The dialoges of creatures moralysed
Titre: | The dialoges of creatures moralysed (éd. 1535) |
Date: | 1535 |
Langue: | Anglais |
Genre: | Fable |
Forme: | Prose |
Contenu: | Traduction du Dialogus creaturarum |
Incipit: | The Dialoges of Creatures Moralysed. Applyably and edificatyfly to euery mery and iocounde mater, of late translated out of Latyn into our Englysshe tonge, right profitable to the gouernaunce of man. And they be to sell vpon Powlys churcheyarde. Forasmoche as Isidore wytnessith in his first boke De Summo Bono, ca. IV, that Almyghty God shewith to vs by example and consideracyon of thinges circomscripte… |
Explicit: | … and be aferde that thow mayst come to that celestial place aboue, from the which thowe arte nowe expulsyd. Which that moost blessid lorde graunt vnto vs that lyuyth and regnith eternally. Amen. Thus endith the Dialogus of Creatures Moralysed. Applyably and edificatyfly to euery mery and iocounde mater, of late translated out of Latyn into our Englysshe tonge, right profitable to the gouernaunce of man. And they be to sell vpon Powlys churche yarde. |
Éditions anciennes
- The dialoges of creatures moralysed. Applyably and edificatyfly, to euery mery and iocounde mater, of late tra[n]slated out of latyn into our Englysshe tonge right profitable to the gouernaunce of man. And they be to sell, vpo[n] Powlys churche yarde
[Antwerpen], [Jan van Doesborch], [vers 1534]
Éditions modernes
- The Dialoges of Creatures Moralysed: a critical edition edited by Gregory Kratzmann and Elizabeth Gee, Leiden, Brill (Medieval and Renaissance Texts, 4), 1988, xxi + 246 p.
Traductions modernes
- Kratzmann, Gregory, « An addition to the catalogue of Gabriel Harvey's library: The Dialoges of Creatures Moralysed », Notes and Queries, n. s., 29:5, 1982, p. 413-415. DOI: 10.1093/nq/29-5-413
Répertoires bibliographiques
- Carnes, Pack, Fable Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography, New York, Garland (Garland Folklore Bibliographies, 8; Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, 367), 1985, 382 p. [IA]
Rédaction: Laurent Brun
Dernière mise à jour: 13 août 2020