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United Kingdom / Cambridge / Trinity College

Cote:R. 3. 19


  1. (f. 1) Festum Natalis Domini, poème anglais en 4 septains
    Incipit:Tronos celorum continens…
    Explicit:… whos byrthe thys day reiterate.
  2. (f. 1) Seven Philosophers, poème anglais de 8 strophes
    Incipit:Primus Philosophus.
    Attempt nothyng surmountyng your myght…
  3. (f. 2) Poème anglais
    Incipit:[O] beauteuous braunche floure of formosyte…
  4. (f. 2v) Poème anglais
    Incipit:[I]n womanhede as Auctours all wryte…
  5. (f. 3v) Poème anglais
    Incipit:[O] ye alle that ben or haue byn in dyssease…
  6. (f. 3v) Poème anglais
    Incipit:[A]ll lust and lykyng I begyn to lede (inscrit au-dessus: leue)…
  7. (f. 4) Poème anglais
    Incipit:[O] lady myne to whom thys boke I sende…
  8. (f. 7-8v) Poème anglais (s'interrompt au f. 8v et reprend au f. 154r)
    Incipit:[G]o lytyl boke for dredefull ys thy message…
  9. (f. 9) The tale of þe byrde and the chorle of thre notable and gret wysdoms groundyd vppon these ij verses followyng that ys to wete
    Incipit:Neminis omissa doleas, nec omne quod audis
    credas, nec optas id quod habere nequis.
    Problems of olde lykenes and figures…
  10. (f. 12-16) The tale of the cok that founde a precyous stone groundyd by Isopus the phylosopher of Rome, that yche man shuld take in gree suche as god sent (suivi de trois autres fables), extraits des Isopes fabules de John Lydgate
    Incipit:[W]isdom is more in prise þen gold in cofers.…
  11. (f. 17-25) Here foloweth the parlement of Byrdes reducyd to loue
    Incipit:[S]o short þe lyfe, þe craft so long to lerne…
  12. (f. 26-40v) Guystard and Seiesemonde
    Incipit:[T]ancret that was prynce of salern…
    Explicit:… graunt these louers wy, and thus endeth my tale.
  13. (f. 41r-45v) George Ashby, A prisoner's reflections
    Incipit:Prohemium unius Prisonarii.
    At the ende of somer when wynter began
    and trees herbes and floures dyd fade…
    Explicit:… lackyng volunte for theyr dew penaunce.
  14. A tretis of the iiij seasons of the yere that is to say ver, estas, authumnus, and yemps (copieyd by Iohn Lydgate as aperyeth in his book of ye secretes to alysaunder from aristotyll].
  15. (f. 49) What tyme the season of the yere Ends
  16. (f. 52) . Dethe all consumythe which may not be denyed. Explicit.
    Incipit:Prohemium unius Prisonarii.
    At the ende of somer when wynter began
    and trees herbes and floures dyd fade…
    Explicit:… lackyng volunte for theyr dew penaunce.
  17. oo In a rather better hand.
  18. (f. 52) b Of the iiij complexions Sanguineus. Natura pingues isti sunt atque jocantes. Ends. Thou shall hym know bi visage pale and wan. Expl. iiij complexions. ff.53b, 54 are blank. In the first hand? Here begynneth the Boke called Assemble de Damys.
  19. (f. 55) [By Chaucer (xvii)] See Skeat, Chaucerian and other pieces, p.38. In Septembre at the fallyng of the leef. Ends
  20. (f. 65) b. Rede well my dreme for now my tale ys doon. Here endeth the book of Assemble de Damys.
  21. (f. 66) is blank.
  22. (f. 67) Two 7-line stanzas, marked vacat as being a fragment. The vnware woo that commeth on gladnesse. Ending Better ys to dy then lyue in suche penaunce.
  23. (f. 67) b Here foloweth the Interpretacion of the names of goddys and goddesses as ys rehersyd in ys tretyse folowyng as poetis write Phebus ys as moche to sey as ye Sonne. ... Atropos Dethe.
