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United Kingdom / Exeter / Cathedral Library



  1. (f. 8r-14r) Christ I
    Incipit:[le début manque]
    ðu eart se weallstan    þe ða wyrhtan iu…
    Explicit:… þær he gesælig    siþþan eardað,
    ealne widan feorh    wunað butan ende. Amen.
  2. (f. 14r-20v) Cynewulf, Christ II
    Incipit:Nu ðu geornlice    gæstgerynum,
    mon se mæra,    modcræfte sec…
    Explicit:… ða us gerymde    rodera waldend,
    halge on heahþu,    þa he heofonum astag.
  3. (f. 20v-32r) Christ III
    Incipit:ðonne mid fere    foldbuende
    se micla dæg    meahtan dryhtnes…
    Explicit:… awo brucað    eadigra gedryht,
    weoruda wlitescynast,    wuldres mid dryhten.
  4. (f. 32v-44v) Guthlac A
    Incipit:Se bið gefeana fægrast    þonne hy æt frymðe gemetað,
    engel ond seo eadge sawl!    Ofgiefeþ hio þas eorþan wynne…
    Explicit:… wlitig, wuldorfæst,    ealne widan ferh
    on lifgendra    londes wynne.
  5. (f. 44v-52v) Guthlac B
    Incipit:ðæt is wide cuð    wera cneorissum,
    folcum gefræge,    þætte frymþa god…
    Explicit:… siðfæt minne.    Ic sceal sarigferð,
    heanmod hweorfan,    hyge drusendne. »
  6. (f. 53r-55v) Azarias
    Incipit:Him þa Azarias    ingeþoncum
    hleoþrede halig    þurh hatne lig…
    Explicit:… modum gleawe,    in monþeawum,
    þurh foreþoncas    fyr gedygdon.
  7. (f. 55v-65v) The phoenix
    Incipit:Hæbbe ic gefrugnen    þætte is feor heonan
    eastdælum on    æþelast londa…
    Explicit:… ond him lof singan    laude perenne,
    eadge mid englum.    Alleluia.
  8. (f. 65v-76r) Cynewulf, Juliana
    Incipit:Hwæt! We ðæt hyrdon    hæleð eahtian,
    deman dædhwate,    þætte in dagum gelamp…
    Explicit:… þæt we þine onsyne,    æþelinga wyn,
    milde gemeten    on þa mæran tid.
  9. (f. 76v-78r) The wanderer
    Incipit:Oft him anhaga    are gebideð,
    metudes miltse,    þeah þe he modcearig…
    Explicit:… eorl mid elne gefremman.    Wel bið þam þe him are seceð,
    frofre to fæder on heofonum,    þær us eal seo fæstnung stondeð.
  10. (f. 78r-80r) The gifts of men
    Incipit:Fela bið on foldan    forðgesynra
    geongra geofona,    þa þa gæstberend…
    Explicit:… leohtbære lof,    se us þis lif giefeð
    ond his milde mod    monnum cyþeð.
  11. (f. 80r-81r) Precepts
    Incipit:ðus frod fæder    freobearn lærde,
    modsnottor mon,    maga cystum eald…
    Explicit:… ber breostcofan.    Swa þu, min bearn, gemyne
    frode fæder lare    ond þec a wið firenum geheald. »
  12. (f. 81v-83r) The seafarer
    Incipit:Mæg ic be me sylfum    soðgied wrecan,
    siþas secgan,    hu ic geswincdagum…
    Explicit:… þæt he usic geweorþade,    wuldres Ealdor
    ece Dryhten,    in ealle tid. Amen.
  13. (f. 83r-84v) Vainglory
    Incipit:Hwæt, me frod wita    on fyrndagum
    sægde, snottor ar,    sundorwundra fela…
    Explicit:… gemunan in mode    mæla gehwylcum
    þone selestan    sigora waldend. Amen.
  14. (f. 84v-87r) Widsith
    Incipit:Widsið maðolade,    wordhord onleac,
    se þe monna mæst    mægþa ofer eorþan…
    Explicit:… leoht ond lif somod;    lof se gewyrceð,
    hafað under heofonum    heahfæstne dom.
  15. (f. 87r–88v) The fortunes of men
    Incipit:Ful oft þæt gegongeð,    mid godes meahtum,
    þætte wer ond wif    in woruld cennað…
    Explicit:… Forþon him nu ealles þonc    æghwa secge,
    þæs þe he fore his miltsum    monnum scrifeð.
