The veray trew history of the valiaunt knight Jason how he conquerd or wan the golden fles, by the counsel of Medea and of many othre victoryouse and wondrefull actis and dedys that he dyde by his prowesse and chevalrye in his tyme Antwerpen, Gerard Leeu, 2 juin 1492
The History of Jason: the text translated from the French of Raoul Le Fevre by William Caxton, c. 1477, edited by John Munro, London, Early English Text Society (Early English Texts. Extra series, 111), 1913, viii + 199 p.
Traductions modernes
Hellinga, Lotte, « The History of Jason: from manuscripts for the Burgundian court to printed books for readers in the towns of Holland », Texts in Transit: Manuscript to Proof and Print in the Fifteenth Century, Leiden, Brill, 2014, p. 304-365.