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Thomas Hoccleve


Né en 1368 — Mort en 1426

Écrivain anglais


  • Poems by Thomas Hoccleve, Never Before Printed. Selected From a Ms. in the Possession of George Masen. With a Preface, Notes and Glossary, London, Rowarth for Leigh and Sotheby, 1796.
  • Hoccleve's Works. I: The Minor Poems in the Phillipps Ms. 8151 (Cheltenham) and the Durham Ms. III. 9, edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Kegan Paul (Early English Text Society. Extra Series, 61), 1892.
  • Hoccleve's Works. III: The Regement of Princes A.D. 1411-12, from the Harleian Ms. 4866, and Fourteen of Hoccleve's Minor Poems from the Egerton Ms. 615, edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Extra Series, 72), 1897, lxiii + 216 p. — Réimpr.: Woodbridge et Rochester, Boydell and Brewer, 1997.
  • Hoccleve's Works. II: The Minor Poems in the Ashburnham Ms. Addit. 133 […], edited by Sir Israel Gollancz, London, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Extra Series, 73), 1925, vii + 40 p.
  • Hoccleve's Works: The Minor Poems in the Huntington Library Ms. HM 111 […], the Durham Univ. Ms Cosin V. III. 9 and Huntington Library Ms. HM 744, edited by Frederick J. Furnivall and I. Gollancz; Revised by Jerome Mitchell and A. I. Doyle, London, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Extra Series, 61 et 73), 1970, 2 t. en 1, lxxii + 314 p.
  • Selections from Hoccleve, edited by M. C. Seymour, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1981, xxxiii + 151 p.
  • Thomas Hoccleve's "Complaint" and "Dialogue", edited by J. A. Burrow, Oxford et New York, Oxford University Press for the Early English Text Society (Original Series, 313), 1999, lxx + 140 p.
  • Thomas Hoccleve, My Compleinte and other Poems, edited by Roger Ellis, Exeter, University of Exeter Press (Exeter Medieval English Texts and Studies), 2001, x + 293 p. [IA] ISBN: 9780859897013
  • Thomas Hoccleve, A Facsimile of the Autograph Verse Manuscripts, with an introduction by J. A. Burrow and A. I. Doyle, Oxford, Oxford University Press for the Early English Text Society (Supplementary Series, 19), 2002, xl + s. p.
  • Alamichel, Marie-Françoise, « Les trois poètes et la paix: Gower, Hoccleve, Lydgate », De Dante à Rubens: l'artiste engagé, éd. Étienne Anheim et Patrick Boucheron, Paris, Sorbonne, 2020, p. 147-160.
  • Batt, Catherine, éd., Essays on Thomas Hoccleve, London, Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London; Turnhout, Brepols (Westfield Publications in Medieval Studies, 10), 1996, 130 p.
  • Bennett, H. S., Six Medieval Men and Women, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1955, ix + 176 p.
  • Blatt, Heather, Participatory Reading in Late-Medieval England, Manchester, Manchester University Press (Manchester Medieval Literature and Culture), 2018, vii + 261 p. [oapen.org] ISBN: 978152611799, 9781526118004
    Compte rendu: Jennifer N. Brown, dans The Medieval Review, 19.12.15, 2019. [www]
  • Blyth, Charles, « Thomas Hoccleve's other master », Mediaevalia, 16, 1993, p. 349-359.
  • Bock, Franz, Metrische sStudien zu Thomas Hoccleves Werken, Weilheim, Bögler'sche Buchdruckerei (R. Martin), 1900, vi + 70 p.
  • Bowers, John M., « Hoccleve's Huntington holographs: the first "collected poems" in English », Fifteenth-Century Studies, 15, 1989, p. 27-51.
  • Brown, Matthew Clifton, « "Lo, heer the fourme": Hoccleve's Series, Formulary, and bureaucratic textuality », Exemplaria, 23:1, 2011, p. 27-49. DOI: 10.1179/104125711X12864610741701
  • Bryan, Jennifer E., « Hoccleve, the Virgin, and the politics of complaint », PMLA, 117:5, 2002, p. 1172-1187.
