- (f. 1r-37v) Generides, version en strophes
Incipit: | In olde Romans and storys as I rede of Inde somtyme ther was a nobyll kyng… |
Explicit: | … He graunt vs a place perpetuall in paradise where all his seyntes dwell. Explicit the boke of Generides and of his faire lady Clarionas. |
- (f. 38r-190r) John Lydgate, Troy Book
Incipit: | O myghty mars that with thy sterne light In armys hast ye power and the myght.… |
Explicit: | … This litill booke lowly I betake it to support and thus an ende I make. |
- (f. 191r-211v) John Lydgate, Siege of Thebes
Incipit: | Whoso euer on this story list to behold of a sege shall he heren don be dayes old.… |
Explicit: | … And ioy eternall whanne we hens wend and of my tale thus I make an end. Deo gratias. In this wise endyth the sege of Thebes ensample shewing for to leuen in pes to all men that wiln it distinctly rede and clerly se what they gete yr to her mede. As seith this story to Grekes was it gret confusioun and to that strongi Cite vtter ruyn and distruction. Scriptoris anime te christe precor miserere. |
Description matérielle
Copiste: | Inconnu |
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Format: | × |
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- James, Montague Rhodes, The Western Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge: A Descriptive Catalogue, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1900-1904, 4 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4]
- Pearsall, Derek A., « Notes on the manuscript of Generydes », The Library, 5e s., 16:3, 1961, p. 205-210. DOI: 10.1093/library/s5-xvi.3.205
- Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts, Trinity College Library, Cambridge
Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 6 mai 2019