  16. (f. 88v-92v) Maxims I
    Incipit:Frige mec frodum wordum!    Ne læt þinne ferð onhælne,
    degol þæt þu deopost cunne!    Nelle ic þe min dyrne gesecgan…
    Explicit:… hyge heardum men.    Helm sceal cenum,
    ond a þæs heanan hyge    hord unginnost.
  17. (f. 92v-94r) The order of the world
    Incipit:Wilt þu, fus hæle,   fremdne monnan,
    wisne woðboran   wordum gretan…
    Explicit:… forlæte heteniþa   gehwone sigan
    mid synna fyrnum,   fere him to þam sellan rice.
  18. (f. 94r-95v) Riming poem
    Incipit:Me līfes onlāh   se þis lēoht onwrāh,
    ond þæt torhte getēoh,   tillīce onwrāh…
    Explicit:… þær moncyn mot   for meotude rot
    soðne god geseon,   ond aa in sibbe gefean.
  19. (f. 95v-96v) The panther
    Incipit:Monge sindon    geond middangeard
    unrimu cynn,    þe we æþelu ne magon…
    Explicit:… ond se anga hyht    ealra gesceafta,
    uppe ge niþre. »    þæt is æþele stenc.
  20. (f. 96v-97v) The whale
    Incipit:Nu ic fitte gen    ymb fisca cynn
    wille woðcræfte    wordum cyþan…
    Explicit:… þæt we mid swa leofne    in lofe motan
    to widan feore    wuldres neotan.
  21. (f. 97v-98r) The partridge
    Incipit:Hyrde ic secgan gen    bi sumum fugle
    Explicit:… þæt swa æþelne    eardwica cyst
    in wuldres wlite    wunian motan.
  22. (f. 98r-100r) [Soul and body II]
    Incipit:Huru, ðæs behofaþ    hæleþa æghwylc
    þæt he his sawle sið    sylfa bewitige…
    Explicit:… æt on eorþan.    þæt mæg æghwylcum
    men to gemyndum    modsnotterra.
  23. (f. 100r-v) Deor
    Incipit:Welund him be wurman    wræces cunnade,
    anhydig eorl    earfoþa dreag…
    Explicit:… leoðcræftig monn    londryht geþah,
    þæt me eorla hleo    ær gesealde.
    þæs ofereode,    þisses swa mæg!
  24. (f. 100v-101r) Wulf and Eadwacer
    Incipit:Leodum is minum    swylce him mon lac gife;
    willað hy hine aþecgan    gif he on þreat cymeð…
    Explicit:… wynlicran wic.    Wa bið þam þe sceal
    of langoþe    leofes abidan.
  25. (f. 101r-115r) Riddles 1-59
    Incipit:[Riddle 1]
    Hwylc is hæleþa þæs horsc    ond þæs hygecræftig
    þæt þæt mæge asecgan,    hwa mec on sið wræce…
    Explicit:… hringes to hæleþum,    þa he in healle wæs
    wylted ond wended    wloncra folmum.
  26. (f. 115r-v) The wife's lament
    Incipit:Ic þis giedd wrece    bi me ful geomorre,
    minre sylfre sið.    Ic þæt secgan mæg…
    Explicit:… wynlicran wic.    Wa bið þam þe sceal
    of langoþe    leofes abidan.
  27. (f. 115v-117v) The Judgment Day I
    Incipit:ðæt gelimpan sceal,    þætte lagu floweð,
    flod ofer foldan;    feores bið æt ende…
    Explicit:… Siþþan æfter þam lige    lif bið gestaþelad,
    welan ah in wuldre    se nu wel þenceð.
  28. (f. 117v-119v) Resignation
    Incipit:Age mec se ælmihta god,
    helpe min se halga dryhten!    þu gesceope heofon ond eorþan
    ond wundor eall,    min wundorcyning…
    Explicit:… Giet biþ þæt selast,    þonne mon him sylf ne mægbr />wyrd onwendan,    þæt he þonne wel þolige.
  29. (f. 119v-121v) The harrowing of hell
    Incipit:Ongunnon him on uhtan    æþelcunde mægð
    gierwan to geonge;    wiston gumena gemot…
    Explicit:… mid þy fullwihte    fægre onbryrdon
    ealne þisne middangeard.    Sie þæs symle meotude þonc! »
  30. (f. 121v-122r) Alms-giving
    Texte complet:Wel bið þam eorle    þe him on innan hafað,
    reþehygdig wer,    rume heortan;
    þæt him biþ for worulde    weorðmynda mæst,
    ond for ussum dryhtne    doma selast.