  • Busse, Wilhelm, « Thomas Hoccleve », Der Kranke Mensch in Mittelalter und Renaissance, éd. Peter Wunderli, Düsseldorf, Droste (Studia humaniora, 5), 1986, p. ??.
  • Burrow, J. A., « Autobiographical poetry in the Middle Ages: the case of Thomas Hoccleve », Proceedings of the British Academy, 68, 1982, p. 389-412.
  • Burrow, J. A., Thomas Hoccleve. Authors of the Middle Ages, Aldershot, Variorum, 1994.
  • Butterfield, Ardis, « Rough Translation. Charles d'Orléans, Lydgate and Hoccleve », Rethinking Medieval Translation: Ethics, Politics, Theory, éd. Emma Campbell et Robert Mills, Cambridge, Brewer, 2012, p. 204-225.
  • Calin, William, The French Tradition and the Literature of Medieval England, Toronto, Buffalo et London, University of Toronto Press (University of Toronto Romance Series), 1994, xvi + 587 p. [IA] ISBN: 9780802072023
  • Classen, Albrecht, Die autobiographische Lyrik des europäischen Spätmittelalters: Studien zu Hugo von Monfort, Oswald von Wolkenstein, Antonio Pucci, Charles d'Orléans..., Amsterdam, Rodopi (Amsterdamer Publikationen zur Sprache und Literatur, 91), 1991, 674 p.
    Comptes rendus: Angus J. Kennedy, dans Medium Ævum, 63, 1994, p. 155-156. — Gianni Mombello, dans Studi francesi, 38, 1994, p. 313-314. — Claude Thiry, dans RL, 38, 1994, p. 114-116. — Gilles Roques, dans Revue de linguistique romane, 57, 1993, p. 325-327. — K. Hanson, dans Ger Q, 66, 1993, p. 540. — Alan T. Robertshaw, dans Speculum, 68:4, 1993, p. 1084-1086. [Jstor] — Hans-Joachim Behr, dans Mediävistik, 6, 1993, p. 454-457. — Hubert Heinen, dans Arbitrium, 10, 1992, p. 177-179.
  • Classen, Albrecht, « The autobiographical voice of Thomas Hoccleve », Archiv, 228, 1991, p. 299-310.
  • Critten, Rory G., « "Her heed they caste awry »: the transmission and reception of Thomas Hoccleve's personal poetry », Review of English Studies, 2012.
  • Davis, Isabel, Writing Masculinity in the Later Middle Ages, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 62), 2007, xiii + 222 p. ISBN: 9780521866378
  • Drimmer, Sonja, « The manuscript as an ambigraphic medium: Hoccleve's scribes, illuminators, and their problems », Exemplaria, 29:3, 2017, p. 175-194.
  • Greetham, D. C., « Self-referential artifacts: Hoccleve's persona as a literary device », Modern Philology, 86, 1989, p. 242-251.
  • Griffiths, Jane, « "In bookes thus writen I fynde": Hoccleve's self-glossing in the Regiment of Princes and the Series », Medium Ævum, 86:1, 2017, p. 91-107.
  • Häcker, Alfons, Stiluntersuchung zu T. Hoccleves poetischen Werken, Marburg, s. n., 1914, 104 p.
  • Hagel, Günter, Thomas Hoccleve: Leben und Werk eines Schriftstellers im England des Spätmittelalters, Franfurt am Main et New York, Lang (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 14: Angelsächsische Sprache und Literatur, 130), 1984, 261 p.
  • Hasler, Anthony, « Hoccleve's unregimented body », Paragraph, 13, 1990, p. 164-183.
  • Hill-Vásquez, Heather, « Chaucer's Wife of Bath, Hoccleve's arguing women, and Lydgate's Hertford wives: lay interpretation and the figure of the spinning woman in late medieval England », Florilegium, 23, 2006, p. 169-195.
