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Œuvre de William Caxton


Date:XVe siècle
Contenu:Traduction de la version française par Julien Macho du recueil de fables ésopiques composé en latin par Heinrich Steinhöwel.
Incipit:Here begyneth the preface or prologue of the fyrste booe of Esope.
Romulus son of Thybere of the Cyte of Atyque / gretyng / Esope man of grece / subtyll and Ingenyous / techeth in his fables how men ought to kepe and rewle them well / And to thende that he shold shewe the lyf and customes of al maner of men / he induceth the byrdes / the trees and the beetles spekynge…
Explicit:… And thought he shold be the better / And take more hede to his cures and benefyces than he had done / This was a good answere of a good preest and an honest /
Éditions anciennes
  1. Fables
    Westminster, William Caxton, 26 mars 1484
    ARLIMA: EA4591   GW: 00376   ISTC: ia00117500   USTC: 500100 518733    ESTC: S111230
    Exemplaire en ligne: [London]
  2. Fables
    [London], Richard Pynson, [vers 1492-1494]
    ARLIMA: EA4592   GW: 00377   ISTC: ia00118000   USTC: 500271   ESTC: S90050
  3. Fables
    [London], Richard Pynson, [vers 1500-1501]
    ARLIMA: EA4593   GW: 00378   ISTC: ia00118100   USTC: 500358 516105
    Exemplaire en ligne: [London]
  4. Fables
    [London], [Richard Pynson], [vers 1525]
    ARLIMA: EA4594   USTC: 516274
  5. The fables in Englishe with all his lyfe and fortune. Whereunto is added the Fables of Avyan. And also the Fables of Poge the Florentyne very pleasaunt to reade
    [London], [Henry Wykes pour John Walley], [vers 1570]
    ARLIMA: EA4595   USTC: 507027
  6. The fables with al his life and fortune, how he was subtil, wise, and borne in Greece. Whereunto is added the fables of Avicen sic: and also the fables of Alphonce, with the fables of Poge the Florentine, very pleasant to reade
    [London], [Joan Orwin] pour Thomas Adams, 1596
    ARLIMA: EA4596   USTC: 513015
Éditions modernes
  • The Fables of Aesop, as first printed by William Caxton in 1484 with those of Avian, Alfonso and Poggio, now again edited and induced by Joseph Jacobs, London, Nutt, 1889, 2 t. [GB: t. 1, t. 2] [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
  • Caxton's Aesop, edition with an introduction and notes by R. T. Lenaghan, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1967, [vi] + 264 p.
Traductions modernes
  • Curdy, A. E., « The versions of the fable of Peacock and Juno », Studies in Honor of A. Marshall Elliott, in Two Volumes, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins Press; Paris, Champion; Leipzig, Harrassowitz, 1911, t. 1, p. 329-346. [GB: t. 1, t. 2] [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
  • Wilson, Robert H., « The Poggiana in Caxton's Esope », Philological Quarterly, 30, 1951, p. 348-352.
  • Wolfgang, Lenora D., « Caxton's Aesop: the origin and evolution of a fable or, do not believe everything you hear », Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 135:1, 1991, p. 73-83. [jstor.org]
Permalien: https://arlima.net/no/11611

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> Wikidata: Q123331787
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