  24. (f. 68) [Banquet of Gods and Goddesses by Lydgate] When Phebus in the Crabbe had nere hys cours ronne. Ends
  25. (f. 97) b Graunt eternall ioy after thy last sentence. Amen.
  26. (f. 98) La bell dame saunce mercy [by Chaucer] (Skeat l.c. p.299. By Sir Richard Ros.) Halfe in a dreme not fully well awakyd. Ends
  27. (f. 108) b I pray god sende hem bettyr auenture. Expl. labelle dame saunce mercy.
  28. (f. 109) The x Commaundments of loue [by Chaucer] Certes fer extendeth my Reason. Ends. And call hym in to your Remembraunce. Expl. the x commandmentes of loue.
  29. (f. 110) b The ix ladyes worthy [by Chaucer] Prefulgent in pretyoussnes O synope the quene. Ends. Ouercame and venquysshed theym in batayle. Expl. the baladys of the ix worthyes of ladyes. ff.111b-113 are blank.
  30. (f. 114) Here begynneth the Boke called the legend of ladyes [by Chaucer] A thousand tymes haue I herd men tell. Ends
  31. (f. 150) b. Thys tale ys sayde for thys conclusyoun.
  32. (f. 151) [How Pyte is dede etc. Geof. Chaucer] Pyte that I haue sought so yore ago. Ends. Wt hert sore and full of besy payn. Here endeth the exclamacioun of the Deth of Pyte.
  33. (f. 153) is blank.
  34. (f. 154) The end of the poem Go lytyl boke which begins on
  35. (f. 7)
  36. (f. 154) b The craft of Louers. Chaucer Moralyse a similitude who lyst theyr balades sew. Ends. And graunt hem thy regioun and blysse celestiall. Expl. the Craft of louers. [Chaucer] 4 stanzas.
  37. (f. 156) b Of theyre nature they gretly theym Delyte Ends. Wretyn in the lusty season of May. Explicit.
  38. (f. 157) Now fresshe floure to me that ys so bryght ... My soule to God standeth in dyspeyre. loth to offende.
  39. (f. 157) b Bicorn and Chichevache, by Lydgate O prudent folkes taketh hede. Ends. lynked in a double chayne. Explicuit Balades of Bycorn and Chicheuache [compylyd by John ludgate monke of berye at the request of a worthye syttesyne of london to be paynted in a perler.] In the margin are added in a later hand (Stowe's) indications of the pictures illustrating the poem. Ymage of a poet. ij beastes one fatt the other leane. a fat beast callyd bicorne. a company of men going toword (?) this bycorne. a woman devouryd in ye moudthe of Chichevache. a longe horned beaste slender (and) leane wt sharpe tethe. an old man wt a baston on his bake manasyng ye beaste for devouringe of his wyffe. Short poems
  40. (f. 159) b Honour and Joy helthe and prosperyte (5 stanzas)
  41. (f. 160) Alone walkyng, In thought pleynynge etc. Skeat, Chaucerian and other pieces, p.448. In the season of ffeuere when it was full colde.
  42. (f. 160) b Lady of pite for þy sorowes yt þu haddest
  43. (f. 161) O merciful and o mercyable
  44. (f. 161) b Pallas loquitur ad parisium de Troia Son of Priamus Gentyll paris of troy. followed by Pallas to Priam, Venus to Paris, Minerva to Paris.
  45. (f. 162) The yeres past of my tendyr youthe A fresh rubric on
  46. (f. 167) Confessio de transgressionibus in Juuentute. Duryng the tyme of thys seson vere. Ends. Thys lytyll dyte thys compilacioun (
  47. (f. 169) ). ff.169b, 170 ff are blank. Prohemium.
  48. (f. 170) b Worshipfull and dyscrete that here present be [The section from
  49. (f. 170) v onwards is a composite of Chaucer and Lydgate: see Manly and Rickert (eds), I, 533] [Chaucer, Monk's Tale: I wyll yow tell a tale, or two or thre]
  50. (f. 171) Bochas [by John Lydgate] When John Bochas consyderyd had and sought. Ends
  51. (f. 202) . When humble request yor yre may nat aswage. ff.203b-204 are blank. Short poems