  • Holzknecht, Karl Julius, Literary Patronage in the Middle Ages, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1923, vii + 258 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Holzknecht, Karl Julius, Literary Patronage in the Middle Ages, New York, Octagon Books, 1966, vii + 258 p. [IA]
  • Horobin, Simon, « Thomas Hoccleve: Chaucer's first editor? », The Chaucer Review, 50:3-4, 2015, p. 228-250. DOI: 10.5325/chaucerrev.50.3-4.0228
  • Ingram, Elizabeth, « Thomas Hoccleve and Guy de Rouclif », Notes and Queries, 218, 1973, p. 42-43.
  • Johnson, Eleanor, Practicing Literary Theory in the Middle Ages: Ethics and the Mixed Form in Chaucer, Gower, Usk, and Hoccleve, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2013, ix + 254 p.
  • Kamath, Stephanie Anne Viereck Gibbs, Unveiling the "I": Allegory and Authorship in the Franco-English Tradition, 1270-1450, Ph. D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, University Park, 2006, vii + 293 p. [PQ]
  • Kennedy, Kathleen E., Maintenance, Meed, and Marriage in Medieval English Literature, New York et Basingstoke, Palgrave MacMillan (The New Middle Ages), 2009, xiii + 185 p. DOI: 10.1057/9780230621626 ISBN: 9781349374014, 9780230621626
  • Killick, H. K. S., Thomas Hoccleve as Poet and Clerk, Ph. D. thesis, University of York, 2010.
  • Knapp, Ethan, « Bureaucratic identity and the construction of the self in Hoccleve's Formulary and La male regle », Speculum, 74:2, 1999, p. 357-376. DOI: 10.2307/2887051
  • Knapp, Ethan, « Eulogies and usurpations: Hoccleve and Chaucer revisited », Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 21, 1999, p. 247-273.
  • Knapp, Ethan, « Thomas Hoccleve », The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Literature 1100–1500, éd. Larry Scanlon, 2009, p. 191-204.
  • Knapp, Ethan, The Bureaucratic Muse: Thomas Hoccleve and the Litterature of Late Medieval England, University Park, Pensylvania State University Press, 2001, x + 210 p. ISBN: 9780271021355
  • Kohl, Stephan, « More virtues than vices: self-analysis in Hoccleve's "autobiographies" », Fifteenth-Century Studies, 14, 1988, p. 115-124.
  • Krochalis, Jeanne, « Hoccleve's Chaucer portrait », The Chaucer Review, 21, 1986, p. 234-245.
  • Lawton, David, Chaucer's Narrators, Cambridge, 1985.
  • Langdell, Sebastian, « "What shal I calle thee? What is thy name?": Thomas Hoccleve and the making of "Chaucer" », New Medieval Literatures, 16, 2016, p. 250-276.
  • Lynch, Andrew, « "Manly cowardyse": Thomas Hoccleve's peace strategy », Medium Ævum, 75, 2004, p. 306-323.
  • Machan, Tim W., « Textual authority and the works of Hoccleve, Lydgate and Henryson », Viator, 23, 1992, p. 281-299.
  • McGregor, James H., « The iconography of Chaucer in Hoccleve's De Regimine Principum and the Troilus frontispiece », The Chaucer Review, 11, 1977, p. 338-350.
  • McMillan, Samuel F., Medieval Authorship at Reason's End: The Roman de la Rose's Legacy of Misrule, Ph. D. dissertation, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, 2016, v + 325 p. [libraries.psu.edu]
  • McNamer, Sarah, Affective Meditation and the Invention of Medieval Compassion, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press (The Middle Ages), 2010, viii + 309 p. ISBN: 9780812242119
    Compte rendu: Ineke van't Spijker, dans The Medieval Review, 10.06.20. [www]
  • Meyer-Lee, Robert, « Hoccleve and the apprehension of money », Exemplaria, 13, 2001, p. 173-214.
