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The historye of Reynart the foxe

Œuvre de William Caxton


Contenu:Traduction de l'Historie van Reynaert die vos
Éditions anciennes
  1. The historye of Reynart the foxe
    [Westminster], William Caxton, 1481
    ARLIMA: EA1306   GW: 12728   ISTC: ir00137000   USTC: 500045   ESTC: S100712
  2. The historye of Reynart the foxe
    [Westminster], William Caxton, [vers 1489]
    ARLIMA: EA1307   GW: 12729   ISTC: ir00137100   USTC: 500140   ESTC: S100726
  3. The hystorye of Ranard the foxe
    [London], [Richard Pynson], [vers 1494]
    ARLIMA: EA1308   GW: 12730   ISTC: ir00137200   USTC: 500191   ESTC: S100726
  4. The hystorye of Reinard the foxe
    London, Richard Pynson, 1500
    ARLIMA: EA1309   USTC: 500657   ESTC: S94879
  5. Reynard the fox
    London, Wynken de Worde, 1525
    ARLIMA: EA1310   USTC: 501851   ESTC: S100725
  6. Raynarde the foxe
    London, Thomas Gaultier, 1550
    ARLIMA: EA1311   USTC: 504349   ESTC: S100711
  7. The booke of Raynarde the foxe
    London, Edward Allde, 1600
    ARLIMA: EA1312   USTC: 518284   ESTC: S94880
Éditions modernes
  • The History of Reynard the Fox, from the edition printed by Caxton in 1481. With notes, and an introductory sketch of the literary history of the romance, by William J. Thoms, London, Richards for the Percy Society (Early English Poetry, Ballads and Popular Literature of the Middle Ages, 12), 1844, ci + 194 p. [GB] [IA]
  • The History of Reynard the Fox. Translated and printed by William Caxton, 1481. Edited by Edmund Goldsmid, Edinburgh, privately printed (Bibliotheca curiosa), 1884, 2 t. [GB: t. 1-2 [IA: t. 1, t. 2]
  • The History of Reynard the Fox, translated and printed by William Caxton, June 1481, edited by Edward Arber, Westminster, Constable (The English Scholar's Library of Old and Modern Works, 1), 1899, xvi + 120 p. [GB] [IA]
    Éditions antérieures:
    • The History of Reynard the Fox, translated and printed by William Caxton. June 1481. Edited by Edward Arber, London, s. n. (The English Scholar's Library of Old and Modern Works, 1), 1878, xvi + 120 p. [GB] [IA]
    • The History of Reynard the Fox, translated and printed by William Caxton. June 1481. Edited by Edward Arber, London, s. n. (The English Scholar's Library of Old and Modern Works, 1), 1880, xvi + h + 120 p. [GB] [IA]
    • The History of Reynard the Fox, translated and printed by William Caxton, June 1481, edited by Edward Arber, Westminster, Constable (The English Scholar's Library of Old and Modern Works, 1), 1895, xvi + 120 p. [GB] [IA]
  • The History of Reynard the Fox, translated and printed by William Caxton in 1481. Edited with an introduction and notes by Donald B. Sands, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1960, x + 224 p.
  • The History of Reynard the Fox, translated from the Dutch original by William Caxton; edited by N. F. Blake, London, New York et Toronto, Oxford University Press (Early English Text Society. Original Series, 263), 1970, lxxii + 171 p. + 1 dépl.
Traductions modernes
  • en anglais:
    • The Most Delectable History of Reynard the Fox, and of his Son Reynardine. A revised version of an old romance, London, Parker, 1844, xv + 102 p. [GB] [IA: ex. 1, ex. 2]
    • The Pleasant History of Reynard the Fox. Translated by the late Thomas Roscoe. Illustrated with nearly one hundred designs by A. T. Elwes and John Jellicoe, London, Sampson Low, Marston, Low, and Searle, 1873, xvi + 136 p. [GB] [IA]
    • The Most Delectable History of Reynard the Fox, edited with introduction and notes by Joseph Jacobs, done into pictures by W. Frank Calderon, London et New York, MacMillan (The Cranford Series), 1895, xxxvii + 260 p. [GB] [IA]
    • The History of Reynard the Fox, his Friends and his Enemies. His Crimes, Hairbreadth Escapes and Final Triumph. A metrical version of the old English translation with glossarial notes in verse by F. S. Ellis; devices by Walter Crane, London, Nutt, 1897, viii + 297 p. [GB] [IA]
      Édition antérieure:
      • The History of Reynard the Fox, his Friends and his Enemies. His Crimes, Hairbreadth Escapes and Final Triumph. A metrical version of the old English translation with glossarial notes in verse by F. S. Ellis; devices by Walter Crane, London, Nutt, 1894, x + 346 p. [GB] [IA]
    • The Epic of the Breast, Consisting of English Translations of the History of Reynard the Fox [translated and printed by William Caxton, 1481; modernized by William Swan Stallybrass, with a glossarial index] and Physiologus [translated with an introduction by James Carlill], with an introduction by William Rose, London, Routledge; New York, Dutton (Broadway Translations), [s. d.].
    • The Most Delectable History of Reynard the Fox, edited for schools by H. A. Treble, illustrated by W. Frank Calderon, London, MacMillan (English Literature for Secondary Schools), 1920, xii + 117 p. [GB] [IA]
      Édition antérieure:
      • The Most Delectable History of Reynard the Fox, edited for schools by H. A. Treble, illustrated by W. Frank Calderon, London, MacMillan (English Literature for Secondary Schools), 1919, xii + 117 p. [IA]
  • De Reul, Paul, The Language of Caxton's "Reynard the Fox": A Study in Historical English Syntax, Gand, Vuilsteke; London, Swan Sonnenschein (Université de Gand. Recueil de travaux publiés par la Faculté de philosophie et lettres, 26), 1901, xvii + 236 p. [GB] [IA]
  • Good, Julian Russell Peter, The Human Presence in Robert Henryson's Fables and William Caxton's The History of Reynard the Fox, Ph. D. thesis, University of Glasgow, 2012, [xiv] + 535 p. [gla.ac.uk]
  • Goossens, Jan, « The ill-fated consequence of the Tom-Cat's jump, and its illustration », Reynard the Fox: Social Engagement and Cultural Metamorphoses in the Beast Epic from the Middle Ages to the Present, éd. Kenneth Varty, New York et Oxford, Berghahn Books (Polygons: Cultural Diversities and Intersections, 1), 2000, p. 113-124.
  • Varty, Kenneth, « The earliest illustrated English editions of Reynard the Fox and their links with the earliest illustrated continental editions », Reynaert, Reynard, Reynke. Studien zu einem mittelalterlichen Tierepos, éd. Jan Goossens et Timothy Sodmann, Köln et Wien, Böhlau (Niederdeutsche Studien, 27), 1980, p. 160-195.
  • Varty, Kenneth, « Reynard in England: from Caxton to the present », Reynard the Fox: Social Engagement and Cultural Metamorphoses in the Beast Epic from the Middle Ages to the Present, éd. Kenneth Varty, New York et Oxford, Berghahn Books (Polygons: Cultural Diversities and Intersections, 1), 2000, p. 163-174.
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