    Efne swa he mid wætre    þone weallendan
    leg adwæsce,    þæt he leng ne mæg
    blac byrnende    burgum sceððan,
    swa he mid ælmessan    ealle toscufeð
    synna wunde,    sawla lacnað.
  31. (f. 122r) Pharaoh, poème fragmentaire
    Texte complet:« Saga me hwæt þær weorudes    wære ealles
    on Farones fyrde,    þa hy folc godes
    þurh feondscipe    fylgan ongunn.... »
    « Nat ic hit be wihte,    butan ic wene þus,
    þæt þær screoda wære    gescyred rime
    siex hun... ...a    searohæbbendra;
    þæt eal fornam    yþ...
    wraþe wyrde    in woruldrice. »
  32. (f. 122r) The Lord's prayer I, incomplet du début
    Texte complet:[le début manque]
    g fæder,    þu þe on heofonum eardast,
    geweorðad wuldres dreame.    Sy þinum weorcum halgad
    noma niþþa bearnum;    þu eart nergend wera.
    Cyme þin rice wide,    ond þin rædfæst willa
    aræred under rodores hrofe,    eac þon on rumre foldan.
    Syle us to dæge    domfæstne blæd,
    hlaf userne,    helpend wera,
    þone singalan,    soðfæst meotod.
    Ne læt usic costunga    cnyssan to swiðe,
    ac þu us freodom gief,    folca waldend,
    from yfla gehwam,    a to widan feore.
  33. (f. 122r-v) Homiletic fragment II
    Incipit:Gefeoh nu on ferðe    ond to frofre geþeoh
    dryhtne þinum,    ond þinne dom arær…
    Explicit:… in þam hordfate,    halgan gæste,
    beorht on br[……]e scan,
    se wæs ordfruma    ealles leohtes.
  34. (f. 122v) Riddle 30b
    Texte complet:Ic eom ligbysig,    lace mid winde,
    w–    …dre gesomnad,
    fus forðweges,    fyre gemylted,
    bear… blowende,    byrnende gled.
    Ful oft mec gesiþas    sendað æfter hondum,
    þær mec weras ond wif    wlonce gecyssað.
    þonne ic mec onhæbbe,    hi onhnigað to me,
    modge miltsum,    swa ic mongum sceal
    ycan upcyme    eadignesse.
  35. (f. 122v-123r) Riddle 60
    Incipit:Ic wæs be sonde,    sæwealle neah,
    æt merefaroþe,    minum gewunade…
    Explicit:… abeodan bealdlice,    swa hit beorna ma
    uncre wordcwidas    widdor ne mænden.
  36. (f. 123r-v) The husband's message
    Incipit:Nu ic onsundran þe    secgan wille
    [......] treocyn    ic tudre aweox;
    in mec æld[…] sceal    ellor londes…
    Explicit:… þæt he þa wære    ond þa winetreowe
    be him lifgendum    læstan wolde,
    þe git on ærdagum    oft gespræconn.
  37. (f. 123v-124v) The ruin, poème fragmentaire
    Incipit:Wratlic is þes wealstn;    wyrde gebrcon,
    burgstede burston,    brosnað enta geweorc…
    Explicit:… ht on hreþre;    pæt wæs hyðelic.
    Lton þonne gotan    [.............]
    ofer hrne stn    hte stramas
    under [........]    [............–]
    oþþæt hringmere.    Hte [........]
    [........]    þr þ baþu wron.
    [.............    .............]
  38. (f. 124v) Riddles 61-95
    Incipit:Oft mec fæste bileac    freolicu meowle,
    ides on earce,    hwilum up ateah…
    Explicit:… swiþe secað,    ic swaþe hwilum
    mine bemiþe    monna gehwylcum.

Description matérielle

Date:Seconde moitié du Xe siècle
Nombre de feuillets:123
Format:185 × 140 mm
Mise en page:Une colonne
Notes:Un feuillet manque entre les f. 37-38.


  • Acquis par l'évêque Leofric († 1072) pour le chapitre cathédral d'Exeter, où le ms. est demeuré jusqu'à aujourd'hui.


