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The lyff of the olde auncyent holy faders hermytes

Œuvre de William Caxton


Titre:The right deuoute moche lowable and recommendable lyff of the olde auncyent holy faders hermytes (éd.
Contenu:Traduction de la Vie des anciens saintz Peres hermites, version française anonyme de l'Historia monachorum de Rufin d'Aquilée.
Incipit:Here foloweth the right deuoute moche lowable and recommendable lyff of the olde auncyent holy faders hermytes, late translated out of latyn in to frenshe and dylygently corrected in the cyte of Lyon in yere of our Lord M. CCCC. LXXXVI, upon that whiche hath be wryten and also translated out of greke in to latyn by the blessyd and holy saynt Saynt Jerome right deuoute and approued doctour of the chirche and other solytarye relygyouse persones after hym. And after in the yere of our Lorde M. CCCC. LXXXXI. reduced in to englysshe folowyng the copye, always under correccyon of doctours of the chirche.
The Prologue of the translatour.
For as moche as dayly amonge the infenyte multytude of mortall people is seen but fewe of theym that lyue vertuously…
Explicit:… And in thende of our dayes, he brynge vs with hym in to his royame of heuen for to be partyners of the glorye eternall, the whiche graunte to vs the holy trynyte. Amen.
Thys endyth the moust vertuouse hystorye of the deuoute and right renommed lyues of holy faders lyuynge in de seite, worthy of remembraunce to all well dysposed persones whiche hath be translated out of frensshe in to englysshe by Wyllyam Caxton of Westmynstre late deed, and fynysshed it at the laste days of his lyff. Enprynted in the sayd towne of Westmynstre by my Wynkyn de Worde the yere of our Lorde M. CCCC. LXXXXV. and the tenth yere of our souerayne lorde kyng Henry the seuenth.
Éditions anciennes
  1. Westminster, Wynkyn de Worde, 1495
Éditions modernes
  • Lowerre, Sandra, The Cross-Dressing Female Saints in Wynkyn de Worde's 1495 Edition of the "Vitas Patrum": A Study and Edition of the Lives of Saints Pelage, Maryne, Eufrosyne, Eugene, and Mary of Egypt, Frankfurt am Main et New York, Lang (European University Studies. Series XIV: Anglo-Saxon Language and Literature, 428 = Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe XIV: Angelsächsische Sprache und Literatur, 428), 2006, cxlii + 213 p.
Traductions modernes
Permalien: https://arlima.net/no/11615

Voir aussi:
> Wikidata: Q123169059
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Rédaction: Laurent Brun
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Dernière mise à jour: 21 octobre 2023

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