien O'Keeffe, New York, Garland, 1994, p. 251-279.
  • Warren, Michael J., Birds in Medieval English Poetry: Metaphors, Realities, Transformations, Cambridge, Brewer (Nature and Environment in the Middle Ages), 2018, ix + 259 p. ISBN: 9781843845089
    Compte rendu: Donna Beth Ellard, dans The Medieval Review, 19.06.12, 2019. [www]
  • Whitelock, Dorothy, « The interpretation of The Seafarer », The Early Cultures of North-West Europe (H. M. Chadwick Memorial Studies), éd. Sir Cyril Fox et Bruce Dickins, 1950, p. 259-272. — Réimpr. dans Essential Articles: Old English Poetry, éd. Jess B. Bessinger, Jr. et Stanley J. Kahrl, Hamden, Archon, 1968, p. 442-457.
  • Williams, Douglas, « The Seafarer as an evangelical poem », Lore and Language, 8:1, 1989.
  • Woolf, Rosemary, « The Wanderer, The Seafarer, and the genre of planctus », Anglo-Saxon Poetry: Essays in Appreciation for John C. McGalliard, éd. Lewis E. Nicholson et Dolores Warwick Frese, Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, 1975, p. 192-207.
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