  • Phenix-Fuglen, et angelsachsisk kvad förstegang udgivet med indledning, fordanskning og efterklang af Nik. Fred. Sev. Grundtvig, Kjöbenhavn, Fabritius de Tengnagel, 1840, 72 p. [GB] [IA]
  • Codex Exoniensis. A Collection of Anglo-Saxon Poetry, from a Manuscript in the Library of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, with an English translation, notes and indexes, by Benjamin Thorpe, London, Pickering for The Society of Antiquaries of London, 1842, xvi + 546 p. [GB] [IA]
  • Schipper, J., « Zum Codex Exoniensis », Germania, 19, 1874, p. 327-338. [GB] [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2, ex. 3]
  • Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie begründet von C. W. M. Grein. Neu bearbeitet, vermehrt und nach eignen Lesungen der Handschriften herausgegeben von Richard Paul Wülcker, Kassel, Wigand, 1883-1898, 5 t. (ici t. 3) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3]
    Éditions antérieures:
    • Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie in kritisch bearbeiteten Texten und mit vollständigem Glossar herausgegeben von C. W. M. Grein, Göttingen, Wigand, 1857-1864, 4 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4]
    • Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie begründet von C. W. M. Grein. Neu bearbeitet, vermehrt und nach eignen Lesungen der Handschriften herausgegeben von Richard Paul Wülcker. I. Band — 1. Hälfte, Kassel, Wigand, 1881, vii + 422 p. + [4] p. de pl. [GB] [IA]
    • Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie begründet von C. W. M. Grein. Neu bearbeitet, vermehrt und nach eignen Lesungen der Handschriften herausgegeben von Richard Paul Wülcker. II. Band — 1. Hälfte, Kassel, Wigand, 1888, vi + 210 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie begründet von C. W. M. Grein. Neu bearbeitet, vermehrt und nach eignen Lesungen der Handschriften herausgegeben von Richard Paul Wülcker. III. Band — 1. Hälfte, Kassel, Wigand, 1897, [vii] + 248 p. [GB] [IA]
  • Cynewulf's Christ, an eighth century English epic edited, with a modern rendering, by Israel Gollancz, London, Nutt, 1892, xxiii + 215 p. [GB] [IA]
  • The Exeter Book, an anthology of Anglo-Saxon poetry presented to Exeter Cathedral by Leofric, first bishop of Exeter (1050-1071), and still in the possession of the Dean and Chapter, edited from the manuscript, with a translation, notes, introduction, etc., by Israel Gollancz. Part I. Poems I-VIII, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. for the Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 104), 1895, viii + 305 p. [GB] [IA]
  • Die Handschriften von Exeter: Metra des Boetius, Salomo und Saturn, die Psalmen. Herausgegeben von Bruno Assmann nebst einer Lebensskizze Grein's von Richard Paul Wülker und mit Grein's Bildnis, Leipzig, Wigand's Verlag (Bibliothek der angelsächsischen Poesie, 3:1-2), 1897-1898, 2 t. en 1 vol., [vi] + 248, xiii + 247-490 p. [GB] [IA]
  • The Christ of Cynewulf, a Poem in Three Parts: the Advent, the Ascension, and the Last Judgment, edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by Albert S. Cook, Boston, Ginn (The Albion Series), 1900, ciii + 297 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
  • Juliana, edited by William Strunk, Boston et London, Heath (The Belles Lettres Series. Section I: English Literature), 1904, xlvi + 133 p. [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    • The Juliana of Cynewulf, edited by William Strunk, Boston et London, Heath (The Belles Lettres Series. Section I: English Literature), 1904, xlvi + 133 p. [GB] [IA]
  • The Riddles of the Exeter Book, edited with introduction, notes, and glossary by Frederick Tupper, Jr., Boston, New York, Chicago et London, Ginn (The Albion Series of Anglo-Saxon and Middle English Poetry), 1910, cxi + 292 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
  • Tupper, Frederick, Jr., « The British Museum transcript of the Exeter Book (Add. MS. 9067) », Anglia, 36, 1912, p. 285-288.
  • Die altenglischen Rätsel (die Rätsel des Exeterbuchs), herausgegeben, erläutert und mit Wörterverzeichnis versehen von Moritz Trautmann. Mit 16 Seiten der Handschrift auf Tafeln, Heidelberg, Winter; New York, Stechert (Alt- und mittelenglische Texte, 8), 1915, xx + 203 p. + [16] pl. [GB] [IA]
    Compte rendu: A. J. Barnouw, dans Neophilologus, 3, 1918, p. 77-78. [GB] [HT] [IA]
  • The Old English Elene, Phoenix, and Physiologus, edited by Albert Stanburrough Cook, New Haven, Yale University Press; London, Humphrey Milford et Oxford University Press, 1919, lxxxix + 241 p. (ici p. xxv-xxvi et lx) [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
  • The Exeter Book. Part II, poems IX-XXXII, edited by W. S. Mackie, London, New York et Toronto, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 194), 1934, vii + 245 p. + [2] f. de pl. — Réimpr.: 1958; Millwood, Kraus Reprint, 1973; 1978; 1987-1988; Woodbridge et Rochester, Boydell and Brewer, 2000.