  • Meyer-Lee, Robert J., Poets and Power from Chaucer to Wyatt, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 61), 2007, xii + 297 p. ISBN: 9780521863551, 9780511270284
  • Mitchell, Jerome, Thomas Hoccleve: A Study in Early Fifteenth-Century English Poetic, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1968, x + 151 p.
  • Mitchell, Jerome, « Hoccleve's tribute to Chaucer », Chaucer und seine Zeit: Symposion für Walter F. Schirmer, éd. Arno Esch, Tübingen, 1968, p. 275-283.
  • Mooney, Linne R., « Some new light on Thomas Hoccleve », Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 29, 2007, p. 293-340.
  • Nisse, Ruth, « "Oure fadres olde and modres »: gender, heresy, and Hoccleve's literary politics », Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 21, 1999, p. 275-299.
  • Nuttall, Jenni, « Thomas Hoccleve's poems for Henry V », Oxford Handbooks Online, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2015.
  • Patterson, Lee, « What is me? Self and society in the poetry of Thomas Hoccleve », Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 23, 2001, p. 437-470.
  • Reeves, A. Compton, « Thomas Hoccleve, bureaucrat », Medievalia et Hhumanistica, 5, 1974, p. 201-221.
  • Reeves, A. Compton, « The world of Thomas Hoccleve », Fifteenth Century Studies, 2, 1979, p. 187-199.
  • Richardson, Malcolm, « Hoccleve in his social context », The Chaucer Review, 20:4, 1986, p. 313-322. DOI: 10.2307/25093968
  • Schieberle, Misty, « A new Hoccleve literary manuscript: the trilingual miscellany in London, British Library, MS Harley 219 », The Review of English Studies, hgz042, 2019. DOI: 10.1093/res/hgz042
  • Schulz, H. C., « Thomas Hoccleve, scribe », Speculum, 12, 1937, p. 71-81.
  • Seymour, Michael C., éd., Authors of the Middle Ages. Volume I: Nos 1-4, English Writers of the Late Middle Ages, Aldershot et Brookfield, Variorum, 1994, 248 p.
  • Sobecki, Sebastian, Last Words: The Public Self and the Social Author in Late Medieval England, Oxford, Oxford University Press (Oxford Textual Perspectives), 2020, xi + 226 p. ISBN: 9780198790785
    Compte rendu: Julia Boffey, dans The Medieval Review, 21.08.16, 2021. [www]
  • Strohm, Paul, « Hoccleve, Lydgate and the Lancastrian court », The Cambridge History of Medieval English Literature, éd. David Wallace, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1999, p. 640-661.
  • Stubbs, Estelle, et Linne Mooney, « A record identifying Thomas Hoccleve's father », Journal of the Early Book Society, 14, 2011, p. 233-237.
  • Thompson, John J., « A poet's contacts with the great and the good: further consideration of Thomas Hoccleve's texts and manuscripts », Prestige, Authority and Power in Late Medieval Manuscripts and Texts, éd. Felicity Riddy, York, York Medieval Press (York Manuscripts Conferences, Proceedings Series, 4), 2000, p. 77-101.
  • Thornley, Eva, « The Middle English penitential lyric and Hoccleve's autobiographical poetry », Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, 68, 1967, p. 295-321.
  • Tolmie, Sarah, « Thomas Hoccleve: the professional », Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 29, 2007, p. 341-373.
  • Turville-Petre, Thorlac, et Edward Wilson, « Hoccleve, "Maistir Massy" and the Pearl Poet », Review of English Studies, n. s., 26, 1975, p. 129-143.
  • Vines, Amy N., « The rehabilitation of patronage in Hoccleve's Series », Digital Philology, 2, 2013, p. 201-221.
  • Warner, Lawrence, « Scribes, misattributed: Hoccleve and Pinkhurst », Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 37:1, 2015, p. 35-100.
