Víga-Glúms saga
Titre: | Víga-Glúms saga |
Date: | Début du XIVe siècle |
Langue: | Norrois |
Genre: | Saga scandinave |
Forme: | Prose |
Contenu: | |
Incipit: | Hér hefr Víga-Glúms sögu. 1. Ingjaldr hét maðr, sonr Helga ens magra. Hann bjó at Þverá í Eyjafirði. Hann var forn goðorðsmaðr ok höfðingi mikill, ok þá aldraðr mjök, er sagan gerðisk… |
Explicit: | … en aðra tuttugu vetr engir meiri en tiljafns við hann. Þat er ok mál manna, at Glúmr hafi verit bezt um sik allra vígra manna hér á landi. — Ok lýkr þar sögu Glúms. |
- Reykjavík, Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum, AM 132 fol., f. 129r-141v [⇛ Description]
- …
Éditions anciennes
- Viga-Glums saga sive Vita Viga-Glumi, cujus textus ad fidem præstantissimi codicis membranei diligenter exactus est, et collatus cum multis libris chartaceis : cum versione latina : paucis notulis ad sensum pertinentibus : varietate lectionis in latinum versa, et criticis observationibus mixta : carminum in ordinem prosaicum redactione, et indice triplici; uno rerum memorabilium, altero chronologico, tertio vocum et phrasium : qui etiam commentarii vicem in loca difficiliora sustinet : e manuscriptis Legati Magnaeani [éd. Guðmundur Pétursson]
Hafniae, Typis Augusti Friderici Steinii, 1786
Traductions anciennes
- en latin:
- Guðmundur Pétursson 1786 (voir sous Éditions anciennes)
Éditions modernes
- Íslendínga sögur eptir gömlum handritum útgefnar at tilhlutun hins konúngliga Norræna fornfræða fèlags, [éd. Þorgeir Guðmundsson et Þorsteinn Helgason], Kaupmannahöfn, Möller, 1829-1830, 2 t. (ici t. 2) [GB: t. 1, t. 2] [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
- Íslenzkar fornsögur, gefnar út af Hinu íslenzka bókmentafèlagi. I. Glúma og Ljósvetninga saga, Kaupmannahöfn, Möller, 1880, xxxiii + 294 p. [GB] [IA]
- Víga-Glúms saga. Búið hefir til prentunar Vald. Ásmundarson, Reykjavík, Sigurður Kristjánsson (Íslendinga sögur, 19), 1897, viii + 104 p. [GB] [IA]
- Víga-Glúms saga. Búið hefir til prentunar Benedikt Sveinsson, Reykjavík, Sigurður Kristjánsson (Íslendinga sögur, 19), 1924, viii + 102 p. [GB] [IA]
- Víga-Glúms saga, edited by G. Turville-Petre, London, Milford et Oxford University Press (Oxford English Monographs), 1940, lvi + 112 p. — 2nd edition, Oxford, Clarendon press, 1960, lvi + 158 p.
- Íslendinga sögur. Guðni Jónsson bjó til prentunar, [Reykjavík], Islendingasagnaútgáfan, 1946-1949, 13 t. (ici t. 8)
- Eyfirðinga sögur: Víga-Glúms saga, Ögmundar þáttr dytts, Þorvalds þáttr tasalda, Svarfdoela saga, Þorleifs þáttr jarlsskálds, Valla-Ljóts saga, Sneglu-Halla þáttr, Þorgríms þáttr Hallasonar, Jónas Kristjánsson gaf út, Reykjavík, Hið íslenzka Fornritafélag (Íslenzk fornrit, 9), 1956, cxix + 324 p. — Réimpr.: 2001.
Traductions modernes
- en allemand:
- Glum der Totschläger, übertragen und mit einer Einführung herausgegeben von Walter Baetke, Hamburg, Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt (Bauern und Helden, 1), 1923, 125 p.
- en anglais:
- Viga Glum's Saga. The Story of Viga-Glum, translated from the Icelandic, with notes and an introduction, by Edmund Head, London, Williams and Norgate, 1866, xvi + 124 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
- Víga-Glúm's saga and the Story of Ögmund Dytt, translated from the Old Icelandic with introductions by Lee M. Hollander, New York, Twayne (The Library of Scandinavian Literature, 14), 1972, 143 p.
- The Saga of Viga Glum, translated by Alan Boucher, Reykjavík, Iceland Review (Iceland Review Saga Series), 1986.
- Viga-Glums Saga, with the Tales of Ögmund Bash and Thorvald Chatterbox, translated by John McKinnell, Edinburgh, Canongate/UNESCO (The New Saga Library/UNESCO Collection of Representative Works, Icelandic Series), 1987.
- The Schemers and Viga-Glúm: Two Sagas of Icelanders, translated by George Johnston, Erin (Ontario), Porcupine's Quill, 1997.
- The Schemers and Viga-Glúm: Bandamanna Saga and Víga-Glúms Saga, translated by George Johnston, Erin (Ontario), Porcupine's Quill, 1999.
- en français:
- Trois sagas islandaises du XIIIe siècle et un "tháttr". Introductions, notes et traductions de Régis Boyer, Paris, École pratique des hautes études (École pratique des hautes études. 6e section: Sciences économiques et sociales. Centre d'études arctiques et finno-scandinaves, Contributions, 3), 1964, iii + 388 p.
- en norvégien:
- Tre sagaer om Islændinger oversat af Sigrid Undset, Kristiania, Aschehoug (Islandske ættesagaer), 1923, [x] + 211 p. [GB] [IA]
- Bouman, Ari C., Observations on Syntax and Style of some Icelandic Sagas with Special Reference to the Relation between "Víga-Glúms saga" and "Reykdoela saga", Reykjavík, Leiftur (Studia Islandica, 15), 1956, 72 p.
- Jeffrey, Margaret, The Discourse in Seven Icelandic Sagas: Droplaugarsona saga, Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða, Víga-Glúms saga, Gísla saga Súrssonar, Fóstbrœðra saga, Hávarðar saga Ísfirðings, Flóamanna saga, Menasha, Banta, 1934, ix + 103 p.
- Lotspeich, Claude, Zur Víga-glúms- und Reykdœlasaga, Leipzig, Hesse und Becker, 1903, 47 p. [GB] [IA]
- Möbius, Theodor, Über die ältere isländische Saga, Leipzig, Giesecke und Devrient, 1852, 92 p. [GB] [IA]
Répertoires bibliographiques
Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 14 décembre 2022