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The curial

Œuvre de William Caxton


Titre:The Curial (impr., expl.)
Date:Au plus tard en 1484
Commanditaire:« a noble and vertuous Erle » (probablement Lord Rivers † 1483 selon Furnivall)
Contenu:Traduction de la version française anonyme du De vita curiali d'Alain Chartier.
Incipit:Here foloweth the copye of a lettre whyche maistre Alayn Chartier wrote to hys brother / whyche desired to come dwelle in Court / in whyche he reherseth many myseryes and wretchydness therin vsed…
Explicit:… And yf thou haue not in tyme passed knowen that thou hast ben ewrous And happy / thenne lerne now to knowe it fro hens forth / And to god I comande the by thys wrytyng, whyche gyue the hys grace / Amen.
Thus endeth the Curial made by maystre Alain Charretier, Translated thus in Englyssh by Wylliam Caxton.
Éditions anciennes
  1. The copye of a lettre whyche maistre Alayn Charetier wrote to hys brother
    [Westminster], William Caxton, [1483]
    ARLIMA: EA99   GW: 06563   ISTC: ic00429000   USTC: 500074
Éditions modernes
  • The Curial Made by Maystere Alain Charretier, translated this in Englyssh by William Caxton. 1484. Collated with the French original by Prof. Paul Meyer, and edited by Frederick J. Furnivall, London, Trübner and Co. (Early English Text Society. Extra Series, 54), 1888, viii + 20 p. [GB] [IA]
Traductions modernes
Permalien: https://arlima.net/no/11605

Voir aussi:
> Wikidata: Q123337921
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
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Dernière mise à jour: 21 octobre 2023

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