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Stephen Scrope



Dictionnaires et encyclopédies
  • Hugues, Jonathan, « Scrope, Stephen (1397–1472) », Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004. [www]
  • Hughes, Jonathan, « Stephen Scrope and the circle of Sir John Fastolf: moral and intellectual outlooks », Medieval Knighthood IV: Papers from the Fifth Strawberry Hill Conference 1990, éd. C. Harper-Bill et R. Harvey, Woodbridge, 1992, p. 109-146.
  1. The epistle of Othea

    Date:Vers 1440
    Dédicataire:Son beau-père John Fastolf, chevalier (vers 1378–1459)
    Forme:Vers et prose
    Contenu:Traduction de l'Epistre Othea de Christine de Pizan.
    1. Cambridge, Saint John's College Library, H. 5
    2. Longleat, Collection des Marquis de Bath, 253
    3. New York, Morgan Library, M.775
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • The Epistle of Othea to Hector or the Boke of Knyghthode, translated from the French of Christine de Pisan with a dedication to Sir John Fastolf, K. G., by Stephen Scrope, Esquire, edited from a manuscript in the library of the Marquis of Bath by George F. Warner, London, Nichols for the Roxburghe Club, 1904, xlvii + 128 p. [HT] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    • The Epistle of Othea, translated from the French text of Christine de Pisan by Stephen Scrope, edited by Curt F. Bühler, London, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 264), 1970.
      Compte rendu: G. Mombello, dans Studi francesi, 45, 1971, p. 524-525.
    Traductions modernes
    • Bühler, Curt F., « Sir John Fastolf's manuscripts of the Épître d'Othéa and Stephen Scrope's translation of this text », Scriptorium, 3:1, 1949, p. 123-128. [Pers] DOI: 10.3406/scrip.1949.2196
    • Bühler, Curt F., « The revisions and dedications of the Epistle of Othea », Anglia, 76, 1958, p. 266-270. [DZ] DOI: 10.1515/angl.1958.1958.76.266
    • Drimmer, Sonja, « Failure before print (the case of Stephen Scrope) », Viator, 46:3, 2015, p. 343-372. DOI: 10.1484/j.viator.5.108338
    • Hugues, Jonathan, « Stephen Scrope and the circle of Sir John Fastolf: moral and intellectual outlooks », Medieval Knighthood IV, éd. C. Harper-Hill et R. Harvey, Woodbridge, Boydell, 1992, p. 109-146.
    • MacFarlane, K. B., « William of Worcester: a preliminary survey », Studies Presented to Sir Hilary Jenkinson, London, 1957, p. 196-221.
    • Schieberle, Misty, « Rethinking gender and language in Stephen Scrope's Epistle of Othea », Journal of the Early Book Society, 21, 2018, p. 97-121 et 322.
    • Viereck Gibbs, Stephanie, « Christine de Pizan's Epistre Othea in England: the manuscript tradition of Stephen Scrope's translation », Contexts and Continuities. Proceedings of the IVth International Colloquium on Christine de Pizan (Glasgow 21-27 July 2000) Published in Honour of Liliane Dulac, éd. Angus J. Kennedy, Rosalind Brown-Grant, James C. Laidlaw et Catherine M. Müller, Glasgow, University of Glasgow Press (Glasgow University Medieval French Texts and Studies, 1), 2002, t. 2, p. 397-408.
      Comptes rendus du recueil: Emma J. Cayley, dans Medium Ævum, 73:1, 2004, p. 167-168. DOI: 10.2307/43630747 — Doris Ruhe, dans Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, 121:4, 2005, p. 688-695. DOI: 10.1515/ZRPH.2005.688
    • Bradley Warren, Nancy, « French women and English men: Joan of Arc, Margaret of Anjou, and Christine de Pizan in England, 1445-1540 », Exemplaria, 16:2, 2004, p. 405-436. DOI: 10.1179/exm.2004.16.2.405
  2. The dictes and sayings of the philosophers

    Date:Vers 1450
    Dédicataire:Son beau-père John Fastolf, chevalier (vers 1378–1459)
    Contenu:Traduction des Dits moraux des philosophes de Guillaume de Tignonville.
    Remaniements:William Worcester
    1. Cambridge, Emmanuel College Library, I. 2. 10
    2. Cambridge, Trinity College Library, O. 5. 6
    3. Cambridge, University Library, Dd.9.18
    4. London, British Library, Harley, 2266
    5. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley, 943
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • Schofield, Margaret E., The Dicts and Sayings of the Philosophers: A Middle English Version by Stephen Scrope, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1936.
    • The Dicts and Sayings of the Philosophers: the translations made by Stephen Scrope, William of Worcester, and an anonymous translator, edited by Curt F. Bühler, London, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society, Original Series, 211), 1941.
    Traductions modernes
    • Brandl, A., « On The Dictes and Sayings of the Philosophers », An English Miscellany Presented to Dr. Furnivall in Honour of his Seventy-Fifth Birthday, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1901, p. 16-22. [GB] [IA]
    • Ross, David J. A., Alexander Historiatus: A Guide to Medieval Illustrated Alexander Literature, 2e éd., Frankfurt am Main, Athenäum (Athenäums Monografien. Altertumswissenschaft. Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie, 186), 1987, vii + 145 p. (ici p. 8)
      Édition antérieure:
      • Ross, D. J. A., Alexander Historiatus: A Guide to Medieval Illustrated Alexander Literature, London, Warburg Institute, University of London (Warburg Institute Surveys, 1), 1963, 128 p.
        Comptes rendus: Studi francesi, 8, 1964, p. 516-517. — Medium Ævum, 34, 1965, p. 165-166. — Romania, 86, 1965, p. 287-288. — French Studies, 19, 1965, p. 400-401. — The Modern Language Review, 60, 1965, p. 421-422. — Cahiers de civilisation médiévale, 8, 1965, p. 218-220. — Speculum, 40, 1965, p. 368.
Répertoires bibliographiques
  • Vielliard, Françoise, et Jacques Monfrin, Manuel bibliographique de la littérature française du Moyen Âge de Robert Bossuat. Troisième supplément (1960-1980), Paris, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1986-1991, 2 t., xii + 1136 p. (ici t. 2, p. 820, no 7552)
    Dictionnaires: DEAF Boss2
    Compte rendu: T. 1: Geneviève Hasenohr, dans Bibliothèque de l'École des chartes, 146:1, 1988, p. 194-195. [Pers]
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> Wikidata: Q18672361
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Compléments: Misty Schieberle
Dernière mise à jour: 8 juillet 2019

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