  52. (f. 205) The Discryuyng of a fayre lady I haue a lady where so she be.
  53. (f. 205) b O mosy quince hangyng by youre stalke
  54. (f. 206) Of God and kynde procedeth all Beawte.
  55. (f. 207) Looke well about ye that louers be Printed by Skeat, Chaucerian and other Pieces, p.295.
  56. (f. 208) Men may leue all gamys Pilgrim's song: E.E.T.S. 25 Stacions of Rome, p.37 and Rel. Ant. I.2, 3. A single quatrain He that wyll in Eschepe ete a goose so fat } Wt harpe pype and song, } Secundum He must slepe in Newgate on a mat, } Aristotilem. Be the nyght neuer so long. }
  57. (f. 209) A knyght that ys as hardy as a lyoun
  58. (f. 209) b The wyseman sayd vnto hys sonne
  59. (f. 211) The good wyfe taught hyr dowghtere Ends
  60. (f. 213) . Her blessyng mot þu haue and well mot þu thryue My leef Chylde. Amen. Explicit.
  61. (f. 218r-235r) The courte of love
    Incipit:With tymeros hert and tremlyng hand of drede,
    of cunnyng naked, bare of eloquence…
    Explicit:… she smote me thrugh the harte as blive;
    and Venus yet I thanke I am alive!
  62. (f. 236-237) Thys ffable is of ye hound that bare the chese gronddyd on Isopus agaynst covetousnes translatyd by John Lydgat [made in oxforde] (suivi de deux autres fables), extrait des Isopes fabules de John Lydgate
    Incipit:An olde proverbe hathe bene sayd and shall…
  63. (f. 241r-245v) Piers of Fulham, Conceits in love
    Incipit:Loo Worshipfull Sirs here after followeth a gentylmanly Tretyse full convenyent for contemplatiff lovers to rede and vnderstond made by a noble clerke, Peirs of ffulham sum tyme vssher of Venus scole whiche hath brieflye compyled many praty conceytis in love vnder covert termes off frysshyng and ffowlyng.
    Pardimus anguillam manibus dum stringimus illam
    cunctorum fo. IIo et pro huius simplicis collacionis exordio.
    [A] man that lovith ffisshyng and fowlyng bothe…
    Explicit:… in oure tonge callede Culrage.
    Expl. Peirs off ffulham.
  64. (f. 248) The petigrew of England, en prose
    Incipit:This short tretise ys compiled for to bryng the people oute of doubte that haue not hard of the Cronycle etc.…
    Explicit:… the iij Son of Philippe Labele, that ben ordeyned for thaym that occupie suche maner of open wronges.

Description matérielle

Date:Fin du XVe ou début du XVIe siècle
Nombre de feuillets:255
Format:270 × 203 mm
Mise en page:Généralement 42 lignes par page


  • John Stowe
  • Don de Willmer à Trinity College


  • James, Montague Rhodes, The Western Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge: A Descriptive Catalogue, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1900-1904, 4 t. (ici t. 2, p. 69-74, no 599) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4]
  • Fletcher, Bradford Y., An Edition of Trinity College Cambridge Manuscript R.3.19, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1973.
  • Mooney, Linne R., « Scribes and booklets of Trinity College, Cambridge, manuscripts R.3.19 and R.3.21 », Middle English Poetry: Texts and Traditions. Essays in Honour of Derek Pearsall, éd. A. J. Minnis, Woodbridge, Brewer, 2001, p. 241-266.
  • Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts, Trinity College Library, Cambridge
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Voir aussi:
> Biblissima: Q288515
> IRHT: ARCA: md66vx024s5s
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Dernière mise à jour: 6 mai 2019

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