  • The Exeter Book of Old English Poetry, with introductory chapters by R. W. Chambers, Max Forster and Robin Flower, London, Percy Lund, Humphries and Co. for the Dean and Chapter of Exeter Cathedral, 1933.
  • Mackie, W. S., « Notes on the text of the Exeter Book », The Modern Language Review, 28:1, 1933, p. 75-78. DOI: 10.2307/3715887
  • Krapp, George Philip, et Elliot Van Kirk Dobbie, The Exeter Book, New York, Columbia University Press (The Anglo-Saxon Poetic Records, 3), 1936.
  • Philip, Augustine, « The Exeter scribe and the unity of the Crist », Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 55:4, 1940, p. 903-909.
  • Coveney, D. K., « The ruling of the Exeter Book », Scriptorium, 12, 1958, p. 51-55.
  • Conner, Patrick W., « The structure of the Exeter Book Codex (Exeter, Cathedral Library, MS. 3501) », Scriptorium, 40, 1986, p. 233-242.
  • Muir, B. J., An Annotated Transcript of the "Exeter Book", Exeter, Library of the Dean and Chapter, 1988.
  • Muir, B. J., « A preliminary report on a new edition of the Exeter Book », Scriptorium, 43, 1989, p. 273-288.
  • Gameson, Richard, « The origin of the Exeter Book of Old English poetry », Anglo-Saxon England, 25, 1996, p. 135-185.
  • The Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry: An Edition of Exeter Dean and Chapter MS 3501 by Bernard J. Muir, Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 2e éd., 2000.
  • Butler, Robert M., « Glastonbury and the early history of the Exeter Book », Old English Literature in Its Manuscript Context, éd. Joyce Tally Lionarons, West Virginia University Press, 2004, p. 173-215.
  • Muir, B. J., The Electronic Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry: An Edition of Exeter Dean and Chapter MS 3501, Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 2006. (DVD)
  • Crossley-Holland, Kevin, The Exeter Book Riddles, London, Enitharmon Press, 2008.
  • Bitterli, Dieter, Say What I Am Called: The Old English Riddles of the Exeter Book and the Anglo-Latin Riddle Tradition, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2009, 218 p.
    Compte rendu: Mercedes Salvador-Bello, dans Kritikon litterarum, 39:3-4, 2012, p. 243-248. [www]
  • Murphy, Patrick J., Unriddling the Exeter Riddles, University Park, Pennsylvania State University Press, 2011, 272 p.
    Compte rendu: Martha Bayless, dans The Medieval Review, 12.01.04. [www]
  • O'Camb, Brian, « Exeter Maxims, The Order of the World, and the Exeter Book of Old English Poetry », Philological Quarterly, 93:4, 2014, p. 409-433.
  • Dale, Corinne, The Natural World in the Exeter Book Riddles: Nature and Environment in the Middle Ages, Woodbridge, Brewer, 2017, ix + 217 p. ISBN: 9781843844648
    Compte rendu: Lori Ann Garner, dans The Medieval Review, 17.12.30, 2017. [www]
  • Gautier, Alban, Beowulf au paradis. Figures de bons païens dans l'Europe du Nord au haut Moyen Âge, Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne (Histoire ancienne et médiévale, 149), 2017, 793 p. DOI: 10.4000/books.psorbonne.29157 ISBN: 9791035100414, 9791035101336
  • Donoghue, Daniel, How the Anglo-Saxons Read Their Poems, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press (The Middle Ages Series), 2018, [v] + 238 p. ISBN: 9780812249941
    Compte rendu: Tiffany Beechy, dans The Medieval Review, 19.02.07, 2019. [www]
  • Niles, John D., God's Exiles and English Verse: On The Exeter Anthology of Old English Poetry Exeter, University of Exeter Press, 2019.
  • Barajas, Courtney Catherine, Old English Ecotheology: The Exeter Book, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press (Environmental Humanities in Pre-modern Cultures), 2021, 231 p. DOI: 10.5117/9789463723824 ISBN: 9789463723824, 9789048550388
    Compte rendu: Michael D. J. Bintley, dans The Medieval Review, 22.03.06, 2022. [www]
  • Présentation sur le site de la British Library
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