Caxton's Eneydos, 1490, Englisht from the French Liure des Eneydes, 1483, Edited by the late W. T. Culley and F. J. Furnivall, With a Sketch of the Old French Roman d'Énéas by Dr. Salverda de Grave, London, Trübner for the Early English Text Society (Early English Text Society. Extra Series, 57), 1890, xxxii + 214 p.
Traductions modernes
Bridges, Margaret, « Murdering self-murder: negotiating suicide in medieval English rewriting of classical myth and history », Actualiser le passé: figures antiques du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance, éd. Jean-Claude Mühlethaler et Delphine Burghgraeve, Lausanne, Centre d'études médiévales et post-médiévales de l'Université de Lausanne, 2012, p. 14-32. [www]
Leisi, Ernst, Die tautologischen Wortpaare in Caxton's "Eneydos", New York, 1947.