  • Wright, Sylvia, « The author portraits in the Bedford Psalter-Hours: Gower, Chaucer and Hoccleve », British Library Journal, 18, 1992, p. 190-201.
  1. La male regle

    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    Traductions modernes
  2. The regement of princes

    Titre:The Regement of Princes; The Regiment of Princes
    Dédicataire:Henri V, roi d'Angleterre et régent de France (1387-1422)
    Contenu:Traduction du De regimine principum de Gilles de Rome.
    Incipit:Musyng vp on the restles besynes
    wiche that trowbli world hathe ay on honde…
    Explicit:… and if lust be to his magnyficence
    do be thi reed his welthes shal witnesse.
    1. London, British Library, Royal, 17. D. XVIII [⇛ Description]
    2. London, British Library, Royal, 17. D. XIX [⇛ Description]
    3. London, British Library, Additional, 18632
    4. London, British Library, Arundel, 38
    5. London, British Library, Harley, 4826, f. 84r-144v [⇛ Description]
    6. London, British Library, Harley, 4866 [⇛ Description]
    7. London, British Library, Harley, 7333, f. 204r-211v [⇛ Description]
      Seulement le prologue.
    8. London, British Library, Royal, 17. D. VI
    9. London, British Library, Royal, 17. D. XVIII
      Seulement le prologue.
    10. London, Society of Antiquaries of London, 134, f. 250-283
    11. Philadelphia, Rosenbach Museum and Library, 1083/30, f. 1 [⇛ Description]
    12. Princeton, University Library, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Garrett, 137
    13. San Marino (USA), Huntington Library, EL 26 A 13, f. 18r-115r [⇛ Description]
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • Hoccleve's Works. III: The Regement of Princes A.D. 1411-12, from the Harleian Ms. 4866, and Fourteen of Hoccleve's Minor Poems from the Egerton Ms. 615, edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co. (Extra Series, 72), 1897, lxiii + 216 p. — Réimpr.: Woodbridge et Rochester, Boydell and Brewer, 1997.
    • Selections from Hoccleve, edited by M. C. Seymour, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1981, xxxiii + 151 p.
    • The Regiment of Princes of Thomas Hoccleve, Edited by Charles R. Blyth, Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications (TEAMS Middle English Texts), 1999, 278 p.
    Traductions modernes
    • en français:
    • Aster, Friedrich, Das Verhältniss des altenglischen Gedichtes "De regimine principum" von Thomas Hoccleve zu seinen Quellen, nebst einer Einleitung über Leben und Werke des Dichters, Leipzig, Peters, 1888, 58 p.
    • Buchtenkirch, Eduard, Der syntaktische Gebrauch des Infinitiv in Occleve's "De regimine principum", Braunschweig, Buchdruckerei von Appelhans und Pfenningstorff, 1889, 43 p. [GB] [IA]
    • Carlson, David R., « Thomas Hoccleve and the Chaucer portrait », Huntington Library Quarterly, 54, 1991, p. 283-300.
    • Ferster, Judith, Fictions of Advice: The Literature and Politics of Counsel in Late Medieval England, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press (The Middle Ages Series), 1996, xii + 216 p.
    • Hasler, Antony, « Hoccleve's unregimented body », Paragraph, 13, 1990, p. 164-183.
    • McGregor, James H., « The iconography of Chaucer in Hoccleve's De regimine principum and in the Troilus frontispiece », Chaucer Review, 11, 1977, p. 333-350.
    • Mooney, Linne R., « A new holograph copy of Hoccleve's Regiment of Princes », Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 33, 2011, p. 263-266.
    • Pearsall, Derek, « Hoccleve's Regement of Princes: the poetics of royal self-representation », Speculum, 69:2, 1994, p. 386-410. DOI: 10.2307/2865088
    • Perkins, Nicholas, Hoccleve's "Regiment of Princes": Counsel and Constraint, Cambridge, Brewer, 2001, xi + 235 p.
