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United Kingdom / London / British Library / Royal

Cote:18 A X

(Ms. non numérisé)


  1. (f. 1) [Fragment d'un traité en deux livres ou plus, incomplet du début et de la fin]
  2. (f. 8) [Traité ou sermon sur la prière, en prose anglaise; incomplet du début]
    Incipit:[le début manque] god, and if the brunt of the batayle be stifly fordone…
    Explicit:… cunne desire god and the endeles merthe and the melodic of heuene. To the wheche mirthe god brynge vs alle. Amen. Amen.
  3. (f. 10) A good question to god
    Incipit:A sely soule askid of god oure stedefast lord clennes of soule…
    Explicit:… but after myn dome, etc.
  4. (f. 10v) A good remedie a3ens spirituel temptacions, épître à une dame
    Incipit:Dere sister, I haue in partie vnderstonde by thyn writyng of diuerse temptaciouns and taryinges…
    Explicit:… and I schal preye for the. The holi gost haue the in his kepynge. Amen.
  5. (f. 15) Fowre tokenis of loue, en anglais, finissant par un couplet en latin
    Incipit:Tokenes ther ben foure. whether thu loue god in charite…
    Explicit:… Si sis de dignis hiis quatuor accipe signis:
    audi, plange, caue, fac, te deus eruet a ve.
  6. (f. 15) [Deux paragraphes sur la Trinité, en prose anglaise]
    Incipit:Seynt Johan seyth in his gospel that ther ben thre persones in the trinite, pater et filius et spiritus sanctus. These thre ben distinct and partit…
    Explicit:… to be rewardit in heuene aboue.
  7. (f. 16) [Traduction sans titre de la première partie, sur les vices et les vertus, de la Somme le roi de Laurent d'Orléans
    Incipit:Mi dere lord seynt Johan in þe book of reuelaciones þat is cleped þe apocalips seiþ þat he sawe a beest þat cam oute of þe see…
    Explicit:… þe seuene trees þat beren þe fruyt of endeles liif. Amen.
  8. (f. 55v) Modus confitendi in Anglicis verbis, formule de confession pour une femme
    Incipit:Whan þow þenkest to purge þi soule of synne by confessioun and penaunce doyng, firste rekne bytwene god and þe in thine herte…
    Explicit:… y biseche ȝow to pray for me.
  9. (f. 60v) Seynt Edmunde þe archebishope prechid þis confessyon to þe peple to teche hem þe bettere to kunne schryue hem and he hymself seyde it eche day to god
    Incipit:God, fadir almyȝti, þat art oo god in þre persones and þat art only þe hope of my liif…
    Explicit:… þat y mow come into þe liife wiþoute ende. Amen. And sey þi confiteor to þe preest whan he goþ to masse.
  10. (f. 61v) A disputeson betwen the body and the sowle, poème de 67 huitains
    Incipit:As I lay in a wynter nyght
    a litel drouknynge befor þe day…
    Explicit:… Þe ioye þat þou to vs hast wrought
    þou grante vs for þyn holy grace. Amen.
    Explicit disputacio inter corpus et animam.
  11. (f. 67) A pistell of seynt Jerome ysende to a mayden cleped Demetriad, þat hadde wowede chastite to oure lord Ihesu Crist, incomplet de la fin
    Incipit:The first besynes and the first studie of a mayde…
    Explicit:… Doughter, make þus þi besines alle þi [la fin manque]
  12. (f. 83) [Traité sur les infractions aux Commandements, incomplet du début]
    Incipit:þei worschipen hym with her lippis…
    Explicit:… omnino apud te non maneat.
  13. (f. 85) VII dedly synnes
    Incipit:Here ben VII dedly synnes.
    Pryde, wraþþe and enuye ben synnes of þe fende…
    Explicit:… aȝeins siouþe besynesse in vertues.
  14. (f. 86) [Sentences en latin]
    Incipit:Ista quatuor secundum Augustinum promittuntur…
  15. (f. 87) [The three kings of Cologne]
    Incipit:Miȝtfull god þat euermore is wondirful in hys seyntis…
    Explicit:… hiȝe blysse of heuene. To þe which blysse he brynge vs þat in heuens aboue all kynges sittiþ and regneþ withoute eende, Crist Jhesus. A.M.E.N.
  16. (f. 119v) Parce mihi, domine, poème anglais en 56 quatrains rimant abab
    Incipit:By a forest syde walkyng as I went
    desport to take in o mornynge…
    Explicit:… I þanke þee of þi sonde,
    Parce michi, domine. Explicit.
  17. (f. 123v) Missus est angelus Gabriel, poème anglais sur l'Annonciation, en 19 quatrains
    Incipit:God sent hys aungell Gabriell
    to Nazareth þe chefe cite…
  18. (f. 125) Poème anglais contre la médisance, en 18 quatrains
    Incipit:Seynt Bernard seiþ, and so seye I,
    in her counseill come not my sowle…
  19. (f. 126v) [Dispute between Mary and the Cross]
    Incipit:O litel whyle lesteneþ to me
    ententyfly, so haue ȝe blys…
    Explicit:… and Maries praier mylde and goode
    graunte vs þe lyfe of grace. Amen.
  20. (f. 130v) Deo nostro iocunda sit laudacio, poème en anglais sur les fêtes religieuses; incomplet de la fin
    Incipit:Joyeful preisyng to god oure lord
    þe sawter book bereþ record.
    The lord þat is a howsholder
    with faire festis folk he fat…
    Explicit:… Þe heyȝtes of his hyȝe kynge
    withoute any [la fin manque]

Description matérielle

Date:Première moitié du XVe siècle
Nombre de feuillets:135
Foliotation:I + 1-134
Format:214 × 178 mm
Mise en page:1 colonne
Décoration:Initiales rouges et bleues
Notes:Feuillets manquants après les f. 68 et 82


  • Lord John Lumley


  • Casley, David, A Catalogue of the Manuscripts of the King's Library: An Appendix to the Catalogue of the Cottonian Library; Together with an Account of Books Burnt or Damaged by a Late Fire; One Hundred and Fifty Specimens of the Manner of Writing in Different Ages, from the Third to the Fifteenth Century, in Copper-Plates; and some Observations upon MSS, in a Preface, London, chez l'auteur, 1734, xxiv + 360 p. + xvi pl. + [23] p. (ici p. 272) [GB] [IA]
  • Legends of the Holy Rood; Symbols of the Passion and Cross-Poems. In Old English of the Eleventh, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Centuries. Edited from MSS. in the British Museum and Bodleian libraries; with introduction, translations, and glossarial index by Richard Morris, London, Trübner for the Early English Text Society (Early English Texts. Original Series, 46), 1871, xxxi + 240 p. (ici p. 197-223) [GB] [IA]
    • New York, Greenwood Press, 1969
    • Millwood, NY, Kraus Reprint, 1990
    • Woodbridge, Boydell and Brewer, 1999
  • Warner, George F., et Julius P. Gilson, Catalogue of Western Manuscripts in the Old Royal and King's Collections, London, British Museum, 1921, 4 t. (ici t. 2, p. 265-267) [HT: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4]
    • München, Saur, 1997
  • British Library, Manuscripts Catalogue. [www]
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> IRHT: ARCA: md22v405wp22
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