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Dialogues in French and English

Œuvre de William Caxton


Titre:Dialogues in French and English; Instructions for travellers; A vocabulary in French and English
Date:Vers 1483
Langue:Français et anglais
Contenu:Adaptation et traduction du Livre des mestiers, dialogues français-flamands du XIVe siècle.
[Table des chapitres]
Cy commence la table
de cest prouffytable doctrine,
pour trouver tout par ordene
ce que on vouldra aprendre.
Premierment, l'invocaion de la Trinité–
Tres bonne doctrine
pour aprendre
briefment fransoys et engloys.
Ou nom du pere…
[Table des chapitres]
Hier begynneth the table
of this prouffytable lernynge,
for to fynde all by ordre
that whiche men wylle lerne.
Fyrst, the callyng of the trinite–
Ryght good lernyng
for to lerne
shortly frenssh and englyssh.
In the name of the fadre…
… et nous doinst perseverance
en bonnes operacions,
et apres cest vie transitorie
la pardurable joye et glorie!
… and us gyve perseveraunce
in good werkes,
and after lyf transitorie
the everlastyng joye and glorie.
Éditions anciennes
  1. [Vocabulary in French and English]
    Westminster, [William Caxton], [vers 1480]
    ARLIMA: EA3103   GW: M51229   ISTC: iv00315000
Éditions modernes
  • Dialogues in French and English, by William Caxton (adapted from a fourteenth-century book of dialogues in French and Flemish), edited from Caxton's printed text (about 1483), with introduction, notes, and word-lists, by Henry Bradley, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner for the Early English Text Society (Early English Texts. Extra Series, 79), 1900, xii + 78 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
  • Vocabulary in French and English: a facsimile of Caxton's edition, c. 1480. With introductions by J. C. T. Oates and L. C. Harmer, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1964, xxxv + 49 p.
Traductions modernes
  • Cooper, Lisa H., « Urban utterances: merchants, artisans, and the alphabet in Caxton's Dialogues in French and English », New Medieval Literatures, 7, 2005, p. 127-161.
  • Cooper, Lisa H., Artisans and Narrative Craft in Late Medieval England, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 82), 2011, xiii + 278 p. [PQ] ISBN: 9780521768979
    Édition antérieure:
    • Cooper, Lisa H., "These crafty men." Figuring the Artisan in Late Medieval England (William Caxton, Guillaume de Deguileville), Ph. D. dissertation, Columbia University, New York, 2003.
  • Hanham, Alison, « Who made William Caxton's phrase-book? », The Review of English Studies, 56, n° 227, 2005, p. 712-729. DOI: 10.1093/res/hgi104
Permalien: https://arlima.net/no/11603

Voir aussi:
> Wikidata: Q123338223
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
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Dernière mise à jour: 21 octobre 2023

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