    • Perkins, Nicholas, « Haunted Hoccleve? The Regiment of Princes, the Troilean intertext, and conversations with the dead », The Chaucer Review, 43, 2008, p. 103-139.
    • Revard, Carter, « Courtly romances in the privy wardrobe », The Court and Cultural Diversity: Selected Papers from the Eighth Triennial Congress of the International Courtly Literature Society, the Queen's University of Belfast 26 July-1 August 1995, éd. Evelyn Mullally et John Thompson, Cambridge, Brewer, 1997, p. 297-308. [IA]
    • Scanlon, Larry, « The king's two voices: narrative and power in Hoccleve's Regiment of Princes », Literary Practice and Social Change in Britain, 1380-1530, éd. Lee Patterson, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1990, p. 216-247.
    • Scanlon, Larry, Narrative, Authority, and Power: The Medieval Exemplum and the Chaucerian Tradition, Cambridge, 1994.
    • Seymour, M. C., « The manuscripts of Hoccleve's Regiment of Princes », Edinburgh Bibliographical Society Transactions, 6, 1974, p. 255-297.
    • Simpson, James, « Nobody's man: Thomas Hoccleve's Regement of Princes », London and Europe in the Later Middle Ages, éd. Julia Boffey et Pamela King, London, Queen Mary and Westfield College, 1995, p. 149-180.
    • Tolmie, Sarah, « The Prive Scilence of Thomas Hoccleve », Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 22, 2000, p. 281-309.
  3. The letter of Cupid

    Voir aussi: 
    1. Cambridge, Trinity College Library, Ff.1.6, f. 71r-76v [⇛ Description]
      « Findern manuscript ».
    2. Cambridge, University Library, R. 3.20, XVe s.
      Réalisé par John Shirley.
    3. Durham, Cathedral Library, Cosin V. ii.13, XVe s.
    4. Edinburgh, National Library of Scotland, 1. 1. 6, XVIe s.
      « The Bannatyne manuscript ».
    5. London, British Library, Additional, 17492, XVIe s.
      « The Devonshire manuscript ».
    6. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Arch. Selden B.24, XVe s.
    7. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Bodley 638, XVe s.
    8. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Digby 181, XVe s.
    9. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Fairfax 16, XVe s.
    10. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Tanner 346, XVe s.
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • Poems of Cupid, God of Love: Christine de Pizan's "Epistre au dieu d'amours" and "Dit de la rose"; Thomas Hoccleve's "The Letter of Cupid". Editions and Translations, with George Sewell's "The Proclamation of Cupid", edited by Thelma S. Fenster and Mary Carpenter Erler, Leiden, New York, København et Köln, Brill, 1990, vii + 237 p.
    • Thomas Hoccleve, My Compleinte and Other Poems, edited by Roger Ellis, Exeter, University of Exeter Press (Exeter Medieval English Texts and Studies), 2001, x + 293 p.
    Traductions modernes
    • en anglais:
      • Fenster et Erler 1990 (voir sous Éditions modernes)
    • Bornstein, Diane, « Anti-feminism in Thomas Hoccleve's translation of Christine de Pizan's Epistre au Dieu d'Amours », English Language Notes, 19, 1981, p. 7-14.
  4. The complaint of the Virgin

    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    Traductions modernes
    • en français:
    • Bryan, Jennifer E., « Hoccleve, the Virgin, and the politics of complaint », PMLA, 117:5, 2002, p. 1172-1185. DOI: 10.1632/003081202X60260
    • Goldie, Matthew Boyd, « Psychosomatic illness and identity in London, 1416-1421: Hoccleve's Complaint and Dialogue with a friend », Exemplaria, 11:1, 1999, p. 23-52.
    • Stanbury, Sarah, « The Virgin's gaze: spectacle and transgression in Middle English lyrics of the Passion », PMLA, 106, 1991, p. 1083-1093.
