Titre: | Esope |
Date: | XVe siècle |
Langue: | Anglais |
Genre: | |
Forme: | Prose |
Contenu: | Traduction de la version française par Julien Macho du recueil de fables ésopiques composé en latin par Heinrich Steinhöwel. |
Incipit: | Here begyneth the preface or prologue of the fyrste booe of Esope. Romulus son of Thybere of the Cyte of Atyque / gretyng / Esope man of grece / subtyll and Ingenyous / techeth in his fables how men ought to kepe and rewle them well / And to thende that he shold shewe the lyf and customes of al maner of men / he induceth the byrdes / the trees and the beetles spekynge… |
Explicit: | … And thought he shold be the better / And take more hede to his cures and benefyces than he had done / This was a good answere of a good preest and an honest / |
Éditions anciennes
- Fables
Westminster, William Caxton, 26 mars 1484
- Fables
[London], Richard Pynson, [vers 1492-1494]
- Fables
[London], Richard Pynson, [vers 1500-1501]
- Fables
[London], [Richard Pynson], [vers 1525]
- The fables in Englishe with all his lyfe and fortune. Whereunto is added the Fables of Avyan. And also the Fables of Poge the Florentyne very pleasaunt to reade
[London], [Henry Wykes pour John Walley], [vers 1570]
- The fables with al his life and fortune, how he was subtil, wise, and borne in Greece. Whereunto is added the fables of Avicen sic: and also the fables of Alphonce, with the fables of Poge the Florentine, very pleasant to reade
[London], [Joan Orwin] pour Thomas Adams, 1596
Éditions modernes
- The Fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484 with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio, now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs, London, Nutt, 1889, 2 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2] [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
- Caxton's Aesop, edition with an introduction and notes by R. T. Lenaghan, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1967, [vi] + 264 p.
Traductions modernes
- Curdy, A. E., « The versions of the fable of Peacock and Juno », Studies in Honor of A. Marshall Elliott, in Two Volumes, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press; Paris, Champion; Leipzig, Harrassowitz, 1911, t. 1, p. 329-346. [GB: t. 1, t. 2] [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
- Wilson, Robert H., « The Poggiana in Caxton's Esope », Philological Quarterly, 30, 1951, p. 348-352.
- Wolfgang, Lenora D., « Caxton's Aesop: the origin and evolution of a fable or, do not believe everything you hear », Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 135:1, 1991, p. 73-83. [jstor.org]