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Dicunt scripture

Œuvre de John Gower


Date:XIVe siècle
Forme:8 vers
Texte complet (éd. Yeager):Dicunt scripture memorare novissima vite;
pauper ab hoc mundo transiet omnis homo.
Dat fortuna status varios, natura set omnes
fine suo claudit, cunctaque morte rapit.
Post mortem pauci qui nunc reputantur amici
sunt memores anime; sis memor ergo tue:
da, dum tempus habes, tibi propria sit manus heres;
auferet hoc nemo, quod dabis ipse Deo.
  1. Glasgow, University Library, Hunter, T. 2. 17, f. 132r (G)
  2. London, British Library, Cotton, Tiberius A. IV, f. 176r (C)
  3. London, British Library, Harley, 6291 (H)
  4. San Marino (USA), Huntington Library, HM 150, f. 190v (E)
    Ms. dit Ecton, qui appartenait à la famille Sotheby.
Éditions anciennes
Éditions modernes
  • The Complete Works of John Gower, edited from the manuscripts with introductions, notes and glossaries by G. C. Macaulay, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1899-1902, 4 t. (ici t. 4, p. 368) [GB: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4] [IA: t. 1, t. 2, t. 3, t. 4]
  • John Gower, The Minor Latin Works, edited and translated by R. F. Yeager; with In Praise of Peace, edited by Michael Livingston, Kalamazoo, Medieval Institute Publications (Middle English Texts Series), 2005, vii + 139 p. [lib.rochester.edu]
Traductions modernes
  • en anglais:
    • Yeager et Livingston 2005 (voir sous Éditions modernes)
Permalien: https://arlima.net/no/9227

Voir aussi:
> Wikidata: Q125373427
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