  5. Formulary

    1. London, British Library, Additional, 24062
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • Bentley, Elna-Jean Young, The Formulary of Thomas Hoccleve, Ph. D. dissertation, Emory University, 1965, 3 t. [PQ]
    • The Formulary of Thomas Hoccleve (Excel ver 2015), éd. Elna-Jean Young Bentley, Helen Hickey et Juliette Sieve, University of Texas at Austin, 2015. [www]
    Traductions modernes
  6. Series

    Titre:Series; Complaint and Dialogue
    Voir aussi: 
    Éditions anciennes
    Éditions modernes
    • Thomas Hoccleve, My Compleinte and Other Poems, edited by Roger Ellis, Exeter, University of Exeter Press (Exeter Medieval English Texts and Studies), 2001, x + 293 p.
    Traductions modernes
    • en français:
    • Brown, Matthew Clifton, « "Lo, heer the fourme": Hoccleve's Series, formulary, and bureaucratic textuality », Exemplaria, 23:1, 2011, p. 27-49.
    • Burrow, J. A., « Hoccleve's Series: experience and books », Fifteenth-Century Studies: Recent Essays, éd. Robert F. Yeager, Hamden, Archon Books, 1984, p. 259-273.
    • Burrow, J. A., « Hoccleve's Complaint and Isidore of Seville again », Speculum, 73, 1998, p. 424-428.
    • Crocker, Holly A., « Engendering masculinity in Hoccleve's Series », Medieval Affect, Feeling, and Emotion, éd. Holly A. Crocker et Glenn Burger, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, p. 70-89.
    • Goldie, Matthew Boyd, « Psychosomatic illness and identity in London, 1416–1421: Hoccleve's Complaint and Dialogue with a Friend », Exemplaria, 11, 1999, p. 23-52.
    • Kern, J. H., « Die Datierung von Hoccleve's Dialog », Anglia, 40, 1916, p. 370-373.
    • Langdell, Sebastian James, « "What world is this? How vndirstande am I?": a reappraisal of poetic authority in Thomas Hoccleve's Series », Medium Ævum, 78:2, 1999, p. 282-299.
    • Malo, Robyn, « Penitential discourse in Hoccleve's Series », Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 34, 2012, p. 277-305.
    • Patterson, Lee, « Beinecke MS 493 and the survival of Hoccleve's Series », Old Books, New Learning: Essays on Medieval and Renaissance Books at Yale, éd. Lee Patterson et al., The Yale University Library Gazette, Occasional Supplement, 4, 2001, p. 92-103.
    • Rigg, A. G., « Hoccleve's Complaint and Isidore of Seville », Speculum, 45, 1970, p. 564-574.
    • Simpson, James, « Madness and texts: Hoccleve's Series », Chaucer and Fifteenth-Century Poetry, éd. Julia Boffey et Janet Cowen, London, King's College, Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies, 1991, p. 15-29.
    • Sobecki, Sebastian, « The Series: Thomas Hoccleve's year of mourning », Last Words: The Public Self and the Social Author in Late Medieval England, London, Oxford University Press, 2019, p. 65-100.
    • Tambling, Jeremy, « Allegory and the madness of the text: Hoccleve's Complaint », New Medieval Literatures, 6, 2003, p. 223-248.
    • Von Nolcken, Christina, « "O why ne had y lerned for to die?": Lerne for to Dye and the author's death in Thomas Hoccleve's Series », Essays in Medieval Studies, 10, 1993, p. 27-51.
    • Watt, David, The Making of Thomas Hoccleve's "Series", Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, 2013.
    • Winstead, Karen, « "I am al othir to yow then yee weene": Hoccleve, women, and the Series », Philological Quarterly, 11, 1993, p. 143-155.
Répertoires bibliographiques
  • Mitchell, Jerome, « Hoccleve studies, 1965-1981 », Fifteenth-Century Studies: Recent Essays, éd. R. F. Yeager, Hamden, 1984, p. 49-63.
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